Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 76

Chapter 76: Battle Outside The Dungeon Part Two

"That is for sure. As for dinner. Looks like we will really have no choice but to eat wolf meat." Able said as he frowned. I nodded and used earth magic to bury the other two wolves. All I can say was that our dinner on this night was horrific. 

The next day we continued our journey up the mountain and only reached the entrance of the dungeon around midday. To be honest, when I think of a dungeon I always think of a cave of some kind that goes deep into the ground and this is exactly as I imagined it. It was a large cave opening that had stairs leading down into the dark depths below. Why there were stairs I do not know. The thing about dungeons that I found out from Able is that they just appear. There is no reasoning for them to appear, they just did. 

Each dungeon was different and always had three bosses. A minor boss, a mid boss, and an end boss. Just because a dungeon was cleared did not mean that was the end of the dungeon. Even if you killed every monster and boss in the dungeon, they would all respawn after some time. There was an unspoken rule about dungeons. You could leave a marker outside the entrance notifying anyone who was coming in that there was already a team inside. Normally this worked fine and people stuck with this rule. Then there were those with bad intentions who would attack you while you were in the middle of a battle to steal your items. Then there were those that were called scavengers who would not cause you any direct harm but would take what was left behind that your team did not want. 

Sadly, unless you knew how to create a barrier to block people from entering the dungeon while you were on a run through, you could not stop people from entering. As for us, I will be setting up a barrier. As people sent from the adventurers guild it did not matter who was running the dungeon at the time we would still need to enter to do our investigation. 

But before we could even make our way into the dungeon, Able stopped us and quickly turned around. "Show yourself! I know you are here!"

"Oh? You sure have some keen senses." A group of thirty men in black appeared. I could tell that all though they were together each group came from a different place. This was due to the insignias they had on their clothing. "I tell you what boy, hand over the girl named Rei Lancaster, and the rest of you can go about your business. But the girl must die."

"Not going to happen. Rei is my fiancee. No one is allowed to do anything to her." Able replied, his tone of voice growing cold as he drew his sword.

"So it seems we will have to do things the hard way. Kill them!" The man yelled out. 

"Formation C!" Our attackers also had a back line, so splitting up was the only way to go. The two mages our enemy had could not cast at everyone and most likely they would be firing at our own ranged members. Giving Able and I a chance to lower the numbers on the rest. 

This was no time to be holding back so I planned to go all out during this fight. I ran right into a group of ten that had aimed for me, waved my hand, and whispered: "Ice Needle Rain!" Thin needle like objects made of ice rained down around me stabbing into the assassins. Painful yells could be heard but only two fell from the attack. I jumped up and spun my body around as my sword appeared in my hand slashing at the necks of three more. Unfortunately, I was only able to take one of them out in this attack. These guys were very quick on their feet. "Seems I need to move faster." 

Rotating my internal energy and pushing it down to my feet I boosted my speed by tenfold as I began twisting and turning to dodge incoming attacks while striking out at the vitals on these attackers. With my current speed, the assassins were starting to drop like flies. A full three minutes passed and I had already killed five more of the assassins. "Two left..." 

My eyes narrowed as I shot forward. I could see the fear and despair in the assassin's eyes but I didn't pause my steps as I thrust out stabbing my sword right into his neck. Blood squirted out and splashed all over me, causing me to feel my stomach turn. But I pushed it down and turned my attention to the final man. 

This assassin attacked fiercely. I could tell he was fighting for his life which was understandable. Who wanted to die? But I was also one who was fighting for their life. I sure as hell did not want to die. So, since they came to kill me, I could only respond in kind. There was no way I was going to shine my neck and extend it out while saying: "Here you go, chop it off for me, will ya?"josei

I was only fourteen, I sure as hell did not want to die anytime soon. I pushed my speed to its limits and quickly sidestepped one of his attacks. With my free hand, I yanked out on his extended wrist causing him to lose his center of balance and stumbled forward. This gave me a large opening so I quickly slashed down at his neck, separating his head from his body. Blood once again splashed all over me. At this point I had my golden blonde hair matted to my head soaked in blood. To be honest, I was very surprised at how much blood could actually squirt out of a person. But this also made me sick to my stomach. 


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