
Chapter 334

Chapter 334: Let's Eat Mushrooms

The strategy was simple.

First of all, Jinrai's Thunder God Cannon attack along with the stone throwing of mass production models Tatsuyoshi-kun A and B would damage the enemies while attracting their attention, which would let Kazane inside Rokuten-kun: Ashura King mode launch a surprise attack from the sky to kill the enemies around the Boss Arachne Wired and separate it from its army. During that time, Naoki's group would rescue and run away with the adventurers; after that, everyone would annihilate the spiders that had lost their Boss.

And everything had gone perfectly so far.

「Ah, jeez, I was scared.」

Kazane muttered inside Rokuten-kun: Ashura King mode.

The moment she landed after eradicating enemies with Mega Beam, she received a concentrated attack of spider thread. But the spider threads used by Mad Spiders and the like were weak to fire. And since the spider thread was made of magical power, the Magic Defense from the Rainbow Curtain also weakened it. On top of that, the automatic defensive flame of the Guren's Cloak activated, so she was able to easily eliminate all of it.

However, the excessively sticky sensation was revolting, so Kazane had shouted by impulse. A shout that had『Fear Voice』and『Devil King's Intimidation』applied to it.

Furthermore, she summoned the Berserk Ogre together with the group of Ogres that had become her retainers some time ago and evolved into Dark Ogres due to the Black Rock Dragon's factor. Incidentally, the Holy Skull Legion and the Muscle Clay Stone Minotaur, which had been stored in her large storage space, were also taken out and activated.

Since the Stone Minotaur was stored in a fixed shape, the Magic Power cost to restart it was about 100, and after attaching all its Black Flame equipment, the total Magic Power cost was 200. Considering the Magic Power cost of the Mega Beam she fired at the beginning, she probably wouldn't be able to use the full power of Rokuten-kun: Ashura King mode for more than 5 minutes.

「Well, that will be long enough, though.」

So saying, Kazane glared at the Arachne Wired. She was firing『Devil King's Intimidation』at maximum power in line-of-sight mode, but it was only slightly perturbed. That meant it likely wasn't the Boss just for show, but even so, it wasn't to a degree that meant Kazane was at a disadvantage.


The Arachne Wired screamed and spit out a hard and thin wire blade made of spider thread. It had enough power to cut even an Ogre in half, but...josei

「That won't work.」

Exactly as Kazane stated, the thread reached Rokuten-kun, but it couldn't cut through.

「It's useless. Even under normal circumstances, that level of attack power wouldn't pass through Rokuten-kun, and on top of that, the Rainbow Curtain from the Rainbow Necklace I received from Husband defends against magical attacks.」

If thread made of magical power passed through the Rainbow Curtain, it would be weakened. Rokuten-kun couldn't even be scratched by such an attack. For an Arachne Wired, which had thread made of magical power and no other means of attack, Rokuten-kun: Ashura King mode was the worst opponent in terms of compatibility.

「Well then, shall I do it?」

Then, with black wings fluttering, Kazane charged at the Arachne Wired. She used the attack style she christened『Heaven Wing Eight Slashes』, which added kicks to the attacks from her Six-sword Style to grant her even higher attack power due to the combo bonus from『Kick Devil』. With no effective attacks and no solid defensive methods, the Arachne Wired's life coming to an end was only a matter of time.


「Too overwhelming...」

The adventurer Barn's voice was hoarse as he watched that scene.

As the golden Devil King sliced up the Arachne Wired, the surrounding spiders were being routed by the Devil King's retainers.

The wall of flames caused by the light fired at the beginning was already disappearing, and beyond that wall of flames, an inhuman collection of beings consisting of a man riding a giant cat, a silver Wolfman, a giant silver wolf with three heads, a skeleton knight, knights made of flame, a ball of lightning, and something that looked like a Slime were rampaging.

The movements of the Mad Spiders confronting them were also sluggish. That was probably the effect of the Devil King's roar some time ago. Even they themselves, who were in a distant place, were in a state of confusion driven by fear. The monsters that had directly received that roar were surely in a panic.

「Haha, even if the spiders are annihilated, the Devil King's army?... It's over.」

Barn laughed while crying. The end of everything was before his eyes. There was nothing they could do now. An unopposable death was drawing near. He felt that way.

「What's over?」

However, he suddenly heard a familiar voice.

「What, you say... you?」

Barn saw an unbelievable thing there.

「Naoki, why are you here!?」

When he noticed, Naoki, a man and a woman Barn didn't know, and a black dragon child were in front of the spider webs Barn and the others were captured by.

「Oh, it looks like you're in good health.」

Naoki grinned at Barn's surprise. Then he called out to Tatsuo, who was flying beside him.

「Tatsuo. Thank you for Invisible.」

『What are you saying? This is to save my uncle's friends. Please leave it to me.』

Tatsuo struck his own chest.

「Sorry to say this while you're busy talking, but we've been discovered.」

Lyle yelled「Seriously?」after Emily spoke, but it was only natural that the Mad Spider would react to the suddenly visible Naoki and the others.

『If it's only that many, I can do it!』

Then Tatsuo cried Kuwaa and fired a focused Mega Beam sideways to mow them down. Before their eyes, the Mad Spiders were cut to pieces. In addition, Emily started shooting the Mad Spiders he couldn't completely finish off.

