Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 94

Chapter 94: Teaming Function

"Rei?" Able called out my name while I was talking with the system. He must have been worried since I had stopped talking to him. 

I turned my head and kissed his lips as I excitedly said: "Able something will pop up in front of you in a moment. Just think in your mind about pushing the yes button. I just opened a special function that lets people team with me. This way if I die, you will also remember everything that has happened between us when I recover back at my save point. And If you happen to die, I will be able to revive you with an item. Like this, we can always be together and always know how the other is doing even if we are apart doing our own things." 

"This system thing sounds like a godly thing. To be able to allow us to both remember things that happened even after death. Not to mention you being able to revive me if I were to die." Able said in surprise. I guess he never thought he would be able to remember the things that happened between the two of us if I had to restart from a save point. But this also made me feel more at ease if I was to ever die, not that I wanted to.

"Mm… You will also be able to see your personal stats. Which will help you understand where your weaknesses are. Also… Able, please do not tell anyone else about this. This must stay just between the two of us." I said. I knew he would never say anything but I had to make it known that this was our secret that I only wished to share with him.

"Don't worry this is something I will forever keep a secret." Able went silent for a second before I saw his eyes open wide and heard him say: "Oh! It's here. So I just have to think of hitting the yes button right?" 

"Mhm!" I had finally sent the request which popped up for Able in front of him. Once he hit yes, his name with his health, mana, and stamina all showed up on my HUD. This made me smile knowing I would always know if Able is okay or not. josei

This dungeon has taught me to cherish the things I love and Able is someone I wish to cherish for the rest of my life. I may be young and some may pass this off as a young love for a girl who had no idea what love was like but this was not just some game. This was real and my feelings for Able were one hundred percent genuine. From this day forth Able will become my life. I made a secret vow to myself to get rid of any bugs that might pop up around Able and try to steal him away from me. I do not mean in a yandere way either. 

"This also comes with an inventory that you can put items into. Just imagine opening a small item box with many slots and it should come up." I was not sure if Able would understand what I meant because it was a bit hard to explain something like an inventory if the person does not know what exactly an inventory was.

But luckily he seemed to have gotten the idea because he smiled brightly and even took off his pouch and stuck it into his inventory. "Now this is very handy. It's like a space pouch but without the need to have to carry the pouch." 

"Yeah, it is very handy." I was happy to see Able being amused by the teaming function and also relieved at the same time. 

"Oh? I can see your name along with some bars next to it as well, what are those?" Able asked me.

"The green bar represents my health, so if it drops to zero then it means I have died. The blue bar is my mana and the yellow bar is my stamina. Internal energy uses stamina." I explained. 

Able nodded his head understanding what I meant, then he asked: "So you said you can give us the things needed for this boss fight?" 

"Yes, but first let me save. I might end up using the rest of my system points to get what we need but in case we choose wrong and should have gotten something else it would be a good idea to save first so we can use the knowledge we gained as a means of trying new tactics. Although, I really hope it never comes to that." I still had plenty of save points so I wished to save now so I would not need to start all over again. Even though it might not be as bad now that Able would retain his memories as well. I still wished to save anyway. "System use one of my save tokens."

"As you wish, Rei." A light flashed around me and Able, confirming that I had now saved. 

"All set, let me get to buying the potions." I said, then I quickly got up and began producing many different potions. In the end, I spent five thousand points leaving me with 13100 points from the 38100 points I had just recently gotten. This reminded me that I needed to ask the system later to figure out why I got so many points. 

"This should be enough. As for the other two I will make something up so do not say anything to them, Rei." Able gathered up the positions and began splitting them into four groups. Once we had everything split between us, Able pulled me into another hug and gazed into my eyes. He smiled brightly which almost made my heart burst out of my chest. It is said that even if you are married to a handsome man he will always be able to make your heart beat fast with his smile. Able was no different. I was mesmerized by his smile and before I realized it, his tongue was in my mouth. It was then that I found out that Able was still like any other man, a huge pervert...


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