Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 132

Chapter 132: Birthday Party Part One

Like any other day, I woke up slightly early. Last night was Alissa's night, so I spent the night in her room. If I had to say the difference between sleeping with Alissa and sleeping with Able, I say Alissa is much softer and pillowy. Now I am not saying I rather sleep with Alissa; I am just saying, in general, girls are softer. "Hmm? Rei?" I guess I woke Alissa up with my stirring. 

"Sorry, Alissa, did I wake you?" I think Alissa was definitely the cutest when she was just waking up. The way she snuggles up into my arms is adorable. 

"No… But I want a kiss!" Alissa rolled herself on top of me and planted her lips on mine. She didn't even give me a chance to react before she pushed her tongue in my mouth. Not that I am complaining. Her kisses always felt good. She laid right on top of me and clasped her hands with mine as we kissed. 

Our kiss lasted a few minutes before our lips parted, and she snuggled into my neck. "Alissa, I need to get up for training..."josei

"No! Today, you are not training! Mother-in-law already told me to keep you in bed so you can get some proper rest." Alissa stated. But I was surprised by what she said because Ruth never got in the way of my training. I wonder why today was different… 

I let out a sigh, knowing that if this was the case, Alissa was not getting off any time soon. I gazed down at the girl peacefully nestled into my neck and smiled. I reached up and fixed a clump of her hair that had fallen over her cheek and tucked it behind her ear before trailing my finger over her lips. They were soft and squishy, which made me lean down and kiss them once more. 

"Hehe! Rei kissed me." Alissa mumbled as she pushed hard onto my lips. I couldn't help but giggle. We ended up kissing for a while. I seemed to have become addicted to kissing. 

"Rei, do you really not remember what day today is?" Alissa asked as our lips parted once more.

"Hmm? No. Is today special?" I couldn't think of anything that would make today special.

"I knew you would forget. Even when Able and I were talking, he agreed with me when I said you would forget. Today is a day that is very special for both Able and me. It is also a day that is very special to you as well for two reasons." Alissa giggled and caressed my cheek.

But I was still confused as to what was so special about today. Alissa Let out a sigh and kissed my lips as she said: "It is your birthday today and also the day that Mother in Law will be announcing Yours and Able's engagement as well as the day she will announce me becoming your concubine. Everything will be officially known by all the nobles." 

"Oh! Wait, that's today!?" I asked in surprise. But then realized something big about these types of things.

First, they required me to join the party. This meant mingling with other nobles and dancing. Although Ruth has been training me in all the edict required for a noble girl. I still hated it. Second, I had to wear a dress. It was not that I disliked dresses; it was the corset that I hated. I mean, who wouldn't hate having to wear something that was intended to make your waist skinnier and breast bigger, at the cost of your breathing? And the thing I hated the most about it was that I barely had any breasts to work with! I mean, what are we making bigger? Not to mention my waist is already extraordinarily skinny. Albeit that it is better than when I first came to this world now that I have proper nutrition. 

Now that I think about it, in my past life, I did read something in a manga that stated that massaging your breasts would make them bigger…. I wonder if I should have Able and Alissa help me with that…. Wait, what am I thinking!?  Have I truly turned into a pervert!? 

At any rate, tonight is going to be rough on my body. This much I know for sure. "Rei?" Alissa Called out my name. I guess my spacing out worried her. 

I pulled her close and hugged her tight as I began to complain. "Haha. Rei, just wear a dress that doesn't need a corset. To tell you the truth, you look amazing in everything and without anything on. You may not realize it, Rei, but you are truly beautiful. It is almost a sin to look upon since you seem more like a goddess than a human." 

Of course, with these flowery words, Alissa was cupping my breast with her hands. I let out a sigh and smacked her hands away. "Cut it out!" 

"But!" Alissa looked up at me with watery eyes as if I had wronged for no reason. At this point, I was not sure if I should laugh or cry, but that look made me cave, and I nodded my head, saying: "Just a little bit..." Alissa's eyes glowed in excitement, and before I knew it was getting that massage I mentioned earlier.

My thoughts after the fact? It was pleasant… Okay, so turns out I am a pervert...

After about an hour of resting, a knock came at the door, and Able came in. It was his first time in Alissa's room. He was wearing his normal pajamas. Alissa and I were still lying in bed. "Care to join us?" I asked teasingly. But surprisingly, he nodded his head and jumped right into the bed with us. But what surprised me even more, was the fact that Alissa did not say anything against it and the two just snuggled up next to me. But at this point, I had one question floating around my head… 'How long am I supposed to stay in bed for?'


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