「All right. Well done.」

Tatsuo cried Kuwaa after he was praised by Lyle. Though as might be expected, since he had fired a Mega Beam after hiding Naoki, Lyle, and Emily with Invisible for so long, he was already out of gas. Making Tatsuo withdraw, Lyle started bringing down the remaining Mad Spiders.

「Naoki, what in the world is this...」

And while a battle began even right before his eyes, Barn's line of sight turned to the golden giant as he asked Naoki that. Naoki looked at the Arachne Wired, which was already almost dead due to Rokuten-kun: Ashura King mode's attacks, and answered Barn's question.

「Ah, Ane... no, it seems Devil King-sama is lending us a hand. We came to save you guys.」

「What did you say?」

Barn was surprised, and when one of the adventurer girls behind him asked「We'll be saved?」Naoki nodded decisively.

「But, we're in this state.」

One of the captured adventurers, Board, said that. As long as they were sealed with spider thread, they couldn't move. But Naoki said「It's okay」as he took out a white sword.

「With this sword I borrowed from Aneki, I can deal with anything made of magical power.」

Then Naoki put his strength into the Magic Killing Sword. Using his Skill『Magic Sword Operator』, he demonstrated its full power. Thereupon, a wave from the Magic Killing Sword disintegrated the spider thread in succession. It was a sword that possessed the power to break down magical compositions. If its area of effect was expanded, things made of magical power would naturally collapse.

「Also, take this... in truth, it's not good to put this in your mouth when you're already weakened, but it's necessary right now.」

Naoki took something that was thinly sliced out of his Item Box and put it in Barn's mouth.

「Oh, what is this... my body's warming up?」

「It's sliced Bamboo Mushroom. Well, it seems that even if you're weakened, you'll be able to move for a while if you eat this.」

They weren't from the ones sold to Louise, but mushrooms that were discovered and harvested by Kazane the day before. Louise told them it could temporarily restore vitality if put in someone's mouth, so in accordance with that, they decided to use them this time.

「Huh? Uwa, my body is certainly gaining strength.」

It couldn't be helped that a certain part of the body also became lively, but in these circumstances, they ignored that. It wasn't a situation to be fussy over the details.

「Rather, Naoki. Stop dawdling and come help!」

Lyle, who was struggling by himself with Emily supporting, shouted.

「Ah, sorry. So then, Barn, use this as your weapon for now.」

So saying, Naoki took an Adamantium weapon out of his Item Box.

「What's this? It's an incredible item.」

Barn raised his voice in admiration as he looked at the Adamantium weapon he was handed. Although no particularly special processing had been done to it, the likes of an Adamantium weapon was a powerful item that didn't appear on the market around this area. His surprise was natural.

「Return it later.」

(Well, we have a ton of them, though)

So thinking, Naoki took out several Adamantium weapons and handed them to the other adventurers. Some of the Adamantium weapons had been melted down and used, but they still had more than 400. In fact, even if he didn't get them back, it would be no skin off their noses. Though that didn't mean they had to give them away for free.

「Mm, my body can move. And with this weapon...」

A middle-aged man with a beard held the Adamantium axe and stood up. They had regained their vitality, ability to move, and even had weapons, so the adventurers seemed eager.

「Sorry to say this when you're so eager, but the effect of the Bamboo Mushrooms is temporary, so for now, escaping is our priority. While counter attacking the Mad Spiders, we'll circle around them and join our companions. You can already move, so let's go quickly. 」

Everyone shouted after Naoki's words, and their retreat from that place began.

Then Naoki looked toward his sister, Devil King Asura Kazanerian, at the exact moment the Arachne Wired was defeated.

After having hacked it to pieces with Rokuten-kun: Ashura King mode, she finished it off by cutting it in two with a single stroke of her Dairokuten Maou Odachi. It seemed it was a victory completely lacking any danger.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Summoning Fighter

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Two Handed Sword『Black Fang』, Draghorn Tonfa x2, Dragon Eating Ogre Army Armor, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring, Angel Bracelet

Level : 37

Health: 149+20

Magic Power: 321+440

Strength: 70+40

Agility: 77+34

Endurance: 41+20

Wisdom : 73-5

Dexterity : 50

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』『Golden Dusk「Dragon Exclusive」』『Mirror Shield』

Skill : 『Kick Devil』『Warrior's Memory: Lv2』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog's Sense of Smell: Lv2』『Golem Maker: Lv4』『Aegis Shield』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition: Lv2』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield: Lv2』『Information Link: Lv2』『Optical Camouflage』『High Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Hand Placement』『Thunder Chariot: Lv2』『Sturdier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Devil King's Intimidation』『Stone Minotaur: Lv2』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『Space Expansion』『Pseudo-Silver Creation』『Poison Claw』『Fireball「Dragon」』『Cuticle「Dragon」』『Arms Creation: Black Flame』『Ingredient Connoisseur: Lv2』『Dragon Pheromone「Dragon」』『Boost』『Monkey's Strong Arm』『Two-sword Style』『Boobies Plus』『Living Armor』『Alarm』『Six-sword Style』『Mental Attack Complete Protection』『Spider Web』『Wire Cutter』

Kazane: 「All right, I obtained『Wire Cutter』!」

Yumika: 「Wolfman...?」

Kazane: 「Wel, well, when your Complete Wolf Transformation is seen from a distance, it's hard to tell if you're a man or woman, right?」

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