Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Kidnappers Part Two


[Mandatory Event Started!]

[Completion Guidelines: Save the little maid named Emily from the clutches of the kidnappers. Bonus event, help Alissa Coborne solve the kidnappers' case!]josei

[Rewards: Main Event: 100 System Points, One Save Token]

[Bonus Event (Mandatory): 500 System Points, Chance At Prize Wheel]

[Failure: Become Mute For An Entire Week.]

I looked at the sudden notification box that popped up a little startled. "System what is this?"

"Rei there are two types of events. Mandatory events such as this which will force you to complete the event and then there are optional events. In this case, you have two mandatory events. Luckily the failure punishment is only being mute." The system said. It sounded as if it was wiping sweat off its forehead as it said that last sentence.

Just to make sure, I was thinking on the same page as the system I asked: "So I get punished for not completing an event?"

"That is right. Punishments run from losing stats permanently to the harshest which is permanent death with no reincarnation. So please, host, do your best to complete the mandatory events. It has been a while where I could pick on a host and not have them get angry at me." The system answered.

"So all the flat-chested crap on the first day was..."

"It was to test your personality, in order to see what path you will be able to take." This answer from the system really surprised me. But if you think about it normally a person would really get pissed off, start swearing, and breaking things if someone was digging into them the way the system did. What was worse was the system was not a solid life form and you could not shut them out of your head. But this brought up another question that I had not thought of until now.

"System, what exactly are you?"

"This I am not sure, I am sorry Rei." The system said apologetically.

"It's fine, at least now I know you are not out to make fun of me non stop. Let's talk more later it seems if I do not move soon I will have to save the other girl as well." The kidnappers were beginning to close in on Alissa so I figured it was about time I made my move.

While the two kidnappers were busy I dashed forward picking up a brick that was laying on the side as I did. I went straight for the person who had a hold of Emily first, jumped up into the air as high as I could, and brought down the brick on top of the first kidnapper's head. "Ohff!"

The kidnapper's body went limp as he fell to the ground. I quickly caught a hold of Emily who seemed to be knocked out. It was not until his companion fell to the ground did the other kidnapper finally turn around. "What the fuck!? Who are you!?"

"The person who is about to beat some sense into you!" I gently placed Emily on the ground before dashing forward towards the other kidnapper. It seemed that a young girl attacking him without any hesitation caught him off guard because he stood there dumbfounded as I grabbed his hand, pulled hard, tossed my hip into his center of gravity, and with all my strength and using my body weight, I thrust the kidnapper over my shoulder sending him flying through the air and onto the ground with a loud thud. I then quickly punched the tip of his chin to incapacitate him so he would be easier to tie up.

"Ummm..." I heard a voice coming from behind me. I looked up to see the female lead of Magical Love looking back at me with sparkling eyes. I couldn't help but think to myself: 'I didn't trip a flag did I?'

I slowly got up and dusted myself off before taking a good look at the ever graceful Alissa Coborne herself. If I had to say, she was rather beautiful. I could see why all the love interests of the game would fall in love with her. Her long silver hair and emerald eye flickered in the sunlight. She was indeed a unique beauty. She would later be known as the Ice Queen for her strong aptitude for ice magic. Sadly at this time, she was not very strong and her sense of justice was very high which caused her to almost be taken away by these kidnappers herself. "You know it is dangerous for you to be out here like this by yourself."

"Ah umm yes. I do realize that now. I thank you for rescuing not only me but the young girl over there as well." Alissa looked at me, her eyes were still sparkling. For some reason, I felt like one of those idols who always had nothing but old men at my shows looking at me with impure thoughts. It was just my imagination, right? Is there a reason why she is suddenly blushing? Is she sick?

"It is good that you realize it now. As for the little maid over there, she is actually my maid. She was snatched from me by someone using magic." I felt horrible that I was not able to keep Emily safe even though I brought her out with me. She was just a young girl and already had to suffer a tragic experience such as a kidnapping.


[Main Event Save Emily Completed!]

[Rewards Gained: 100 System Points, One Save Token]

"System, what is a save token?" I had never heard of any save token from Magical Love before, so I could only think of it as a unique item from the system. By the sounds of it, it would allow me to save which was good but I was not one hundred percent sure.

"Hoho! Rei save tokens are very useful, they will allow you to save before you begin an event. This will allow you to start over one time if you fail a task, with out incurring the event failure punishment." The system explained to me and the system was right, such an item was very good indeed.

"I guess it will come in handy later. For now, it is time to solve the kidnapping case." I did not want to use the save token on my first event. It felt like it would be a complete waste. I figured I would save it for an event I did not know how to complete.

"Ummm… Miss?" Alissa looked at me in confusion since I had suddenly stopped talking to her.

Shaking my head I said with a smile. "It's nothing, I was just thinking about something. Let's get these two tied up. But what are we going to use to tie them up with..." I looked around and saw nothing of use. The only option was to strip them of their shirts and use that but I was not sure if that would hold very well.

