
Chapter 335

Chapter 335: Let's Return to the City


Together with Kazane's shout, the Dairokuten Maou Odachi cut the Arachne Wired in half.

The Arachne Wired had already been thoroughly wounded by the onslaught of Rokuten-kun Ashura King mode, so it wasn't able to avoid the direct hit from the katana, which sent it to the next world.

Then Kazane confirmed that she had acquired a Skill called『Wire Cutter』.

「Oof, my Magic Power might be risky!?」

And from the Window that had opened at the same time, she confirmed from her Status that she only had 33 Magic Power remaining. As she had experienced several times in the past, if her Magic Power became 0, she would suddenly feel exhausted, which would make continuing to battle difficult. Therefore, while saying「Ok, separation!」Kazane immediately started escaping out of Rokuten-kun.

Then, responding to Kazane's will, the body restraining technique was released, and the sensations of Kazane's limbs returned. Now disconnected from Rokuten-kun, the consumption of her Magic Power stopped. The chest hatch opened immediately afterward, and Kazane jumped out.


Kazane took a deep breath as her feet touched the ground, and behind her, Rokuten-kun's form started changing.

The Supreme Ruler's Mask was hidden by the visor, and the red hair disappeared. The head horns, four extra arms, and Guren's Cloak were being stored, and the color of its entire body was changing from gold back to jet black. The Muscle Clay also deflated due to the drop in its utilization ratio, causing its figure to slightly shrink.

Thus, Rokuten-kun changed into the appearance called Dairokuten Maou mode, which gave a completely different impression from the Ashura King mode just before.

「Well then, what's the situation?」

As far as she could see, their side was completely superior. It looked like the captured adventurers were also already gone.

While confirming that, Kazane quickly opened the Chat Window and saw that Naoki had written「Success!」As she expected, it seemed it went well.

(The only thing left is to annihilate the rest?)

However, after Kazane thought that, the scene of countless approaching huge spiders jumped into her line of sight. The monsters were Madness Spiders, the superior species of Mad Spiders, and they were like the Arachne Wired's elite guards. They were probably heading toward Kazane because their anger at the Arachne Wired's defeat outrivaled their fear.

「Well, I think it's a bit late to do this now that the Boss they should have protected is dead, though.」

Kazane said, and when the spider thread attacks the Madness Spiders fired were blocked by「Aegis Shield], she thrust forward the Rainbow Dragon Ring on the ring finger of her left hand.


Then, a crystal horn appeared in front of Kazane's left hand, and the Crystal Dragons' strongest technique『Sevens Ray』was fired. The Madness Spiders were helplessly defeated by that sudden powerful light attack. However, as might be expected, they were all superior monsters. The attack didn't defeat all of them. Three had escaped into the air, and when they rushed towards Kazane,


They were instantly exterminated by Jinrai and Yuuko-nee, who had leapt at them from behind.

Then Yuuko-nee landed directly in front of Kazane.

「Carelessness is the greatest enemy.」


Jinrai and Kazane smiled at each other. Rather than feeling saved, Kazane felt like her prey had been stolen. While comprehending that, Jinrai had said those words, so both had probably spoken jokingly.

「Yuuko-nee as well, thanks.」


Yuuko-nee happily cried after Kazane's words.

「So then, is it fine to annihilate them as planned?」

「If we don't defeat them, the nests in the forest won't disappear. If we leave them alone, they will definitely cause harm to people, so there's no need to hesitate.」

Jinrai nodded after Kazane's words. They were monster opponents. They had no intention to show mercy. Then the battle changed to unilaterally hunting the fleeing spiders.

In that mopping up battle, the Dark Ogre corps led by the Berserk Ogre was the most active.

After all, the spiders were the hated enemy that had driven them away. The Dark Ogres had been powered up by the Black Rock Dragon factor they had obtained by incorporating the Dragonscale Breastplate and the like, and they rampaged to the limit as they continued to crush the spiders.

Like that, the battle continued until just after noon. A few Mad Spiders managed to scurry away, but most were hunted, crushed, burned, and killed. It was probably fine to say that the Mad Spiders in the Black Stone Forest had been annihilated.

It looked like they would be able to collect the materials of more than 300 Mad Spiders from this battle. Including specimens that were rendered unrecoverable, the number subjugated probably exceeded 400-500. If the number they had subjugated up until the day before was included, they had probably defeated 600-700.

By the way, Kazane's level had risen to 38 in this battle, but it seemed she didn't acquire any Skills from the Madness Spiders. That was probably because their Skills were already covered due to the Madness Spiders being the directly superior version of the Mad Spiders.

After everything was over, the material recovery team stayed behind while Kazane and the others returned to the forest clearing they had stayed in last night. After Kazane prepared the Cottage, they carried the adventurers they had saved to the large room on the 4th floor for nursing.

By that time, the temporary brimming vitality the Bamboo Mushrooms had granted to the rescued adventurers had disappeared, returning them to their poison-weakened state. Louise started detoxifying the adventurers, and they decided to rest that day to let the adventurers recuperate.

