Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 47

Chapter 47: Meeting Another Male Lead

After the run in with my so called brother, my time out exploring the city was actually quite fun and exciting. The best thing was that Emily did not get kidnapped again. Not that it would have happened so soon after the whole kidnapping organization was uprooted, but Emily was cute enough to kidnap on a daily basis. This was one of the reasons why I always kept her away from Alissa. I would like for my little maid to grow up a normal child. Not sure if it was my appearance or not that caused Alissa to turn out the way she did. I guess you could say me stealing Able's event might have had something to do with it. In any case, it worked out in the end. I met a new best friend and also have a handsome and caring fiance. 

You might wonder if I miss my family from Earth at all. The answer to that question is simple… Every day I miss them. I hate to say it but I have a feeling I will be crying the next few nights. I noticed when I am alone I will think back to my days on Earth, which brings tears to my eyes. I wonder if I will ever get over this but only time will tell…

"Stop thief!" I heard a cry from down the street bringing me out of my depressing thoughts. I turned around with a stick of dango like snack in my mouth to see a man running towards me at full speed. I could see a glint in his eye as he charged right at me. 

As the man got closer to me I summoned my sword but before I could act the man who was only a few steps away turned into a block of ice. "Now, now, charging at a little lady like this is not good."

A melodic voice came from behind me. It was a voice I have heard before. Not recently, but in my past life. I slowly turned around to see a young man around fourteen-fifteen years of age standing there looking at me with a blinding smile. My voice got caught in my throat when I saw this young man. Blonde hair, silver eyes, just as handsome as Able. His name… Jeremy Heartman, the fifth prince of the Kingdom of Selinicia. He is also one of the love interests of Magical Love.

But this is odd… Jeremy was not supposed to show up until the magic academy where he meets the female lead on the road to the academy where she dives in front of his carriage to save a small child. At first, the female lead did not like him at all. This was shown on their first meeting when she says: "Just because you are royalty does not mean you own these roads. Not stopping when a child has run out in front of you is abuse of your royal lineage!" This remark caused Jeremy to find Alissa interesting in the most cliche way. Namely the old "No one has ever dared to treat me like that… She is an interesting girl." routine… This alone made me hate his route because it was always filled with dumb cliches that only a certain group of people would like. Actually, now that I think about it. I might be the odd one out since those same cliches are what made him the most popular male lead in the game. But for me, it will always be my sweet and caring Able!

"Little Miss if you keep staring like that I might start blushing." Jeremy's god awful lines filled my ears.

"Ahhh… Don't worry I wasn't staring at you because I find you handsome but more because you look very strange in such a gaudy outfit." I replied without thinking. I mean come on, he was wearing a pink shirt and pants for crying out loud! Even his shoes were pink!

I watched as he looked down at himself and then looked back at me confused: "Is this not the popular clothing line that you commoners wear?"

"What commoner would have such bad fashion sense? Whoever sold you that scammed you out of your money. I would go back and ask for all my money back and then compensation for making me look like an idiot and emotional trauma! Anyway, I will leave this block of ice to you. The man should feel lucky it wasn't me who stopped him or I would have taken him down with my sword. Have a good day sir." Yes, I know he is handsome but I can not bring myself to like a fool like this even if he was handed to me with a slave contract. Plus I have Able, I do not need any other man. With my words being left behind, I took a bite out of my dango like snack and walked away to where Sid, Claire, and Emily were waiting.


"Your highness!" A knight came running up to Jeremy calling out to him.josei

"That girl..." Jeremy watched as Rei walked away like he did not exist at all. It was a first time for him. He, who was loved by all girls and able to get whatever he wanted because he was the favored son of the reigning king. Even the current crown princess had to give in to him. None of them would have dared to talk to him like that. He found her very interesting...

"Your highness?" The Knight looked at his young master a little confused. 

"Find out everything you know about that girl. But first, follow me. We need to go and return these clothes and get compensation for emotional trauma!" Jeremy said as he turned around walking away. But not before taking one last look in Rei's direction.

The guard looked at his young master wondering which girl he was talking about. He scanned the crowd and only when his eyes landed on Rei's beautiful face did he decide that that was the girl his young master was talking about.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up!" Jeremy yelled when he saw his guard not moving.

"Ahh! Yes, Young Master!"


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