Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 92

Chapter 92: The Enemy Of All Women!

When we entered the third floor I almost cried in joy when I saw a lush forest seemingly teeming with life. "Thank god!" 

"Yes, we can forage for food and hunt some animals. When we first entered this floor I did see some horned rabbits. And I am sure there must be a water source somewhere on this floor. " Able said, also letting out a sigh of relief. 

"Umm… I hate to burst you guys' bubbles, but what the hell is that!?" Marsil pointed between two trees. I looked over to see a silky like substance intricate woven into a huge set like structure. 

I guess now would be a good idea to explain one thing about myself. Besides being scared of scary things, like ghosts and zombies, there was one more thing I was utterly terrified of and more so than some nasty zombies. "What Rei! What are you doing!?" 

I had jumped on and wrapped myself around Able's body like a koala bear when I saw eight hairy legs, fangs, and eight eyes. The enemy of all women! A damn spider! But this spider was like the king of spiders because it was huge and I mean it was as tall as Able! Can you blame me for freaking out? Out of habit, I yelled out: "Ahh! Someone squish it!" Before latching on to the only place I felt secure, my most wonderful and handsome fiance Able!


"Rei, for someone who wants to be an adventurer, you sure do have a lot of things you are scared of." Of course, Marsil had to poke fun at me, which made me note down that Marsil was not actually a woman. I mean how can she not be afraid of a spider? This is unthinkable!

Able also chuckled as he patted my head. I had latched on to the front of him and buried my face into his chest. "It's just a low level monster. It is nothing to be afraid of. You can easily kill it with a magic attack. You won't even need to get close to it. Just don't use fire since we are in a forest. Marsil, Sam, please kill it." 

From behind me, I could hear a screeching sound and then Able saying: "It's done. It is gone now, Rei." 

I looked up at him with tear filled eyes and a pouted lip. To see him smile and nodded at me. Only then did I reluctantly turn my head and see the dead spider on the ground no longer moving. I climbed down from my protective position and fixed my clothes, my cheeks red as can be. I then looked at Able and said: "Sorry..." 

"It's fine, everyone has things they are scared of." Abel said. I knew he was doing his best to comfort me. 

With that incident out of the way, we continued our trek through the dungeon. We had gone down twenty nine floors almost running out of food and water many times. After searching the fiery hell we were currently in, we finally found a large door that had two skeletons engraved onto it. "This is?" I asked since the door was completely different than the rest. Not only was it huge it had metal trim with intricate designs on it as well. Unlike the other wooden doors that you would see leading to the next floor.

"A boss room. And mid boss at that… My guess is that this dungeon does not have a minor boss… Everyone rest up we will need to do our best to prepare for the incoming boss fight." We sat down and looked at our supplies. I knew we did not have much left, but what we had was pretty pitiful. 

"We need to come up with a plan. Marsil, how much mana does your healing magic use?" I asked.

"Umm about two percent and I recharge about one percent every few minutes." Marsil answered. When I heard her words, I felt a little jealous. This was because I could only recharge a fraction of what she could. It seemed the elf race could recharge mana quickly.

Letting out a depressed sigh I looked at Sam and said: "And you?"

" About one percent if I use only ice missiles. But mine also regenerates very slow. To be honest I have no idea how fast it actually regenerates, I only know it would take a few hours to go from one percent mana to full if I did not rely on mana potions." Sam replied.

"I am about the same. My guess is that Able your mana regeneration is slow as well, right?" I looked at Able who gave a slight nod. "Then Marsil, I will ask that you concentrate more on healing than damage if you can. There is no telling how injured we will get while fighting the boss. We have no health potions left, no mana potions…. I think we will die before we even leave this place." I suddenly became very, very depressed. I knew I could get what we needed from the system shop but I was still worried about what would happen if I said something. 

I looked up at Able who was gazing back at me warmly and pondered for a moment before coming to a decision. I got up and whispered into Able's ear: "Can we talk for a second." 

Able looked at me confused but nodded his head and got up. I turned to the other two and said: "We will be right back. I need to talk with Able privately."

"Oh, ho!? Going to go have your last kiss in case we all die?" Marsil said teasingly. I only tilted my head back and smiled at her before walking behind a large rock with Able that was nearby.

"What's wrong?" Abel asked.josei

"Ummm… I wish to talk to you about something and I hope you will not think of me as a monster as I finish what I am about to say. I did not actually want to mention any of this before but our circumstances will not allow me to keep hiding it..."


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