Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 120

Chapter 120: Her Secrets Part One

I really have no idea how it came to this. After going to the guild and then spending the day out and about in the city, we all came home around dusk. We had dinner, bathed and then I spent time alone with Able, we kissed and said goodnight to each other but when I came back to my room, Able followed after me. And now…. Alissa was hugging my right arm and Able was on my left side. Luckily my bed was big, and I mean I did wish to sleep next to Able at night but I never thought I would end up in this kind of situation! 


Going back thirty minutes.

"Mmm..." Rei and Able broke their kiss. Rei smiled and bit her bottom lip as she got up. "I will see you in the morning, have a good night."

"That you will, good night." Able said with a smile and got up from the couch as well.

Rei began walking to the side door that led directly into her room and opened it. Only when she stepped through and went to close the door did she find something off. She turned around to see Able right behind her. "Able?"

"Well, since mom said we can sleep together there is no harm right?" Able smiled brightly causing Rei, to absentmindedly nod her head as she got lost in his handsomeness, which brings us to Rei's current situation.


"Able?" I said quietly. Alissa was already sound asleep. But I could tell Able was not.

"Yeah?" Able answered me in a hushed tone right in my ear. I felt a shiver run up my spine. 

"Why did it turn out like this? Alissa's room will be finished tomorrow you could have waited..." I did not mind Able being here but it was kind of awkward with Alissa next to me, clinging on to my arm. I mean I wanted to cling onto Able! 

"I just had an urge to stay by your side tonight. You don't like it?" Able asked me, making me feel kind of guilty. But I mean how did he not find this awkward!?

"It's not that I don't like it, it is just weird… I can't sleep the way I wish with you if Alissa is here." I complained. I then felt Able cuddle up next to me by putting his leg over mine and then an arm hugging mine with his nose nestled into my neck. 

"This better?" He whispered, his breath tickling my neck. But I had to admit it was a bit better. When I was in the dungeon, I always cuddled up next to Able when we slept. During those six months, I really got used to having someone at my side as I slept. But I never thought I would end up with two people hugging my arms. I wondered if I would be able to sleep like this...

"Mmm..." At some point, I had fallen deep asleep. 

When I woke up the next morning Alissa was nowhere to be seen and Able was still sound asleep next to me. I wondered if she was just giving us some time alone or not. I shifted slightly and looked at his handsome sleeping face. I reached up and poked his cheek which was slightly squishy causing me to grin. I traced my finger across his eyebrows and then down the curve of his cheekbone before outlining his lips. As I was about to pull my finger away, Able's eyes opened and he grabbed my hand and kissed my finger. I jumped slightly when his eyes suddenly popped open like something out of a scary movie jump scene. "Good morning Rei."

"Huh? Yeah… Good morning..." My cheeks blushed. I hope he didn't notice me jump.

Able pulled me into a hug and kissed my lips before pressing his forehead against mine. "So this is what it is like to wake up in my own house with my fiancee sleeping next to me."

"Able, you're overreacting, we have done this many times already." Although I said that I did find it nice to see Able's sleeping face first thing in the morning. 

"Yes, but not in our own home. It is much different than having to always be wary of monsters attacking while you sleep." Able replied. josei

"True. Oh, I wanted to ask if you were okay with me letting Alissa in on the teaming function of my system." I was planning to explain to Alissa about me earlier, but everything kinda went crazy so I hadn't had a chance to yet. 

"It is up to you. Although she is a thieving cat, she is loyal to you and trustworthy. So, I have no issues with it. For these reasons alone are the reasons why I did not make a fuss about her being your concubine." Able held me tight, I guess he could sense that I was slightly nervous about this. I mean, Able accepted me for me being me, but what if Alissa decided she wanted nothing to do with me anymore? I would lose a good friend... and a lover I guess? Well, maybe not as far as a lover... I guess more of friends who kiss...

"Alright let's get up." I said. Pushing away from Able and sitting up. Able groaned and did the same. 

After Able went back to his room to freshen up and get changed, I did the same as well. Emily was already waiting for me by the bathroom with a towel and a change of clothes in hand. "Young Miss, please get changed in the bathroom from now on. If the young master will be staying in your room more often, we do not want him walking in while you are changing."

I blushed at Emily's words. It reminded me of the day I was changing and Able walked in on me which started our relationship. "Mmm, I will. Thanks, Emily. When you come of age I will make sure to find you a wonderful husband!"

Emily blushed from ear to ear as she lowered her head and stomped her feet. "Young Miss don't tease me, I am too young!" 

I couldn't help but turn and squeeze her little chubby cheeks that had filled out since we moved here. "It's because you're so cute that I have to tease you!"

Emily rubbed her red cheeks after I let go and pouted. Emily had been with me since the beginning and was very loyal. I would make sure she had a good life when she got older. I will not let her marry out unless I know the man she is with will treat her with love and care. 

After washing up and getting dressed I asked: "Emily where is Alissa?"

"Lady Alissa said something about talking to Master Cedric about getting some training."


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