Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 77

Chapter 77: Battle Outside The Dungeon Part Three

I turned my head to see that everyone else was still fighting. With no time to rest I quickly ran over to help. The two mages seemed to have died quickly by being burnt to death. My guess was Sam had something to do with it. I first checked on Able who was fighting five assassins, but he seemed to be okay. But Marsil and Sam were having issues as the rest of the assassins chased them around. Although I wished to run over and assist Able, I knew he would get mad if I did not prioritize the others over him. It was a good thing I did because Sam had tripped giving the assassins time to catch up to him. I stretched out my hand and an icy aura floated out of it as I softly spoke: "Ice coffin." The assassin that was just about to chop down with his dagger was frozen in place. The ice began to gather on his body and in only a matter of a few seconds he had completely turned into an ice cube. 

With the immediate danger out of the way I taped my foot off the ground and used my internal energy to jump high into the air right over to where Sam was and landed right in front of him. "Sam are you okay?" 

"Yeah, thanks!" Sam said with tears in his eyes. I am sure he thought he was going to die just now.

"Good! Then get up quickly. It will be hard to defend you while fighting with these numbers." If it was not for the fact that I really did not know how to control my magic well, I would cast a large scale attack but I was afraid of hitting others so I could only use minor area of attack spells and direct attack spells. Luckily magic seemed to come naturally to me. Since it was imagery based, I only had to imagine it in my head. Every once in a while I would say the name of the spell in order to solidify my thoughts. Like today I have said spell names a few times due to the urgency of things. Not that I am really complaining. At least I can whisper it when I am fighting alone. In a team, it was also better to at least say a spell name out loud. This would give a warning to your teammates. josei

"Ouch!" I heard Sam yell out as he stood up. He hobbled on one foot, it seemed he had twisted his ankle. I frowned seeing this since he would not be able to move quick enough. 

"Sam, change of plans, do not leave my side okay?" As I said this, two assassins attacked me at the same time. I quickly pulled Sam to the side not caring if I caused him to feel any pain. I swung my sword parrying one attack while kicking out with my foot to knock the assassin back. I gathered magic into my sword igniting it on fire as I gripped Sam's collar with my free hand and spun around dragging him with me. I slashed out with my sword causing a blade of fire to shoot out at the second assassin. I did not stop my feet as I jumped back, dropped my sword, and shot four fireballs at the assassin I had kicked away. All of this happened in a matter of a few seconds. Both assassins fell to the ground withering in pain as the fire burnt their bodies.

I then shoved Sam behind me again and pressed both my hands together gathering as much magic as I could within them. A ball of magic made of light formed in between my hands. Once I felt it was big enough I extended my hands in a sweeping motion as I released the ball of magic which shot out like a whip in front of me. "Light Ray!" The five assassins that were just about to lunge at me were all incinerated by this attack, cutting them in two. 

At this point, I was really starting to get exhausted. But as I went to turn to check on the others again I heard the most comforting voice in the entire world fall into my ear. "Rei are you alright!?"

Able and Marsil ran over to me. It seemed they had finished off the last of the assassins. As soon as Able got to me, he pulled me into a hug. The warmth of his body finally made me relax causing my body to feel weak as I collapsed into his arms. I was very tired. I drained a lot of magic in that last attack. All I knew was that if all five attacked at the same time, either Sam or I would end up seriously hurt. "Check on Sam, he hurt his leg."

"Marsil is already feeding him a healing potion. What about you, where is all this blood from?" Able asked. From the expression on his face, I could tell he was very worried about me. 

"It's not mine. For some reason when I fight I end up getting soaked in blood..." It was not like I liked being soaked in blood but probably my lack of experience. I could see that Able had only a few splashes of blood on him while here I was almost soaked head to toe in it.

Able let out a sigh of relief as he gently began wiping the blood off my face. "It's good that you are safe. If something happened to you I don't know what I would do." 

"Mm… I feel the same about you. So we both need to be careful from now on otherwise we will end up making the other sad." My cheeks were red, Saying such kind words with such a handsome face should be outlawed.


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