Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Kidnappers Part One

That night I sat up late looking at the pouch with the gold coins in it. If it was up to me I would have run away already and started a new life someplace else. But unfortunately, I need to use the noble title that comes from being a Baron's daughter as a means to enter the Academy. Golden Wings Magical Academy, a prestigious school that only caters to nobles and the extremely rich. It is the stage where the love interest of Magical Love gather and fight over the female lead. My reason for attending the school is not for the sake of finding love but for the sake of graduating top of my class as a magical knight. Only then will I be able to leave the Lancaster name behind me and start fresh.

"System we will be going out tomorrow. I need to begin my search for tutors and buy some things." My goals were now set. I just had to accomplish them so that I could have a successful new life in this new world.

"I wish you luck on your adventure tomorrow Rei. Just be careful because your stats are still low." For some reason and I do not know why but the system had been awfully nice to me after it started calling me by my name. Not that I was complaining. I would rather it treat me nicely instead of calling me flat-chested the entire time.

The next morning I woke up to a knock at my door. "Why is someone waking me up so early in the morning... Wait... Where am I?" As sleepy-eyed as I was, it took a few seconds to realize that everything that had happened the day before was all real and because of that, I let out a long sigh, first thing in the morning.

Forcing myself up out of bed, I ignored the knock at the door and walked over to my closet to pick out the cleanest dress I had. Just as I finished getting changed another knock came at my door. Sighing once again, I finally decided to answer it. "Yes?"

When I opened the door a little girl around eight to ten years old in a maid outfit stood there looking at me nervously. "Can I help you?" I asked seeing that the little maid was only staring and not saying anything.

"Ah yes… Umm… Young Master sent me to serve yuve..." Oh, she bit her tongue how cute… But Kyle sent me a maid?

"Did he say why he was sending you to me?" I asked curiously. What was this sudden change of attitude? Did he feel pity for me?

"Young Master said that he can't trust the servants of this house to take care of his younger sister. He said he can't be by your side to make sure you are well taken care of and the most he can do is send you this little maid… Young miss… Young Master told me to tell you there seems to be someone in this house who doesn't want you to live well… Young Master is looking into it. He says that he knows it is unfair to continue to be treated as you are but please bear with it a little longer." The little maid seemed to be telling the truth as far as I could tell. But I still couldn't let my guard down about such matters. But judging by the expression I got yesterday it seemed he might not have known about my mistreatment.

"Your name?" Since a little helper was sent to me, I might as well make use of her. Though I am not used to having a servant per see, but someone who can be my ears and eyes throughout the mansion was very helpful. It would help in my ability to understand this new place better.

"My what?" The little maid asked, confused.

"Your name. What is your name?" I found her little confused expression kind of cute causing me to truly smile for the first time since I came to this world.

"Oh? Ah… Yes, answering Young Miss, My Name Emily." Emily said shyly. From what I could tell this maid had no other objectives other than to attend to me but I still decided to keep my guard up until I knew for sure that she was sent by Kyle and what his motives were. You may think I might have played too many otome games or read too many novels and that I might be reading too much into things but this was indeed the world of an otome game, so I could not just trust anyone. Even if they were this young.

"Rei, I detect no malicious intent." The system suddenly chimed in.

"Oh, you can tell these things as well?" I asked. If so then such an ability would be very useful.

"It is all on your status screen. Rei. Under 'People Of Interest'. It will tell you how people perceive you. Even if they do not show it on the surface." The system explained to me.

hearing this, I quickly opened my status menu which I had yet to really look at.

Character Name: Rei Lancaster

Intellect: 1

Charisma: 0

Fitness: 1

Arts: 0

Martial Arts: 1

Magic Power: 5

Business: 0

Love Points: 0

Love Interest:

System Points: 0

People Of Interest:

Grace Fortlon(Nanny): Enemy 10

Kyle Lancaster: Friend 3

Emily: Friend 9

Abilities: None

Artifacts: None

I was quite surprised to see that Kyle was friendly towards me and even more surprised to see how high Emiliys friend status was. This was most likely due to her being so young. But seeing that she could be trusted I felt more relieved. But it did seem I was going to have to watch out for this Nanny. Her actual name was Grace Fortlon… I guess I will have to deal with her at some point but now is not the time since I do not have any idea why she sees me as an enemy.

Letting out a small sigh I turned my attention back to Emily. "Since you are here you can come with me. I need to do some shopping."

"I will do my best to carry your items Young Miss." Emily said with a smile as she rolled up one of her sleeves and patted her arm muscles as if she was really strong. To be honest, I could not see this girl lifting half the things I plan to buy nor would I ever make such a little girl carry any heavy items.


