Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 119

Chapter 119: Party Name

"There you go, you are now officially registered with the guild. May I ask if you have decided on a name for your party?" Grela asked, her eyes locking on to me once again. I stealthily hid myself behind Able. I did not want to get involved with this girl. 

"A name?" I asked, her question piquing my interest, causing me to stick my head back out from behind Able.

"Most of the adventurer groups will normally give themselves a name so it is easier to recognize them and easier for them to introduce themselves to others including clients." Gerla answered. But although she said that I was horrible at naming things. I looked at Able and the rest who all just happened to be looking back at me and wrinkled my brow as I pointed to myself as if asking them: "You want me to name it?"

Each one of them nodded their heads causing me to sulk. Yes, I was sulking because I was so bad at things like this. I got lost in thought and began thinking right there on the spot. But when it came to adventuring, I was more worried about whether we would be able to stay alive or not than making a name for ourselves. With this thought in mind and the image of the sun that I saw when we finally were free from that dungeon, an idea came to mind. "How about The Immortal Dawn? A party that will live through anything and always see the dawn of the next day." 

"Excellent name!" Able praised me, causing me to blush.

"I knew Rei would pick something good!" Alissa said hugging my arm.

"Yep, Rei was the right person for the job. Otherwise, I would have suggested Rei's Harem or Super Legendary OP Party, or something dumb like that." Marsil said proudly as she gave off some of the cheesiest party names I have ever heard. And what was this Rei's Harem crap? I only have two people I am partnered with! Not even close to being a harem…. Is it? Maybe it is but whatever. If I say it is not, then it is not! 

"Thank gods we didn't let you name the party." Sam mumbled quite loudly at that.

"What did you say!?" Marsil ran over and put Sam into a headlock who instantly began blushing. I wondered if Marsil noticed her breasts were squishing his face. With the way the blood was rushing to Sam's head, I could only guess that maybe he was becoming aware of females at his age… This world I will never understand how it works… But I guess medieval societies were all like that as well on Earth. As Magica Love was a game on Earth, it was probably all based on such information. 

[Optional Side Event Started!]

[Completion Guidelines: Work hard and become The Top Adventure Party In All Of Selinicia]

[Rewards: Side Event: 10,000 System Points, +10 To All Stats]

[Time To Completion: Unlimited]

[Accept] [Decline]

"Oh System I haven't had an event for a while since the last main event..." I said in my mind. It was true that the System has been awfully quiet as of late. I, of course, hit accept for this event. I mean I hoped to rise through the ranks and there was no downside to accepting this event which was a plus since most revolved around me dying. plus the +10 to all stats was a very good thing.josei

"Humph! Flat chested host promised to upgrade me but still has not done so!" Oh, it seems the system is mad. But now that I think about it I did promise something like that. Hmm… Since I do not plan to go anywhere any time soon I guess I can do that. I can stay at home for a month and train my magic more and adjust to having Alissa as my concubine.

"Sorry, System! I had so much going on I forgot! Will you forgive me? After I save later tonight you can upgrade okay?" I had to stay on good terms with my system, I mean it was inside my head. If it suddenly decided to not help me out during a situation when I was really in need then I would be really out of luck. 

"Well… If you say you will do it tonight then I will forgive you… Rei..." The system replied softly.

"Thanks, System! We will talk more later okay!" I felt bad, I knew the system was a life form with its own consciousness as far as I could tell. So it was not nice of me to just ignore it as I have been.

"Mmm..." The system replied softly. I guess it is still somewhat mad but I do not blame it. 

"Then the Immortal Dawn, it is! Everyone give me your guild cards and I will add your party name to them. If you ever leave the party just come back here to have the name removed. I will put Rei Lancaster as the party leader, correct?" Grela asked. 

"That is correct." Able spoke up before I could and now I was suddenly the party leader. And just like that, The Immortal Dawn, adventurer party, was formed.

"One last thing. If a party member needs to be kicked from the party, the party leader needs to be the one to inform us and we will remove them from our database. Oh by the way Alissa, was it? Good job beating that old pervert! " Grela gave Alissa a thumbs up. I guess that means the Maddex was a repeat offender. We asked if he had done that before but Grela would not go into detail. With everything accomplished that we needed to get down at the guild, we all said our goodbyes and left the guild.


"How did it come to this!?"


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