Magic Love Ring

Chapter 887

Chapter 887

In the bamboo forest, it was dark, but song Yan walked calmly and naturally. Even if he didn't need to see through the magic, he could see the night as the day when he reached the golden realm.

After a while, song Yan came to the wooden house again.


when the wooden door opened, the all sky martial god in a plain skirt walked out slowly and leaned slightly: "I have seen your majesty."

"There is no need for teachers to be polite. Please get up."

Song Yanmai takes a step forward and holds Tongtian Wushen's arms. Although he is separated by a layer of clothes, song Yanmai is still sensitive to capture the delicate skin under the clothes.

Three years ago, song Yan taught Peiyuan Scripture to Tongtian Wushen. Although she was busy compiling the martial arts volume, she did not delay her cultivation. Now her fairy cultivation has reached the late stage of foundation building.

Under the nourishment of Zhenyuan, the younger she is, the younger she is. Now she looks like a girl in her twenties and eighties. Especially because of the cultivation of the immortal cultivation, she has added a breath of worldliness, which is more and more precious.

"Thank you, my Lord."

Tongtian Wushen pulls back her arms and says that her cheeks are slightly red in the dark.

"Your Majesty, come in."


Song Yan nodded and stepped into the hut.

These years, although he is busy with state affairs, he has come here several times, which is quite familiar.

"I hope your majesty doesn't blame this place for its simplicity."

Tongtian Wushen poured a cup of tea and handed it to song Yan.

Song Yan took the cup, but their fingers touched each other casually. For a while, they both felt electric shock. Song Yan took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "Guo Shi, I said that we don't need to see foreign students like this. There is no foreign person here. You can call me Huang Liang."

"Your Majesty laughs." Light way of the God of martial arts.

Song Yan is a very sensitive person to emotion. After several years of contact, he is not sure whether Tongtian Wushen falls in love with him or not, but it is certain that he has a good feeling. Otherwise, he will not invite him to her cottage for tea in the middle of the night. So he asked with a smile, "by the way, what's your name, national teacher? I have known you for several years, and I don't know your name. It's really disrespectful to hear song Yan"


Song Yan nodded: "it's really a good name, people like their names, like stars in the sky, cold and noble."

"Your Majesty is flattered."

Tongtian Wushen is still light, but there is a joy in his eyes, which is not concealed from Song Yan's eyes.

So song Yan said again, "in this way, I will call you the national teacher in front of others. As for the absence of outsiders, I will call you heavenly star."

"let your majesty be happy."

Hearing this, song Yan's face sank on purpose: "Tianxing, the name I call directly, why do you call me your majesty? In this way, you'd better call me Huang Liang. If you really can't call me Liang brother, just call me Liang brother."

here, song Yan's eyes flashed a bit of fun and flirtation.

"Good brother"

there is a flash of anger in Tongtian Wushen's eyes: "I am much older than you, how can I call you brother"

"you can't say that."

While talking, song Yan took out a glass mirror from the storage ring, and then pointed it at Tongtian Wushen's face: "look at yourself, what's in the mirror is a girl in her twenties and eighties, beautiful as a flower, and beautiful as a city."

"this" looked at the beautiful appearance in the mirror, and listened to the praise, Tongtian Wushen's face could not help blushing, but she said "Your Majesty, please respect yourself"

"I'm honest. Is it wrong?" Song Yan stared at Tongtian Wushen with a hot look in his eyes.

Feeling the heat in his eyes, Tongtian Wushen felt that his heart was scalded, and subconsciously stepped back two steps: "Your Majesty, it's late, please go back."

It's just that song Yan, who is a master of flirting, can't see when it's hot. At the moment, Tongtian Wushen is in a state of confusion. As a man, he naturally needs to be brave and help her to make a choice. So, he followed up the first two steps and caught Tongtian Wushen's small hands. He whispered: "Tianxing, you are so beautiful"

hearing this, Tongtian Wushen God is a little confused, a little happy, more panic, just like the frightened deer, want to break away from Song Yan's palm, but unfortunately, song Yan is too tight to give her a chance to pull away.

Of course, if she stirs up the real Qi, she can still get rid of it, but at the moment, she obviously forgot about this.

Song Yan suddenly put his cheek in front of Tongtian Wushen and stared at the flawless cheek. He said obsessively, "Tianxing, do you like me?"


Tongtian Wushen felt that her head exploded in a flash, and she was confused, as if she had become a wooden person who could not think. She had been under the master's door since she was five years old and devoted herself to the cultivation. But in the past few hundred years, she spent most of her time in the cultivation and had little contact with the outside world. Therefore, in terms of emotion, she is still a piece of white paper, so she behaved so badly.Seeing the appearance of Tongtian Wushen, song Yan knew that things had basically become. He lowered his head slightly, caught the two thin and moist lips and tasted them carefully.

Feel the numbness coming from the lips, the eyes of Tongtian Wushen suddenly stare round, and the brain just sobered up becomes a paste again.

Song Yan chuckled and put Tongtian Wushen in her arms. At the same time, her flexible tongue began to wander between her lips.

With his teasing, Tongtian Wushen opened the closed jaws.

Seeing the right time, song Yan's tongue suddenly squeezed in from the teeth, and immediately hit the Yellow Dragon, capturing the sweet tongue.


at this moment, Tongtian Wushen felt like his soul was out of the body, floating and floating, and came to the cloud

to see Tongtian Wushen behave so badly, song Yan was very proud, and began to walk on her with both hands.

Finally, when song Yan's hands were about to climb the two jade peaks, Tongtian Wushen suddenly came back to him and pushed song Yan away.

"What's the matter"

Song Yan looks at her wrongly.

"We are not fit."

"Where is not suitable"

Tongtian Wushen said: "age"

"I don't care."

Song Yan insisted, because he knew that at this time, he must not hesitate a little, because at this moment, Tongtian martial god is in the most sensitive and tangled time.

"But if it comes out, it will affect your reputation." Tongtian Wushen said again.

"Whoever dares to chew his tongue, I will kill him." Song Yan's extremely aggressive way.

"Can you kill all the people in the world?" Tongtian Wushen sneered.

"I don't want to kill all the people in the world for your sake." Song Yan said without hesitation, but he knew that this sentence was a boast, but he also knew that it was very harmful to women.

As expected, Tongtian Wushen's eyes moistened as soon as he said this, because she thought of the scene that song Yan took the initiative to block the knife for her in order to save her a few years ago. Then, her eyes became softer and more affectionate. She took the initiative to walk in front of song Yan and said: "since then, I am Tianxing, no longer Tongtian Wushen"
: sanguine

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