Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 114

Chapter 114: Alissa Part One

"Oh? Why is that?" Ruth smiled and asked me.

"Well, it's like this. I see Alissa as my best friend and I love her as such. But She has feelings for me beyond just friendship which hurts her when she sees me with Able. I do not wish to hurt her at all and I do not want to lose her as my friend. I love Able, and nothing is going to change that and I am not going to be breaking up with him either. So I am at a loss as to what to do. How do I keep Alissa from being hurt all the time when she sees me with Able?" I asked. I did not wish to hurt Alissa at all. I wanted her to be my friend no matter what. She was very important to me.

"Isn't it simple?" Ruth said tilting her head to the side, staring at me.

"What do you mean?" Now I was confused. Why would it be simple? There was nothing simple about my situation right now!

I watched as Ruth let out a sigh before saying: "Rei, you are a very kind soul. You care about many things. Even with the punishment for the princess, you were easy on her and even had someone be with her to protect her. Venessa as well. You left it all up to the adults. But there are also times when you can be very firm in your decisions. Like how you handled Sara. Here you have two options. You can either give up being friends with Alissa which I highly doubt you will ever do or you can accept her feelings and take her as your concubine. Now I am not saying you need to do something like have sex with her or anything but you can keep your relationship simple and just give her a kiss every so often. That girl is confused as well and I know that she is in love with you. Hell, she even came to me and asked if she can be your concubine. I told her as long as she does not get in the way of you and Able, I will allow her to do as she pleases. I think Alissa is a good girl. Now the choice is up to you. If you take her in as a concubine she can move in tonight. She can stay in your room for now until we have a room set up for her. Just let me know when you decide." 

Ruth's words really slammed into me like truck-kun. But what Ruth said did make sense. I did not wish to hurt Alissa and I did not want to stop being her friend. If she became my concubine that would mean I would need to at least give her kisses just like I do with Able… Question was… Can I do that? Can I really bring myself to kiss another girl? I looked over at Able looking for answers. He smiled at me and kissed my lips then said: "Do what you want to do. I do not mind if you take Alissa as a concubine. But just know that my love is only for you. I will not touch that thieving cat."

I couldn't help but laugh as I hugged Able. I decided. I was not sure if I could kiss Alissa or not, but if I was able to at least make it, so I was not breaking her heart, then I will accept her. I just know things are going to be a bit weird from now on. Not for them, but for me. I mean I will have to kiss another girl! "Alright, I will go talk with her. Mom, Able, thank you. This was something that had been bothering me for a long time."

"Rei, dear, anytime you need to talk, I am always here willing to listen, no matter what time of day it is." Ruth said with a smile. I got up off Able's lap and walked over to her and gave her a hug. "Thanks, mom!" Ruth's hugs were always so warm.


After Rei left the room to go find Alissa, only Ruth and Able were left. "So, are you okay with this?"

"What do you mean?" Able asked.

"She will be bringing that girl in as a concubine. Are you okay with her attention going elsewhere? Able, I know you wish to let her do everything she wants but if something bothers you, you must speak out." Ruth said. She knew she was the one who gave Rei this idea but she also wanted to get her son to tell her how he truly felt.

"No, this is fine. You see Rei treasures her friends. Alissa and her get along well. Although she is a thieving cat, she treats Rei like a goddess. She truly loves Rei. Now if this was a guy that we were talking about, I would not allow it. But I do not think Rei will ever do that to me. Rei loves me and I love her. If she can save her friendship with someone that I can trust to protect Rei if it was ever needed, then it's fine. As I see it, nothing will really change with Alissa around. Although Rei may give her a kiss every now and then. It won't change the fact that Alissa will still cling to her arm. Which happens now anyway." Able explained. He had no issues with Rei and Alissa being a bit more than friends. Mainly because Alissa can't impregnate his wife! 

"Alright, as long as you are fine with it. I will have Lutz send people to prepare a room for her. It should be done in a few days." 


I walked into my room to find Emily, Marsil, and Alissa sitting on the couch talking. I felt bad for interrupting the little chat but I needed to do this now before I lost my nerve. "Emily, Marsil, can you two leave for a bit, I need to speak to Alissa alone." 

"Sure." "Yes, Young Miss." josei

The two gave a small bow before leaving the room. I then sat down next to Alissa who seemed to be very nervous right now. "Alissa, I do not like seeing you hurt. I know me being with Able hurts you. But I love Able and always will. I will marry him and have kids with him in the future. I will be his wife."

"Mmm… I know but… I can't stop my feelings for you!"


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