Magical Academy: Rise of the Supreme Magic Craftsman

Chapter 242 - Celestial ( Part 3 )

Chapter 242 - Celestial ( Part 3 )

Avery was sure that after she went missing, the previous hideouts she was aware of will be abandoned and all other facilities of the organization she knows would either stop completely or be sold to different legal organizations. 

It was a normal action considering that they were also not aware of the hidden power possessed by the Heart's Grimoire.

They might even be thinking that she was truly captured by the headmaster and never went missing with him. It can be considered as a ploy by the Lucent Force to root out the other members. 

"...I don't think they will encounter any Celestial in their way here."

Avery suddenly perked up her ears as she listened to the two's conversation. She wasn't ignorant about the existence of Celestial Beings but she knows too little about them.

It can't be helped since most of the information about them came from the hints given by the twenty-four survivors of the first grand expedition. 

As she listens to them, she realized that the person she brought here wasn't a simple man.

The only introduction he gave to her was that he was associated with the Cloud Hawk's Manor at the Capital and he was currently lost. 

Since she was a member of a criminal organization that sought the power of the Celestials, she had learned the list of notable organizations ruling the country aside from the government's military.

One of the small but dreadful power was the Cloud Hawk Manor which houses hundreds of Adepts, dozens of Arcane Artificers, five Arcanists, one Sage, and one Grand Arcanist in their midst.

It was small considering that the other Clans has more Sages who focused on combat. But the existence of one Grand Arcanist can equal to several dozen of Sages because of their power to create many things. They are the magicians closest to becoming a Supreme Magic Craftsman.


Avery heard Percival calling the man's name and realized that she had truly underestimated this person.

 "There's really no escape here, huh..."

She still has plans of escaping in case there was a chance but with this person's existence, she might as well comply with the headmaster's words to avoid being taught a lesson. With that in mind, she joined their conversation. 

"Sir, I didn't realize you are the respectable Grand Arcanist. Please, forgive my rudeness..."

Percival heard Avery utter such words and he gets a bit curious about this girl's plans. 

"It's fine. Don't worry about it."

Slaine answered as she nodded at the lady's politeness.

"Thank you, Sir Slaine. May I ask something about the Celestial Beings?"


"But Sir--"

Percival wanted to stop the Grand Arcanist but the latter just waved his hand so he can only wait for Avery to ask her questions. 

"Are they natives of this continent?".

"Not sure... But they existed longer than your master, the one who gave you the Heart's Grimoire..."

Avery was stunned by hearing his accusations but she quickly gathers her thoughts as she rebuked the Grand Arcanist's words.

"She's not my master. She's an employer... That's entirely different..."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. Anyway, I heard from your conversation that Aeolia might be hiding in here..."

Avery wanted to avoid that conversation as she had even accidentally confirmed the existence behind her power. She was too surprised by this man's words and it felt like he knows her completely.

"It's not guaranteed since I only have clues..."

"So you really think he's alive? Is he one of those Celestials?"

"He should be alive... That man was tougher than what everyone has thought. And I don't think that he's a Celestial as well, you will understand once you've seen a real one."

Slaine was not bothered by her questions so Percival just let her be. Anyway, this woman won't be out of his sight anymore.

"Are they strong?"

"The Celestials? Yes... Hmmm... I think that's enough. I already rested for a while. I should continue going deeper."

Percival nodded and lead the man on the path they have previously taken. It leads going deeper on this site and he can only pray that this Grand Arcanist would be able to find the mysterious man.

Now that he learned what he was aiming for going to this continent, he wanted him to succeed and help humanity strengthen for the sake of the future.


"I don't think we know that someone you're looking for..."

Wallace answered the Celestial Being he identified as not problematic. He was expecting that those problematic Celestials that the A.I. meant would just probably attack them on sight and would not converse like these. But his telepathic form of communication can really cause a headache.

"Mhmm... That's weird..."

The Celestials trusted their senses a lot and they would not normally get mistaken.

Soon, the being tried to probe them.

It flicked its fingers and the next thing they know was that they were thrown away as they crashed in the nearby trees and rocks. Hannah was injured with a broken right arm. Clint was also not in good condition as his head got smashed in a nearby rock.josei


Elaine vomited a mouthful of blood as she almost canceled the blood tracking spell.

It would be real trouble if the spell loses its effects now.

Everyone else understood this so even though Yumi was also hurting after being thrown to a nearby trunk of a tree, she worriedly looked at Elaine to confirm that she was still conscious.

Yumi then glanced at Wallace who was also struggling to stand up. There was no visible injury on his body but it can be seen that he was wobbly standing on his feet.

"Well, it seems that I'm mistaken..."

The Celestial was seemingly disappointed about the result of the test. The figure even slowly walked to them and it seems to be planning something.

'Crap... Another one of those and they might take serious injuries...'

Wallace can only protect himself and he really didn't take that much damage and he only acted in hopes of making this Celestial unguarded to his surprise attack if necessary.

'But what was this guy's looking for-- Wait, Maybe...'

"Your eminence..."

Wallace didn't know how to call the being so he only tried calling him this. He started to talk as the existence might try that attack one more time and finish them off. He was now sure that this one was actually a problematic Celestial or probably reaching that state. Seeing that there was no reaction, he continued.

"We've seen one of your kinds bathing under the lake in that direction. Your eminence can probably reach that place in a few minutes... I am unsure whether they're the ones you're looking for..."

Wallace pointed in the direction they avoided as he prayed that this guy would leave them already.

"Hmm... I don't think that they're the one I'm looking for but I would like to meet one of my kind..."

The Celestial answered slowly and thought for a few seconds. Wallace gulped as he waited for this being to disappear from his sight. The five seconds it took to decide felt like an eternity. Elaine, Hannah, and Clint needed quick medical attention!

Luckily, his prayers were answered as the Celestial floated and disappeared like he was never there. The blocked mana was also removed and they can already feel the surrounding mana flooding their location. 

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