Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 79

Chapter 79: Dangers Of A Dungeon Part Two

"So what should we do then?" Marsil asked. It seemed Able's words had scared her a little bit.

"We will use formation D, I will take the lead and watch our front while Rei is in the rear and watches our back. Marsil will watch our left and Sam will watch our right. The first sign of any movement, quickly tell us. Even if you think it was a trick of the eye, make sure you say something. You never know if it might be a fast moving monster." Able explained the plan to us. He went on to explain that this was a basic formation for all veteran adventurers. It allowed you to keep an eye on every location along the path. Everyone found this to be very good but I was hoping I would not trip while walking backward. 

With our formation set, we finally began to descend the stairs. Now when I say these stairs seemed never-ending I mean they seemed never-ending. We continued to go deeper and deeper for almost an hour when we finally reached the end. But what laid before us made us all frown. A thin layer of fog covered the moss covered ground. Pools of water could be seen everywhere. Long pointed rocks hung from the ceiling. Embedded into the walls and ceiling of the cave were luminescent rocks. The floor had batches of glowing mushrooms which helped light up the room even more. Although these things were not very bright, put together made the room dimly lit to a point that we could see where we were going. 

The biggest issue with this room was its size. It was far too big to be a normal dungeon room. I realized something was off when I saw how cautious Able was being. "Able is something wrong?"

"This is not a normal room. From what I know, dungeons normally have slim passages, interweaving throughout the entire dungeon floor, with small rooms here and there, unless it was a boss room. But this room is way too big. I only heard of last boss rooms being this big. Everyone stay on guard!" Able replied.

"Right!" Marsil, Sam, and I answered at the same time. 

We continued forward very slowly as we all cautiously looked around us. But as far as we could see there was nothing here. But that was when I noticed something strange. "Is it just me or is the ceiling a lot lower than before?"

"Shit!" As if struck by lightning Able yelled out. "It's a trap room! Quickly search for the exit or we will be crushed to death!" 

Trap rooms were something Able had explained while we were waiting for our clothes to dry. They were rooms of varying sizes with different mechanisms. Some would be a monster trap room where you would enter and a bunch of monsters would spawn. Others would use one of the elements and flood the room. Like stepping into a trap room that had the fire element the whole room would fill with flames burning anything within it. Then there were trap rooms like this that used ancient mechanisms to kill you. 

It was then we had overlooked an important aspect of this room. Because of how the room was lit up on the walls every meter or so a black impression could be seen on the wall making it look like an exit. With the room being dimly lit, it was not an easy task to see where the exit was. 

"What do we do?" After noticing this Sam began to panic. 

"Calm down first! Freaking out will not help us in any way." I said as I racked my brain. Without much ideas, I could only think of making the room brighter. I waved my hand and sent out hundreds of baseball sized orbs of light throughout the room. 

"Over there!" Marsil yelled out as she pointed to the far side of the room. It seemed making the room brighter was the right choice since all the shadows quickly disappeared. 

But now we had another issue. "Able grab Sam we need to run for it!" Yes, we needed to run for it, because the ceiling was lowering much faster now. We had spent too much time trying to figure things out. Now, we are very close to being crushed to death but the worst part was that one of the rock protrusions on the ceiling that hovered above our exit was big enough to block the entire exit!josei

Able did not even answer as he quickly grabbed hold of Sam and swung him on to his back all in one swift motion as he ran. I grabbed ahold of Marsil's hand and basically dragged her behind me as I ran as well. 

The lower the ceiling got the faster the ceiling moved. I was the first to reach the exit right as the large rock protrusion began to block to exit. I did not hesitate to ball my fist up and focus both my internal energy and magic into my fist as I thrust out and smashed my fist into the rocky face shattering it. "Go. go!" 

I flung Marsil into the exit and then reached out for Able's hand, grabbing it, and pulling him with me as I jumped through the exit. Right as Able's foot passed the exit threshold we heard a loud bang as the ceiling seemed to have let go and smashed into the ground. If we were even a second later we would have been squashed like a pancake with no chance of survival. This goes to show just how dangerous dungeons could be. But this also brought about another issue. How were we supposed to exit the dungeon?


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