Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 131

Chapter 131: New System Function

As the days passed, I slowly learned to control my area of attack spells to the point that I could finally use them in practice. Although this was exciting, I was starting to get bored. With my system being down, I did not want to risk going on any request from the guild. I could say the only thing good was that my relationship with Alissa and Able has never been better. Although, I seem to sleep in their beds more than my own. They to had come to some kind of agreement where they split the week up between themselves and the extra day was a rotation. 

It was nighttime, and I went to bed as usual. Tonight was Able's night, so I would be sleeping in his bed. He had suddenly started asking me to wear his shirts and boxers to bed since the bathrobe incident. This was something I did not mind, but I did find it odd. I am not sure what was so special about it, but if it makes him happy, I did not mind doing it. Although he has been a bit more touchy feely as of late. He seems to have an obsession with my belly button. It tickles so much sometimes I end up hitting him. But I can't say I am any better cause I do run my hands over his chest while he is sleeping. I wonder if this makes me a pervert? 

Like the past few nights, Able and I got into bed and began kissing. This seems to be a nightly ritual. One that I happen to enjoy. It was right as we finished kissing; I snuggled up into his chest and started to fall asleep, that I heard an announcement go off in my head.


[System upgrade now complete!]

"Rei!" The system's voice sounded off, sounding less robotic and more female.

"All upgraded?" I asked. I was happy to hear from the system. It had been a long time since I heard its voice. Plus, it meant I could finally free myself of my long days of studying!

"Yep! And you now have a new function not only for you but for those you are teamed with as well." The system replied. 

"Oh? What kind of function?" I asked. I hoped it wasn't something stupid and was actually useful.

"You can now access the battle function. This allows you to enter a separate space and fight against various monsters. Although you can not die in this space, you will still feel pain as if it was real. Those who you are teamed with can also join you in training as well. By the way, Rei…. You seemed to have gotten more daring since I have been gone." The system said while whistling. 

I had no idea what the system was talking about until I felt something twitch near my hand. I looked down, and my face quickly turned a shade of crimson. I quickly pulled my hand back and lifted my head to see if Able was sleeping or not, and unfortunately for me, he was actually looking down at me with cheeks as red as mine. "Sorry..." Was all I could say as I lowered my head back down and buried my face in his chest.  I really did not mean to let my hands wander like that! Luckily for the both of us, Able said nothing and only hugged me tighter and kissed the top of my head. Things like this were bound to happen, I guess… But still very embarrassing.

To get my mind off of this sudden incident, I began looking at the menu for the new battle function and what I saw made me frown. The list of monsters are all the monsters I have fought so far. And so far, those monsters were all things I never wished to fight for the rest of my life! Why was there an unlimited amount of zombies for me to choose from!? Why so many damn spiders!? I wanted to voice a lot of my grievances to the system, but it states right on the window, to add more monsters, you will need to fight and defeat them in the real world. The only thing worth fighting was actually the mid boss we killed. After looking it over a bit more, I decided to just go to sleep.

My days passed by steadily as Able and everyone else began picking up a bunch of request from the adventurers guild. I ended up fighting many kinds of monsters building up my list of monsters for my new function quite well. But as I was focused on building my monster list, I had forgotten a crucial day was coming up.josei

"Rei, your birthday is a few days away. You are to stay home and get ready for it." Ruth had called me to tea and pastries and then dropped a bomb on me. I had forgotten that my birthday was coming up, and this was also the time I would be announcing my engagement to Able to the rest of the nobles.

"So this means?" I asked, feeling a bit wary of what she was about to say. 

Ruth smiled brightly at me as she said: "This means we will need to get you a dress and some heels to match! You will be the most beautiful girl in attendance. This much is a given since you are my Rei. But we can not let those little tramps from those noble families think that you are not a perfect match for Able." 

I wonder if Ruth realized she was calling girls thirteen years of age tramps. I mean, it is legal to get engaged at a young age, and fighting over a man was the norm in this day and age. Most of these girls are taught from the day they could understand to try to win the heart of an influential noble or someone of higher status. Not like I will say anything because Ruth will always be Ruth. My wonderful and loving Mom.


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