Magic Love Ring

Chapter 997

Chapter 997

In the same way, there was a similar situation in the Jiang family and the sun family, because the three Tianchen people were all in their own families, so this matter was soon reported to the head of the family.


After receiving this news, Tianlong, as the head of the family, was stunned a little. Someone dared to attack his children. Was it because Tianjia had been too low-key these years.

"Let me check the whereabouts of Tianchen."

It's still very efficient to investigate a person's whereabouts with the influence of Tianjia. Soon, the man who was sent to investigate Tianchen came back to report: "tell the master, young master Tianchen and Sun Tao of jianglisun's family went to the mass city of No. 10 natural star today!"

A move in the heart, Tianlong dials Jiang Liansheng, the master of Jiang's family: "Laojiang, I ask you, is your family's Jiangli OK?"

"My soul in the river is broken. I'm afraid it's more dangerous and less fortunate!" Jiang Liansheng said in a deep voice with anger in his voice.

"Tianchen, my second brother's son, has broken his soul plate. I just sent someone to investigate. They went to the mass city of No. 10 natural star with Sun Tao of the sun family. Now I'll ask the old sun to see if his Sun Tao is OK."

Hang up. Tianlong is calling sun Hongtian, the head of sun's family. Unexpectedly, the other party called ahead: "God, there is something wrong with Sun Tao in my family. I found out that he was with your Tianchen. Is your Tianchen OK?"

"Tianchen's soul plate has been broken, and the river's soul plate has also been broken!" Tianlong said word by word.

"Who is so bold to move our three children at the same time?" Sun Hong said angrily, "if you let me know, you have to cut him alive!"

"Don't worry. Tianfeng is working on the 10th natural star. I'll contact him first and ask what's going on." josei

Soon, Tianlong got in touch with Tianfeng.

"Five younger brothers, do you know about Tianchen?" Tianlong asked in a deep voice

"He was arrested by the special police of mass city. I've sent Lou Tianjun to deal with it. How? This little thing has shocked you, brother." Tianfeng is quite relaxed.

In the tone of Tianlong's voice, he was a little annoyed: "the soul of Tianchen is broken! More than that, the soul pendants of Jiang Li and Sun Tao who walked with him were also broken! "

"It's impossible, isn't it?" Tianfeng was very surprised: "how could someone hurt them in a small mass city? Besides, loutianjun should have arrived early. With him, even the powerful at the level of God of war could not threaten them."

Tianlong thought for a moment and said: "you call loutianjun right away to ask what's going on? If it is necessary, you can go there yourself! "

Mass City SWAT base, cell.

A telephone rang, and loutianjun took out a look. It was Tianfeng.

"Master, it's from Tianfeng. Do you want to take it or not?"

Song Yan's heart moved. It was the so-called Mountain High Emperor far away. Tianfeng controlled all the military power of the tenth natural star. If he was controlled, even if Tianjia knew, he would not be able to do anything.

Thinking of this, he quickly explained to Lou Tianjun.

Then, Lou Tianjun answered the phone: "Hello, chief, I'm Xiaolou!"

"Small building, I ask you, have you come to mass now?" Tianfeng asked in a poor tone.

"Here it is!"

"How were they that day?" Tianfeng continues to ask.

"This This...! " The emperor of the building is hesitating.

"What's the matter? Hurry up!" Tianfeng urged.

Lou Tianjun said uneasily, "I'm not good enough to protect them. They just got attacked by the rebels and fell into a state of dizziness!"

"Bastard, how do you protect them!" Tianfeng said angrily.

"It's all my fault, please punish me!" Lou Tianjun pleads guilty.

"Hum! Where are they now? " Tianfeng asked again.

"I'm going to take them to the military hospital in Tianyang district for treatment!" Lou Tianjun said.

"Send them directly to Tiandi District, remember, at the fastest speed!"


After hanging up, Lou Tianjun asked song Yan, "master, are we going to send the three of them to Tiandi district now?"

"Send, naturally!"

Song Yan said with a smile that someone sent pillows when he was sleepy. In the current situation, Tianchen three people were "dizzy". That Tianfeng would show up. As soon as he showed up, he could enslave him.

Outside the prison, soldiers of the guard regiment and Gao Sen and Liang Shuangquan are waiting anxiously.

Suddenly, loutianjun's voice rang out in a communication device of the soldiers of the police Regiment: "three people came in."

Three soldiers of the guard regiment came in at the command. After a while, they came out carrying one of them.

"Sir, what's the matter with them?"

Lou Tianjun looked at him coldly: "don't ask more about what you shouldn't ask.""Yes!"

Liang Shuangquan's expression stagnated.

"Go to Tiandi district!"

A moment later, a military vehicle rose to the sky and flew towards the emperor.

The ninth military hospital in Tiandi district was under martial law ten minutes ago.

At the same time, the best doctors in the military hospital put down their work and went on standby.


There was a roar in the sky. Then, a military vehicle came down from the sky and landed in front of the military academy.

One of the military vehicles opened, Lou Tianjun walked down quickly from the top, and then quickly came to Tianfeng and made a military salute: "good sir!"

Lou Tianjun knows that in his capacity, it is impossible for Tianfeng to wait in front of the hospital gate.

Sure enough, Tianfeng said in a cold voice, "people."

"It's all in the car!" Lou Tianjun said.

"Take action!"


As soon as Tianfeng's voice fell, the medical staff behind him moved quickly, lifted Tianchen three people from the military car, and put them in the medical car to the emergency room.

Emergency room.

Tianfeng was waiting for him. After a while, a gray middle-aged man walked out of the emergency room and came to Tianfeng. He said in a low voice, "chief executive, all three of them have been severely mentally forbidden. I can't solve it with my strength!"

"You are a four-star spiritual master, and you can't untie it?" Tianfeng was surprised.

The other nodded: "yes! The mental prohibition in their minds is extremely mysterious, almost unseen and unheard of. Apart from the person who has set the prohibition, even the five-star spiritual master is afraid of it! "

Hearing this, Tianfeng's face became more solemn: "are you sure?"

The other party nodded.

With the affirmation of the other side, Tianfeng's heart sank completely, and the five-star spiritual teachers are absolutely rare. For Tianjia, as one of the three families in the federal Empire, the five-star spiritual teachers in the family are only three or five.

Now even the general five-star spiritual master can't lift their spiritual prohibition. Then, how powerful will the enemy be?

[author's extraneous remarks]: second watch

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