Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 116

Chapter 116: Alissa Part Three

The rest of my day was hectic as I had to chase Ruth around and explain things until she finally calmed down. I felt kind of bad when she looked at me with her sad expression but I did promise to make her a grandchild as soon as I was ready. I was by no means ready at this time and don't even think I would be even after I got married to Able. At least not right away. At least for now Ruth was thinking straight again after I reminded her over and over how old I was. 

Things were much different now with Alissa as well, she didn't seem bothered anymore when I said I was going to go spend time with Able. She even sent me off with a smile. Although I was still feeling weird about the whole thing I can not deny the fact that my kiss with Alissa was not half bad… Okay, I really did like it. It reminded me of that one song that had the lyrics: "I kissed a girl and I liked it." I wonder if this made me a lesbian now? Bisexual maybe? Either way, Alissa was now more of a friend with extra benefits? I think I may be steering towards the whole becoming a harem protagonist, you know what was the word for it… Oh yeah! Slut! Yeah, I mean what else could you call me now. I had the beautiful female lead of Magical love, Alissa, in one hand, and the most handsome and loveable man alive, Able in the other. 

Anyway, now at this moment and time I was in Able's room sitting on his couch cuddled up next to him as we watched a show on the magi vision. "So did you kiss her?" And there goes my warm romantic evening with Able. 

"Mm..." I answered honestly. I was not going to lie. 

"How did you kiss her and for how long?' Able asked. I could tell by the tone of his voice he was jealous. And so I explained to him what had occurred and then the next thing I knew Able had me in the same situation and was kissing me. Yes, I was being pinned to the couch by Able and we were passionately kissing. And we kissed and kissed and kissed until I was almost out of oxygen so I had to push him away as I gasped for air. 

"Sorry..." Able immediately apologized.

"No, it's fine. I kind of forgot to breathe… " It was the truth. Not once did I think to breathe through my nose as I enjoyed our kiss. 

I sat back up and fixed my clothes, my cheeks were hot and the sensation on my lips was still lingering. "Umm, Able, I was thinking tomorrow we should turn in our request and get Alissa registered to the guild. What do you think?"

"That sounds fine. Do you want to take on another request as well?" Able looked a bit excited about going out again but I had to turn him down this time. Mainly because I needed to talk to Ruth about my magic as well as get more training from my master. I don't want another event to happen where we are at death's door because I was afraid of harming my own teammates with my magic. When I explained this to Able he looked a little down but he understood. "Able, will you come with me when I talk to mom?"

"Of course, I will." Able seemed to cheer up a little after I asked that. 

I gave him a long kiss goodnight before heading back to my room. Alissa and Emily were sitting there chatting away. It seemed Emily had already bathed and Marsil must have turned in early since I did not see her. Seeing me come in, Emily quickly rose to her feet. "Young Miss."

"Rei!" Alissa smiled brightly and ran over to give me a hug. I smiled faintly and hugged her back.

"Did you bathe yet?" I was not shy to bathe with Alissa although our relationship had been upgraded. I mean even when I knew she liked me we still bathed together. So there was no reason not to, now, right?

"No, I waited for you." Alissa replied, her cheeks turning slightly red. Oh? It seemed she was being more self conscious now. 

"Young Miss, I have already prepared the bath so you can go in at any time." Emily replied. josei

"Alright, then I will take a bath before bed. Alissa, you coming?" I asked.

"Of course!" Alicia answered quickly, taking my hand and pulled me along to the bathroom. Ahh, still the same old Alissa. We got undressed and got into the bath where Alissa made sure to sit right next to me. She leaned her head against my shoulder while holding my hand. She looked just like a young girl in love. I found it kind of cute. 

Surprisingly though she did not demand me to kiss her or anything. Even after we got into bed she only did her normal snuggling up to me and nothing else. I felt bad not giving her a kiss good night though since I had done so with Able, so I gave her a light kiss on the lips which made her laugh all weird. "Ehehehe"

In the end, I was glad things turned out the way they did. Although it was still a strange thing to kiss another girl, I have already accepted it since I had planned to take Alissa as a concubine. As time went on, whether or not I could bring myself to go further was another story that I would not be telling any time soon. For now, I will enjoy life as it was. Tomorrow was another day, and I still had many things to deal with. But even though it was hectic, I did not mind. I still had my best friend who I no longer had to worry about hurting, the man I loved, and a loving family. I feel truly blessed.


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