Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 115

Chapter 115: Alissa Part Two

I watched as Alissa began to tear up and my heart hurt. I reached out and pulled Alissa into a hug. "Alissa I know this. This is why I talked to Mom and Able. To ask for advice on how to handle the situation. I do not want to lose my friend or hurt her nor do I wish to leave Able since I love him. Alissa… I am not sure how good I can be to you and to be honest, I had never even thought of being with another girl. But I can not see my best friend look hurt when you are with me when I kiss or have intimate actions with Able. But in order to protect my friendship and allow you to know I do not wish to ever ignore your feelings for me, I am willing to take you as my concubine..." 

Alissa looked up at me, her surprised expression said it all. "Rei, do really mean it? You are willing to take me as your concubine?"

"Mmm… But like I said I have never thought of being with another girl. Never even dreamed it. But if it is a kiss here and there when we are alone I do not mind giving it a try..." Oh god, I could feel my face heating up. Just talking about such things was embarrassing. I mean this was me, talking about kissing another girl, and Alissa the female lead of Magical Love at that! I am starting to think I am actually dreaming. First, it was Able, the character I loved the most, and now Alissa. What was next? Would Jeremy become my slave? 

"Rei!" Alissa smiled brightly and jumped right on me knocking me back on the couch. She was once again the same old Alissa. She rubbed her cheek against mine for a few minutes before lifting her head and looking down at me. The position we were in was a bit embarrassing. I mean her knee was between my legs and she had an arm on each side of my shoulders holding herself up. Her hair draped down over her shoulder and a few strands touched my nose tickling it ever so slightly.

Our eyes met and to be honest, my heart was beating really fast right now. Alissa was very beautiful, to begin with, so you can't fault me for blushing. Alissa's lips parted as she asked: "Rei, can I?"

I knew what she was asking and not wanting to disappoint her I nodded my head. She smiled and lowered her head causing our lips to touch. And I will be completely honest here. This did not feel as weird as I thought it would. I reached up and wrapped my arms around Alissa's neck, and parted my lips to give her access to my mouth. Since it was already happening I might as well just go all out. Alissa took my hint and slipped her tongue in my mouth. Our tongues intertwined.

We kissed like that for a few minutes before Alissa pulled away. Her face was flushed but I could feel mine was completely red. Alissa sat up and touched her lips with her fingers and smiled softly. "So we are now?"

I sat up as well feeling a bit awkward since our relationship had just jumped from being friends to going straight to the moon. I tried my best to compose myself and said: "You are now my consort. But remember I am still Able's fiancee and will marry him in the future." 

"I know. I won't get in your two's way. I just want you to at least leave a bit of time for me as well." Alissa said softly while fidgeting.

"This I can promise. Come, we will go to talk to mom. She said something about you moving in right away." I smiled and reached out my hand to Alissa who smiled back and took it. We then went down to the main hall where Ruth was still there sipping on tea. I guess she had been waiting on me.

Ruth's gaze fell on us as we walked into the main hall holding hands. She nodded her head and smiled. "It seems you have worked it out. And?"

"Mom, I will be taking Alissa as my concubine..." I answered. I then waited to see what she would have to say.

"Okay, I already have Lutz working on getting Alissa a room set. Alissa will stay in your room for the time being. After which she will sleep in her own room unless it is her night to spend time with you. Do you understand?" Ruth explained. But her explanation somewhat confused me. What did she mean by Alissa's night to spend time with me?

"Mom what..." I went to ask but Ruth raised her hand cutting me off.

"You are Able's fiancee first and foremost. Although the two of you are girls she is now your concubine. This makes her your wife. I do not mind her staying in your room with you for the next few nights until her room is finished, but after that, she will not be allowed to sleep in your room more than twice a week, understood?" Now I get it. So Ruth was worried about Alissa abusing the fact that she is female and Able getting jealous if I allowed Alissa to stay in my room every night. This much I knew already. To be honest, I kind of wish I could spend a night or two with Able. The past six months I was able to snuggle up next to him inside the dungeon was quite nice. I was not sure how Ruth would react but I decided to ask if I could or not.

"Umm, mom… Can Able have a night or two as well?" I asked and then explained that it was nothing inappropriate other than being able to sleep next to him. I just never expected her next reaction.josei

She stood up with a huge smile on her face and clapped her hands "Rei, Dear, that is an amazing idea! Looks Like my wish for a grandchild will come sooner than I thought! I must go prepare!"

"No Mom, I didn't mean it like that!" I tried reaching out to try to stop her but Ruth ran off with some sort of plan in mind. 

I looked over at Alissa who let out a laugh and patted my back. "Rei, don't worry, I will help you raise the kids." 

"You too!? I am not even of age yet!"


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