The streets were bustling as people went to and fro throughout the market. Forelonia situated in the Kingdom of Selinicia was known for its diversity of goods since it was located on the trade route that shipped and received goods from two other neighboring countries. The Empire to the west and the Republic of Delsoin to the east. Forelonia was the city I lived in and also the biggest trade hub in all of Selinicia. In the game, Selinicia and the Empire went to war. It was the female lead along with all the love interests in the game who put a stop to the war. Unfortunately, Forelonia was the first place that fell right at the start of the war.

"This place is very busy today." I mumbled to myself as I walked through the crowd.josei

"It does seem rather busy, I wonder why." Emily said as she looked around at everything. It seemed she did not get out very often with how she was looking at everything in awe. One thing I did notice was that she was getting knocked around a lot as she tried to keep up. I had no choice but to grab her hand and pull her along or else she would end up getting lost.

"Young Miss!?" I guess me suddenly grabbing her hand startled her.

"If I do not hold your hand I am afraid you will get lost." I replied with a smile. Emily's cheeks turned red. She knew what I said was most likely true.

That being said though, there were many people doing the same with their young children. One of the events within Magical Love was the incident of the lost children was the first thing that came to mind when I saw how cautious all the parents were being. It was in this city, Forelonia that the Female lead Alissa Coborne who came from a small merchant family would meet Able Ronstine for the first time. She goes on to help solve the case of the missing children alongside Able gaining his affection. But it was not until Alissa actually entered the magic academy under a scholarship that she would finally begin being able to romance Able. At the time when I was playing the game, it actually took me a few playthroughs to notice this event. If you did not go into the city at a certain time and day you would not meet Able and unlock him as a love interest.

"Hmmm… I wonder if I will meet Able..." I mused. I actually liked Able the most out of all of the love interests. He was someone who did not hide his thoughts and never schemed against others. You could say he was my ideal kind of guy. Compared to those boys from my past life that I went to school with every day. They failed to even reach the same level as the leg hair on Able's legs. Those boys only cared about looks and how much skin was exposed. They were nothing but disgusting pigs. If I could date someone like Able I would have no complaints. But that bar was a little high for me.

It was at that time as I came out of my thoughts that I realized the hand I was using to hold on to Emily's hand was empty. I spun myself around to look at where I had just come from to only see a sea of people. "Emily!? Emily!?"

I started to panic as I looked around trying to see if could even spot Emily's shadow. "How did she disappear… Where did she go?" I was very confused. How was it possible that someone I had a tight grip on disappeared just like that? If someone were to snatch her away it would have tugged on my arm. Unless… "Magic… Shit! I was careless!"

I was indeed careless. I figured Emily would have been fine if I just held her hand but I forgot this world had magic which could make the impossible possible. What to do… I guess I should first get out of this crowd. I knew standing in the crowd was not going to get me anywhere. The kidnappers would not wander around the crowd for me to spot them. They would most likely make their way down a back alley somewhere.

After making my way out of the crowd I stood at the entrance of one of the alleys. I tried to remember the maps of Magical Love of the layout for the city of Forelonia. I may not have been the best when it came to school but remembering Magical Love was one thing I was pretty good at. If things were the same as the game then the kidnappers would have brought Emily to the southern part of the city near the shipping docks. That was where they used an abandoned warehouse as their hideout.

"It's my fault for bringing Emily out. I should at least try to see if I can either catch up to the kidnappers or find out for sure where their hideout is and report them and hopefully get Emily back safe and sound." I said under my breath. I wasn't showing it but I was very worried about Emily's safety. Although, I was not dumb enough to go running up to the warehouse on my own. In the game, the people there could all wield magic. Me, someone who just came to this world with no idea whatsoever on how to control magic was not going to be able to do much of anything against so many kidnappers. If it was one or two I may be able to sneak up on them and knock them out. But even then that was risky but when I think of the fact that Emily thought highly of me there was no way I was going to leave her behind.

As I entered the alley I suddenly heard a yell come from around the bend. "Listen girl get out of our way or you will get hurt!"

"I will not! How could you do such an evil act as kidnapping small children!?" The voice I heard was not that of a young man but that of a young girl. Her voice was loud and seemed to hold a large sense of justice. The voice itself seemed familiar to me as if I had heard it before. As ran towards where the voices were coming from, I turned the corner and saw the familiar face that I had seen thousands of times before. I knew right away who it was. Alissa Coborne the female lead herself standing there with one hand on her hip and the other hand stretched out pointing at the two ruffians holding a small child. And that child was the very little maid I had been searching for.

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