Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 113

Chapter 113: Dishing Out Punishments Part Three

"He what!?" The King's face turned red in anger. He walked over to my good for nothing father and swiftly kicked him in the gut. He then turned to me and his expressions eased up but only by a little. "I can agree to your conditions. But I will have to revoke Baron Lancaster's title and seize his property."

My face sank. If he revoked the property, where was Kyle going to live! I thought for a moment and quickly came up with an idea. If all else fails, waterworks will prevail! My eyes began to water up as my lower lip began to pout. "So you mean… My brother and I will be homeless beggars living on the street? We will never have a place to call home except for the dumpster by the tavern? Are we doomed to eat rotten food that we find in the trash? That would mean I could never marry Able… To think two children who had nothing to do with their father's misdeeds would be given such a cruel fate by the king who rules this land… I guess I will have to work hard to become powerful enough so that not even the king will be able to say anything even if I wanted to take back my old home to wash away the shame this kingdom had placed on me and my dear brother…"

The king was taken aback by my sudden waterworks. I could see out of the corner of my eye Ruth giggling away. Able and Alissa were trying to comfort me. As I hung my head down and sobbed I finally heard Ruth speak up. "Little Heartman, what part of my son's financee did you not understand?" 

"What!? Huh!?" The King suddenly had cold sweat dripping down his back. Luckily I had my head at an angle where he could not see my sneaky sly smile. Inside I was patting myself on the back for my performance just now. "I, uh, well… Let's just pass the baron title to his son, Lady Lancaster's brother then..." The King had no choice, he had a great force weighing down on him called Ruth.

I raised my head with a bright smile and wiped my eyes. "I knew the king of our kingdom was benevolent and kind! He would never just toss two children out on their own. Now if only we could get some reliable people to help teach my dear brother how to manage a household that would make the situation even more perfect!" 

The King looked at me gripping his fist but quickly looked at Ruth, before letting out a sigh. " I will send people to assist him and teach him how to manage a household. Is there anything else?" 

"Two more things. First, Able and I have gathered all the documents we could find in his office and would like to turn them over to you. Please have your people go through them and return anything that belongs to the Baron estate. We did not know what was what but if there were other crimes or miss deeds my good for nothing father committed I wish for them to be all out in the open. As well as to make it public that it was Kyle Lancaster who discovered his father's crimes and was the one to report it. This should make passing the baron title down to Kyle easier, right?" I said as Able and I began emptying out our inventories in front of everyone leaving a mountain of papers on the floor. I saw the king hold his head, I am sure he had a major headache by now.

"Yes, this will be fine, and your other request?" The king quickly replied. I could tell he was in a hurry to get out of here.

"Lastly, please charge Reed Lancaster with the crime of attempted murder to the fullest extent of the law. He also may have had a hand in my good for nothing father's criminal activities as well.'' With these words, Reed Lancaster who was still in the nude was tossed on the floor next to the now ex-Baron Lancaster.

"I will see to it. I will send someone with my findings as soon as things are settled. If there is nothing else I will take my leave." The King replied. Ruth did not even say goodbye and just waved to Grandpa Lux to see him out. And with this, the place this body called home would now see better days. josei

Kyle who was standing in the room watching everything in disbelief still seemed shocked by everything that had just happened. I smiled and walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder. "Kyle, I hope you become a fine baron. Do not take after that good for nothing father of ours. Please respect women. They are powerful enough to over through a country if they need to."

"Rei… You can count on me. As your brother, I will not let you down!" Kyle finally put on a smile and replied. It was good to see him back to normal. 

"Marsil, please heal his wounds. I still have one more thing to talk to mom privately about." I said as I turned around. It was time I figured out what to do about Alissa. I wanted to discuss my options with Ruth since I never had to deal with such a thing before. Alissa left the room with Marsil and Kyle but as Able was leaving I grabbed him by his hand and said: "Able you stay too."

There was only one other chair in the room so I had Able sit first before sitting in his lap. Ruth looked at me warmly and asked: "Rei, dear what is bothering you?" 

"Mom I need advice on how to handle Alissa."


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