Magic Love Ring

Chapter 998

Chapter 998

Eleven natural star, battle area B, Nanming City, a luxurious villa.

Jiang Fantian is playing with a beautiful woman in his arms. Suddenly, there is an unreal figure in the room. josei

The illusory figure fell to his knees and said respectfully, "Your Highness, Jiang Er has been brought back, but his system has been deprived."

Smell speech, Jiang Fantian eyebrows slightly a pick, narrow eyes suddenly flashed a trace of killing meaning: "bring him in to see me."


Soon, Jiang ER was brought in.

"Poo Tong!"

Jiang Er fell to his knees and said with a pale face, "Your Highness, I have your expectation. I should die for my sin!"

"You really deserve it! But the one who robs your system is even more damned. Who, say, robs your system? " Jiang Fantian said in a cold voice.

"Your Highness doesn't know who that man is!" Jiang Er Yi said bitterly: "his subordinates were catching another host, but they were attacked by that person, and then they robbed my system!"


Jiang Fantian kicked it out, and immediately, Jiang Er flew out and fell to the ground heavily.

Jiang Er got up and kowtowed desperately: "Your Highness, spare your life!"

"Don't you have stars to measure arithmetic? Why don't you know who that man is?" "Or have you betrayed me?" Jiang asked with a sneer

"Your Highness, how dare you betray me!" Jiang Erlian hurried, but his heart was in a state of turmoil. If Jiang Fantian knew that he had betrayed him, he would surely die without burial.

"is there a betrayal? Not you has the final say, come on, let ginger meet me!"


The phantom disappeared.

Jiang Fantian seemed to say to himself and to say to Jiang Er, "Jiang Jiu was accepted by the king after you left. She has a magic power called" time retrospective ". As long as you use this magic power, you can see who has deprived your system!"

Hearing this, Jiang Er could not help trembling in his heart, but he still said: "that's naturally the best. I hope my subordinates can find out the person who deprived my system!"

"Is it?"

Jiang Fantian's eyes are full of thought.

Soon, a young girl in a green robe and a gem staff came in and bowed to Jiang Fan and said, "Jiang Jiu has seen your highness."

Jiang Fantian said lazily, "Jiang Jiu, Jiang er's system has been robbed, but he doesn't know who robbed it. You can use time to go back to him and see who that guy is, and dare to attack my people!"

"Yes, your highness!"

Jiang nine nodded, and then began to chant the mantra in her mouth. Then, the staff in her hand pointed to Jiang er. Suddenly, a piece of image appeared on Jiang er's head.

These images began yesterday.

Time goes back and forth. Finally, there is a picture of Jiang Er trapped Xu Gao in the border. Then, a handsome man breaks into the border, and then

The image disappears, and Jiang Jiu's face is a little pale.

And Jiang Fantian's eyes to Jiang Er have a killing chance: "Jiang Er, if you explain the whereabouts of that person, my king will spare you!"

"Kill me!"

Jiang Er looks pale.

"What? Don't you want to tell this king when you are dying, you know, that man has robbed your system of enemies! " Jiang Fantian said angrily.

"Ha ha, don't say more, kill me!"

Jiang er said with a sad smile, not that he didn't want to say it, but that he had a puppet talisman in his mind. As long as he dared to think disrespectfully of his master, the puppet talisman would explode and take his life.

All of a sudden, Jiang Fantian clapped his hands and laughed: "it's interesting that he has deprived your system, and you are willing to die for him. Well, my king won't kill you first, and then slowly make you after catching that guy!"

"Thank you for not killing your highness!" Ginger two light way.

Soon, Jiang ER was taken down, and the illusory figure appeared again.

"Jiang Yi, you go to the main star, and you must find that guy for me. By the way, the boy captured by Jiang Er should know some clues. You can try from him!"


The phantom nodded, and then drifted away.

10th nature star, emergency room of 9th military hospital.

After listening to his four-star spiritual master Han Xing's guess, Tianfeng decides to call Lou Tianjun to ask about the specific situation at that time.

The dean's office became Tianfeng's temporary office.


Tianfeng knocks on the door and enters. Then he salutes Tianfeng on the chair: "I have seen the general manager."

"Don't be polite. Tell me the details of today!"

"I don't think it's necessary to speak!"

A sudden voice sounded, then, the figure of a flash, there are more beautiful young people in the office.

Out of nowhere?Blink?

Tianfeng and the two behind him were surprised.

"You are the Raider?"

Tianfeng is worthy of being the highest military officer of a planet. He soon calmed down and asked looking at Song Yan.

"No!" Song Yan smiled and shook his head: "I'm not the sneaker, because they are willing to be dizzy by me!"

Suddenly, song Yan looked at the gray middle-aged man standing behind Tianfeng.


At a glance, the other side spits out a mouthful of blood.

"Old Han, what's the matter with you?" Asked Tianfeng in surprise.

"Chief, I want to hypnotize him. As a result, hypnosis will not be backfired!" Han Xing said with a wry smile.

Hearing this, Tianfeng is shocked. Han Xing is the spiritual master at the top of four stars. He will soon break through to five stars. He wants to hypnotize a person, even if the God of war cannot escape. Now, he hypnotizes a person, not only fails, but instead spits blood, which shows how powerful the young man's spiritual power is.


At this time, another man standing behind Tianfeng burst into a fist at Song Yan.

"Out of measure!"

Song Yan disdains a smile, bends his fingers and hits the middle-aged Dantian like a blink of an eye. Then, with a muffled hum, he falls to the ground with a big bang. He can't get up again with convulsions.

Seeing this scene, Tian Feng's eyes narrowed. Han Xing was the spiritual master of the four-star peak, and the other was the master of the seventh level of Ares.

Let Korean star be backfired and defeat the level 7 master of Ares in one move.

What kind of monster is this? He has cultivated his mental and physical skills so much.

"How about you? Do you want to try it?" Song Yan looks at Tianfeng and asks.

"No more!" Tianfeng shakes his head: "although I have the strength of Ares level 8, you can defeat Ares level 7 in one move. Therefore, your cultivation has surpassed ares level 8. Knowing that you will lose, there is no point in starting!"

"You are not a bad man!" Song Yan said with a smile.

"Tell me what you mean!" Tianfeng road.

"You will soon know!"

As soon as the voice falls, song Yan takes a step, and then points out on Tianfeng's eyebrow.

[author's extraneous remarks]: sanguine

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