Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 93

Chapter 93: Confiding In The One You Love

When Able heard my words he pulled me close and hugged me tightly. "You will never be a monster to me Rei. You are the girl I want to marry. The girl I wish to be with. We have been in this dungeon for a little over a half a year. Every day I spend with you I find new things out. The more time I spend with you the more I wish to be with you. Whatever you tell me I promise here and now I will not leave you and will continue to love you. Rei, I love you and do not wish to be apart from you ever."

Hearing Able's sudden confession of love made my mind go blank. I knew he loved me due to the system, but knowing and actually hearing the person say it is two different things. My heart began to speed up and my face went completely red. But the things he said just now made me realize that I felt the same way. At some point and time, my like for Able had transformed into love. But this scared me even more. If I told him about myself, would he go back on his words? I found my arms wrapping tightly around Able and buried my face into his chest. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I sobbingly asked: "Do you promise? Do you promise not to leave me if I tell you?"

Able kissed the top of my head and squeezed me tighter while rubbing my back. "I promise. I will never leave you."

"Even, If I were to say I am not the original Rei Lancaster? That I am a soul from another world, that took over Rei Lancaster's body after she died?" I asked meekly.

Able suddenly went quiet but his hug tightened as he kissed my cheek and then nuzzled into my neck. " The Rei that I know, the Rei that I have come to love, is you, and only you. Rei, whether you are the real Rei Lancaster or some soul that inhabited her body, the you who stands in front of me, is my Re Lancaster."

"Able..." I choked on my tears as I lifted my head up and kissed Able's lips. This kiss lasted almost a full two minutes. It was the first time I had kissed Able like this. I had pushed my tongue into his mouth, giving him a full pledged french kiss. But this kiss sealed our relationship, from one of like to one of love. This kiss was for Able and Able only. 

After our kiss broke we sat down behind the large rock. I sat in Able's lap and leaned the back of my head on his chest and began to explain to him about myself and where I came from. "So my real name is Higashi Rei. Before I died, I was fifteen years of age, I went to school… Ah, by school, I mean something like an academy where you go to learn." josei

I did not tell Able about my otome game addiction or the fact that this world was basically a game called Magical Love, a game from my world. I told him how I died and how I came to wake up as Rei who had died from mistreatment and sickness in the Baron's estate. Then I began telling him about my system.

"So the system I have is something I got when I woke up in this world. It gives me tasks to do and if I fail them, I will be penalized from losing my voice for a week or possibly even death. But I also have a save system. This means if I die, I can go back to where I last saved and redo everything I have lived through before. So in a sense, I am kind of immortal. I can die but can't at the same time. This system also has an item shop since completing missions will give me points that I can spend in it. This is where I can get the things we need to survive through this boss fight." I finished explaining everything and waited for Able's response. 

"I see. So if you were to die now where would you wake up?" Able asked. It seemed Able picked up mainly on the whole death thing. 

"I actually meant to save before the system upgraded but things got out of hand and I forgot… So I would be saved inside the room where the kidnapped children were. But I plan to save before going into the boss room… I don't want to lose any time that I have spent with you and the relationship I have built with you over these past months to disappear just like that. Although this dungeon has brought us many hardships I still cherish every second I spend with you." I paused for a moment and swallowed a mouth full of saliva as I mustered up my courage to just spill out all of my feelings now. "Able… You have already stolen my heart. The way you feel about me, I feel the same towards you. I love you..." 

Able squeezed me tightly which made me smile. But before I could say more the system cut in: "Rei, there is a new function within the store that you can buy that will open up a team function. People that you trust you can team with. By being in a team, you can save and have your team members remember everything that happens when you respawn and even use shop items to revive them if they die and you stay alive. But I would only suggest doing this with those very close to you. Such as the man you so passionately kissed just now. Woo! Woo! They will also get their own status screen which will reveal their basic stats but not have any other sections like love interest etc. But this does come with an inventory to make life easier for them." 

I so wanted to punch this system. But what the system said was an amazing thing, I quickly asked: "How much is it!?"

"The new function is twenty thousand System Points. Do you wish to purchase it?" The system asked.



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