Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 46

Chapter 46: Venturing Out Alone Part Two

After containing my nose bleed I left the Ronstine Estate and made my way towards town. I didn't take a carriage since I needed to be sure that even if I was taking a day off that I still got some exercise. Although I did feel a little bad for Emily since I forgot she was still young. But thankfully, Claire was nice enough to carry Emily on her back. 

Our trip which would have only taken a few minutes by carriage became a thirty minute walk. But it was a very nice walk. I was really able to take in the scenery around me and I may have said this before but this world is very beautiful. Playing the game you do not get much of a feel for the world but in real life, it was much different. 

We turned the corner and made our way down the main street that was littered with food stalls. The food really stimulated my appetite as I smelled the delicacies in the air. To be honest I wanted to run up to each stall and try a bite of everything but I had to also uphold the image of the Ronstine house. Word had already spread out that I was living with them and that I was engaged to Able. This was mainly spread by Ruth herself who couldn't wait to tell the world she had a daughter in law to be. Although it was somewhat embarrassing, I did not mind. The more that knew the better. Hopefully, it will keep any girls who had eyed my man away. 

"Young Miss, if you wish to try the food you can." Claire's voice suddenly broke me out of my inner thoughts.

"Huh? Ahhh..." It was only then I realized I had some drool dripping down the corner of my mouth. My cheeks instantly turned red I am sure. But with Claire's words, I no longer held back and ran over to one of the stalls to get four orders of some meat on a stick. I have no idea what a Grogumas monster was but its meat smells divine!

But as I turned around after receiving my order, I heard a familiar voice yell out to me. "You little bitch!"

I turned to see my so called older brother walking up to me with a bit of killing intent exuding out of his body. Sid immediately stepped in front of me and drew his sword. "Young Master Reed, I suggest you watch your words in front of the Young Miss."

"And who are you!? This is my sister, what I call her is none of your fucking business." Reed paid no mind to Sid but did not move any closer to me, he only glared at me and yelled: "Rei, get your ass over here and let me teach you the family rules! The women in our family have no right to go against the men of the family!" 

His words made me snap, I walked over to Sid and pushed the food in my hands to him while taking his sword. This so called blood related brother of mine did not seem to understand what being a family meant. 

"Oh, great heir of the Lancaster family, I suggest you watch your words before I make it so you can no longer become the next family head!" My gaze swept top to bottom before resting on a certain part of Reed's body and giving a sinister smile.

Reed instantly took a step back which when he realized this he got even angrier. "Your nothing but a damn breeding horse for whomever father sells you off to. What right do you have to talk back to me!?" 

"Heh..." My small laugh was all Reed got in reply before he began screaming bloody murder, holding the bloody stain between his legs. I watched as he collapsed to the ground rolling back and forth. seeing this I feel much better as I smiled and said sweetly: "Reed, I warned you did I not? But it seems you do not understand the common tongue. Actually, things are better this way. You were never heir material. If anything, you would have made the Lancaster family even worse after following that deadbeat father of ours. Tell this to that man who sold me off without even thinking twice. Thank you for sending me into a loving home where I can feel what true familial love is like. As of now I no longer hold the name Lancaster. I do not wish to be related to a den of women hating men. Who only treat them as tools to give birth and to sell off to gain connections. I truly feel bad for any women you brought in since they would more than likely be sold off after giving birth to your child… Well, it seems that you will not even be able to have children anymore. Have a good life, dear Brother." After dusting off her hands I took three of the food packages from Sid and handed his sword back after wiping the blood off of it. 


No one in the area said a word, nor did they dare help Reed who was rolling around on the ground bleeding all over. Sid even quietly slid back next to Claire and whispered very quietly that Rei couldn't hear it. "Remind me not to make the Young Miss angry, I do wish to have children some time in the future."


While I was enjoying my Grogumas meat on a stick with relish, I heard the ever so stoic Claire giggling behind me which caused me to turn my head. I had to admit Claire had a beautiful smile. It was too bad she usually never had any expression at all.

Seeing me looking at her caused Claire's expression to go back to normal as she asked: "Young Miss where to next?" 

"Not sure, let's just walk around." I walked off with the others in tow, leaving Reed behind who had now passed out in the middle of the street as if I had nothing to do with it. Some may say my actions were uncalled for, well, to those who say this, please go get your head checked.


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