"If this young miss would like, why not use this?" A melodic voice filled my ear from above causing me to look up to see where it was coming from. Upon one of the tall brick buildings in front of me, a young man stood there looking down at me and Alissa. He tossed down a bundle of rope and before I knew it he himself also jumped down. I could not get a good look at his facial features while he was on top of the building, due to the sunlight shining into my eye and casting a shadow over his body but when he landed in the alley gracefully as if he had not just jumped off a five-story building, I was stunned to see that it was actually one of the male leads, the secrete love interest of the game Magical Love, it was none other than Able Ronstine. His brown hair lightly fluttered in the gentle breeze and hazel eyes as he gazed at you were warm and gave you a comfortable feeling.

I was basically mesmerized by how handsome he was and it took me a minute to come out of my daze. "Ah, yes… Thank you, this will work perfectly." I said giving a polite bow.

"Haha, no need say thanks, I was here to help but ended up watching your amazing display of fighting prowess. But I have to say the skills you showed just now were very unique. Where did you learn to use such moves?" Able gave me a very curious look as if he was trying to figure me out.

I really did not know how to answer his question. what was I supposed to say? That I learned it all from my past life? This was of course nothing anyone would believe even if I did tell them, so I could only lie. "Something, I came up with myself."

"I see." Able gaze seemed to try to penetrate through me to see if I was lying to him or not, but I did not plan to go into any more details. Luckily he did not press the issue as he said: "Alright let's get these guys tied up before some introductions."

But I don't need introductions, I thought to myself. I went ahead and picked up the rope that Able had tossed down before walking over to the first kidnapper that I knocked out. While I was tying him up I decided to ask Able if he had used magic just now to jump off the building. "Umm, when you jumped did you use magic?"

"Just now? Yeah, I did. I used wind magic to slow my fall."

"I see… Sorry if this sounds a little out of place but do you know of anyone who teaches the basics of magic?" I asked. I wanted to see if Able could recommend me someone so that way I would not get screwed over. It would be better to have the son of the Ronstine family, a family of magic knights, recommend someone than to try to find someone on my own.

"Oh? Your family didn't get you a tutor? Are you not from the Lancaster family?" Able asked. I was surprised that he knew who I was. But I also found it funny. I am sure there was no way he couldn't tell by my dress that I was not favored within the family. Why would they get the unwanted daughter a tutor? But more importantly, I wondered how he knew...

"How do you know who I am?" I decided to just be upfront and ask.

"AHH…." Able suddenly scratched his head. His cheeks flushed a tint red out of nowhere. "Let's just say I have seen a picture of you when you were younger…"

Hmmm? A picture? It was times like these that I wished I had a better understanding of my own family and my surroundings. Because these things were not in the game and I had no memories that belonged to the old Rei Lancaster. But seeing Able's embarrassment, I figured it was best to change the subject. "Anyway, This is not the best time to talk about these things, lets make our way to the warehouse." It was only after I spoke that I realized I fumbled. In the game, Alissa and Able did not find the kidnappers whereabouts until they accidentally stumbled upon it, and just now I made it sound like I already knew their hideout location. Although it was true that I knew, I should have accidentally lead them into that direction and pretended that we stumbled upon it.

"Warehouse?" Alissa spoke up looking at me with a raised eyebrow before asking: "How do you know they were going to a warehouse?"

I was left speechless. I really messed up. This slip of the tongue could make me an accomplice! It was only with some quick thinking that I had thought up an excuse! "Isn't it natural for thugs to use an abandoned warehouse as their base of operation? If these two men were heading in this direction then they were heading towards the docks. The docks are also well known to not be patrolled a lot. Which makes it a perfect hiding place. With careful deduction by piecing together all the information on hand, this is what I figured out. Then again I could be wrong since it is just an assumption..."

"No, I think you are right. But to think you could think so quickly on your feet. Very impressive!" Able smiled brightly that almost caused me to have a nose bleed. That smile almost made my heart burst out of my chest. He was just too handsome. It was too bad he was the female lead's love interest. I already knew my life would not have much in the line of love. My main goals were not romance but to survive in this new world. I had to become a magic knight in order to earn the right to live my life freely. But deep down I still hoped maybe one day I would find a true love to settle down with.

"By the way, my name is Able, Able Ronstine. If I am correct you are Rei Lancaster right and this miss here is?" Able suddenly decided to do his introduction. He even included mine as well. I do have a mouth you know! I can speak the common language!

"Me? Oh, my name is Alissa Coborne" Alissa answered. She didn't even look at Able and only looked at me while she introduced herself. Now that I thought about it, she had yet to even look in Able's direction had she not? Was she avoiding him? Was it because he was too handsome that she, herself would have a nose bleed?

"It is nice to meet you." I said while giving a polite bow.

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