Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 121

Chapter 121: Her Secrets Part Two

"Then I guess I will talk to mom first..." It was finally time for me to speak to Ruth about my ability to use black magic. Something the Holy Church of Seil would kill a person for being able to do. I hoped Ruth may be able to help me on what to do about this since my magic at that time responded to my thoughts without me even trying to cast anything. 

I didn't want to disturb Able about this, so I went to find Ruth on my own. Ruth as usual was sitting in a side room sipping on tea. I wondered what exactly it was that she did all day. Upon seeing me her face lit up. "Rei! Dear, come sit with me!"

I smiled and walked in and sat in the chair across from her. She gave me a sly look as she asked: "Did you sleep well last night? I heard both Able and Alissa slept in your room last night."

"Somehow I was able to. But the situation was very awkward. Mom, I have something to discuss with you." I said, quickly changing the topic.

"Oh? What is it?" Ruth asked, curiosity written all over her face.

"You see this happened." I explained to Ruth about everything that happened. As I did, I watched her expressions carefully. I wondered how she would react but the entire time she did not say a word, and her expression did not change once.

"There is nothing to worry about dear. If word did get out that you could cast black magic the church wouldn't dare to move against you because I would destroy them." Ruth said with a smile before turning to Fey her maid and nodding her head. The next thing I knew Fey led a few of the other maids in the room out. From that day on I do not think I ever saw them again. 

"What should I do about accidentally casting it again? I mean at that time I only thought about how great it would be to summon something to fight for me." My main worry was accidentally casting it while in front of many. Marsil and Sam were okay since they were sworn to secrecy, but if it happened in the city in front of many there is no way Able would be able to control everyone's mouth.

"You will be fine. I will talk with your master and explain things to him. Felix is on the strange side but he is a very good master. I hope you will learn a lot from him. I will have him teach you the proper way to suppress your magic. Are you planning to leave any time soon for another guild request?" Ruth asked. She still had the same kind smile she always had when looking at me. This made me feel relieved and warm inside that Ruth cared so much for me.

"No, I planned to ask Master to help train me since I need to learn how to cast area of effect attacks without hitting my party members." I said. I really needed more control over my magic. I could easily take out a city if I tried hard enough but I was no good at limiting who would be affected by it unless they basically stood on top of me.

"Good, I am glad you have a good head on your shoulders. By the way, Alissa's parents will be coming for dinner tonight so be prepared. I had contacted them this morning to let them know that you would be taking her in as a concubine and prepared a dowry, to send over." Ruth suddenly hit me with another bomb. Now after feeling relieved I was nervous all over again! 

I guess Ruth realized this because she started to chuckle. "Rei, relax. There is no way they will not accept the fact that Alissa is now your concubine. I mean, if you are Able's fiancee and they do not find you good enough for their own daughter, are they not saying that my son has bad eyes?" 

I now realized that Ruth was one of those who defended their family no matter what, whether they were right or wrong. But I still felt a little worried. I mean this was basically Alissa coming out and telling her parents: "Hey mom, dad, I am a lesbian! And it is all because of this girl over here!" Would this not be a nerve racking experience for the both of us. I can hear the thoughts they do not speak out loud already. "Damn slut, hoodwinked our daughter into liking the same sex. On top of that, she was only made a concubine!" Yeah, I can already feel their judging eyes trying to pierce my soul… Oh crap, I am getting really nervous. 

Ruth let out a sigh and got up from her chair. She walked over to me and knelt down next to me and pulled me into a hug. "I know you still find the situation strange and that you basically made a decision based on trying to keep from hurting Alissa. But I think you made the right choice. Rei, your heart is kind and you will sacrifice a lot for your friends. Just be yourself and I am sure they will see that you are a good girl."

"Mm..." Ruth brought tears to my eyes. It was true that I took Alissa in as a concubine in order to not hurt her anymore. I was willing to become a bisexual for her. And I did this because Alissa was the same as Able, they both loved me very much and I will do my best to not let them down.


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