Also, since the number of floors had increased, Kazane installed an elevator in the cottage for movement and luggage use. The adventurers were also carried to the 4th floor using that. Kazane Cottage was evolving day after day.

But, in the first place, was it okay to call a 4 story building with a warehouse and large communal bath a cottage? It was a mystery.

And one day passed.

◎ Black Stone Forest, Near the Center, Inside Kazane Cottage, Morning

「I see. That golden Devil King...-sama lent their power to save us...」

「Yeah. Well, immediately after, they flew towards the Dark Forest, though. Saving people is like a hobby for that person. See, they're not bad person.」

The day after the giant spider extermination, the rescued adventurers had recovered enough to stand up on their own.

Kazane and the others prepared breakfast as each person worked through their respective feelings of grief about the companions they had lost, happiness at being saved, simple amazement, etc., and after everyone calmly ate together, the rescued adventurers thanked them before they confirmed the details of yesterday's battle.

They were particularly interested in the six-armed golden Devil King with jet-black wings.

「A stature exceeding 3 meters... they were terrifying, but elegant.」

One of the rescued adventurers said.

Feeling a mixture of fear and awe, they all zealously praised the Devil King they saw yesterday.

That was also partially due to the influence of『Devil King's Intimidation』, but putting it simply, it was similar to the choked up feeling of「That person is kind」one would feel if they saw a delinquent pick up an abandoned puppy in the rain, only magnified. Especially because it was their own lives that were saved.

In addition to wanting to quickly defeat the Boss so that danger wouldn't fall upon the adventurers in the chaotic melee, Kazane revealed Devil King Asura Kazanerian this time for one more reason.

Thinking about the future, Kazane thought she needed to prepare in advance in case her identity as the Devil King was exposed.

If the fact that Kazane was the Devil King suddenly became known, it was possible that she would be deemed dangerous and targeted. She might even be banned from entering cities out of fear. Depending on the situation and place, she might be deported. The measure she thought of to prevent that from happening was the『Devil King・Champion of Justice』plan.

Her plan was to try and leave the impression that Devil King King Asura Kazanerian worked for the sake of people by taking action in the appearance of the Devil King when situations like this happened.

Kazane wasn't going to take actions that would lead to her reputation becoming like Yumika's in Resurrect City. In this country, Kazane was connected with the powerful person Yuuko-nee. She had similar connections in Tsuvara and Hyvern. There was no way she wouldn't use them.

Kazane was enthusiastic about manipulating information to spread rumors that Asura Kazanerian was a good Devil King. Those who control information control the times. Well, everything from here onward would be wholesale delegated to Yuuko-nee, though.

While dreaming of that blueprint, Kazane made the adventurers have an exaggeratedly good impression of Devil King Asura Kazanerian with a mixture of fact and fiction, and after she was finished, they finally started returning to Shijiri City. They also needed to get treatment in a proper place. Those who couldn't move yet were inside the carriage while the rest rode Hippo-kuns.

And that evening, they arrived at the Shijiri City, and the quest was finally completed.

The subjugation reward this time was for 513 Mad Spiders. When a corresponding amount of poison fangs, poison claws, and poison bags were taken out to be sold as well, screams resounded in the Adventurers Guild office.

With the seriousness of the situation, the guild staff immediately used the Communication Bulletin Board magic tool to contact the guilds in the surrounding towns for support and to report the situation. They worked all through the night.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Summoning Fighter

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Two Handed Sword『Black Fang』, Draghorn Tonfa x2, Dragon Eating Ogre Army Armor, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring, Angel Bracelet

Level : 38

Health: 152+20

Magic Power: 340+440

Strength: 72+40

Agility: 78+34

Endurance: 43+20josei

Wisdom : 75-5

Dexterity : 51

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』『Golden Dusk「Dragon Exclusive」』『Mirror Shield』

Skill : 『Kick Devil』『Warrior's Memory: Lv2』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog's Sense of Smell: Lv2』『Golem Maker: Lv4』『Aegis Shield』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition: Lv2』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield: Lv2』『Information Link: Lv2』『Optical Camouflage』『High Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Hand Placement』『Thunder Chariot: Lv2』『Sturdier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Devil King's Intimidation』『Stone Minotaur: Lv2』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『Space Expansion』『Pseudo-Silver Creation』『Poison Claw』『Fireball「Dragon」』『Cuticle「Dragon」』『Arms Creation: Black Flame』『Ingredient Connoisseur: Lv2』『Dragon Pheromone「Dragon」』『Boost』『Monkey's Strong Arm』『Two-sword Style』『Boobies Plus』『Living Armor』『Alarm』『Six-sword Style』『Mental Attack Complete Protection』『Spider Web』『Wire Cutter』

Kazane: 「The Quest is overーーー!」

Yumika: 「It's strange. I thought we were going to accept a normal Quest and finish it normally this time?」

Kazane: 「It feels like this was the first time we've fought properly in a while, though.」

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