Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 78

Chapter 78: Dangers Of A Dungeon Part One

Luckily for me there was a stream nearby and with a little bit of illusion magic I set up a small area for me and Marsil to bathe in. Able kept watch while Sam rested on the shore. They would get to wash up afterwards. I was slightly embarrassed knowing that Able was right there while I was bathing without clothes on. But I had to get this blood off me. Once I did and got my armor washed up as well I felt much better. These were the times when needing a spare set of armor came in handy. I am glad I brought a second set. 

After the boys washed up, which I was kind enough to keep the illusion up for them as well, we made a fire in front of the dungeon entrance and set our clothes out to dry. As for my and Marsil's underwear... Well, although it was embarrassing, we also laid those out as well. I know it is just a piece of cloth but boys will be boys… Won't they have all kinds of weird perverted thoughts? anyway , I am sure Able would not have such thoughts. I hope…

While we sat around the fire A thought popped into my head. "Does anyone know why the monsters never leave the dungeon?" I asked. It had been bothering me. If the dungeon was completely open, why was it that the monsters always stayed inside the dungeon?josei

"I had asked dad this question when I was little. What he told me was that some kind of mysterious force kept them inside the dungeon. So even if you captured a monster alive you could not bring it out even if it was in a cage. You can only bring dead monsters out. But because of the lack of space one can carry normally people will gut the monster inside the dungeon and only take the most valuable parts or whatever drops they had dropped. " Able explained.

"I see. I wonder what that force is that keeps them there..." I found this information really interesting, it was as if it was all controlled by a block of code written for a game. Or maybe even some kind of higher power. At any rate none of that mattered. It was a good thing monsters could not escape the dungeon or we would have some very powerful boss monsters roaming about. But strangely enough monsters dropped things like money and items as well. So besides the resources you could gain from them you could pick up armor or even weapons. But this only accounted for dungeons. Monsters that lived outside dungeons did not drop items at all. 

"Some say it is a work of god. That god created dungeons in order for us to better ourselves. Then some say it was the devil who was finding a worthy heir to his throne by pitting people against a series of tests. There were also those who say it is the work of the previous demon lord to help the Hero train in order to do battle against him. But even with the many theories and guesses on who made them and why do they appear. No one actually knows the truth." Able said. 

So dungeons were an unsolved mystery. This kind of excited me a little bit. I wondered what exactly a dungeon was and why they were made. We continued to chat until our clothes finally dried which I hurriedly put mine away. It was finally time to enter the dungeon. We put out our fire but did not get rid of the camp itself. The fire pit would stay for future adventurers. So even the logs and rocks we brought over as seats would also be kept in place. "Everyone got everything? Dry foods? Water? Rations?" I asked to make a final check with everyone.

Once everyone had checked their gear we stood in front of the cave entrance that looked as if it was ready to swallow us all and stepped past the boundary. I turned around and waited for everyone to be inside before saying: "Okay I will create the barrier now." 

I looked at the entrance of the cave and pictured an impenetrable barrier blocking the entrance in my head. It was transparent blue with a turtle shell texture. With a wave of my hand, the barrier was created which was a few centimeters thick. "This should keep anyone out for now. If something happens you can open the barrier by saying the unlock phrase. That phrase is… 'Able Is Handsome'. I took a peak at Able after saying this to see him smiling away."

Everyone seemed to give me a strange look except for Able who seemed to be on cloud nine. But what can I say? While I was making the barrier I couldn't help but think of how handsome Able was. So in the end this is what happened. Not like I cared. Able was indeed handsome. 

"Okay now that we know that we are safe from being stabbed in the back, it is time to talk about the way we will explore this dungeon. We need to map out as much as possible so we will be killing a lot of monsters. We need to look for traps and bosses as well. Sometimes the minor and mid bosses will roam around. If we get caught off guard and wiped out things will get bad, fast. Also, remember that mid boss's can one-shot you if you are not careful. So do not get to far behind the group make sure you stay as close as possible." 


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