
Chapter 350

Chapter 350: Let's Reach the Hot Spring Town

Then Naoki's group disappeared into the Argo Mountains, where the Coral Temple was located.

To protect them against the mountain cold, Guren's Cloak was removed from Rokuten-kun. Furthermore, they had a Mysterious Warehouse for collecting Indestructible series items. They also had a three-seater Golem『Sangaku-kun Super』powered by a surplus Childstone, so they likely wouldn't have any problems on their journey to the Coral Temple

After seeing off Naoki's group, Kazane and the others headed to Kazane Magic Hot Spring Town (provisional) as originally planned. Though with that said, it was practically a stone's throw away from the entrance of the mountain road. It didn't take them long to arrive.

◎ Minshiana Kingdom, Kazane Magic Hot Spring Town (Provisional)

「Wel, welcome to Kazane Magic Hot Spring Town.」

「It's been a long time, Kimberly-san.」

「It's been a while, Kimberly.」

After Kimberly came out and greeted them, Kazane and Jinrai replied.

The person who welcomed Kazane and the others when they entered Kazane Magic Hot Spring Town (provisional) was Kimberly, the examiner for Kazane's rank C promotion exam. It seemed he was presently the leader of the guards for Kazane Magic Hot Spring Town (provisional), and he had hastened to the entrance of the city immediately after he received a report that a suspicious group had arrived.

And waiting for him there was Kazane's group riding the Thunder Chariot attached to Hippomaru-kun. Furthermore, a monster cat and a black dragon child were riding on top of the carriage, and as might be expected, if Kazane hadn't come out, Kimberly would have surely lost his composure.

Also, the soldiers who seemed to be his subordinates were wary, so they had their hands on the hilts of their swords, but beyond that, their fear was written on their faces. The person who came out was a shorty, but it was a shorty wearing terrifying armor.

The soldiers felt like that armor was directly releasing killing intent at them, and they weren't mistaken. The Berserk Ogre had been stimulated from sensing the scent of battle, and he was standing by.

「You idiots. She's this city's feudal lord!」

Although he thought his subordinates' fright was natural, he shouted at them with a rough voice. Kazane made a face as if to say「Eh, that's decided?」after Kimberly's words, but he didn't notice.

Then Kimberly said「Well then, kindly come this way」and guided Kazane and the others to the temporary feudal lord's mansion, which was next to the hot spring cottage Kazane had jointly designed with Yuuko-nee.

While watching the passing scenery, Kazane and the others observed that Kazane Magic Hot Spring Town (provisional) had more buildings than before, and the form of a town was taking shape. Although it wasn't as fast as Kazane's Golem Maker, the speed of construction in this world, where towns were built wherever a dungeon was born, was very fast.

◎ Kazane Magic Hot Spring Town (Provisional), Feudal Lord's Mansion (Provisional)

「Welcome, welcome, Kazane-sama.」

Then they were welcomed by Makka Tomac, Zenith Firm's Lodging and Town Development Department representative. As could be understood from the fact that she was in this feudal lord's mansion (provisional), she was essentially in charge of the city.

「Yeah, it's been a long time, Makka-san.」

Kazane replied, then Jinrai and the others also respectively greeted her. When Kazane and the others arrived at the mansion, they were directly guided by maids to the feudal lord's room instead of the drawing room.

「This is Kazane-sama's room. I hope you like it.」

When they entered the room, Makka acted naturally without showing any diffidence and explained that to Kazane.

「Ah, that, that. Why am I the feudal lord?」

She heard from Yuuko-nee that she would likely become the mayor, but in reality, she was the feudal lord, and moreover, based on Kimberly's state, it seemed to be a done deal.

Makka tilted her head after Kazane's words, but since Kazane asked for an explanation of the situation, she said that Kazane was qualified to be a feudal lord because she was Yuuko-nee's relative, or in other words, royalty, so Kazane was now this city's lord.

「Nn, I'm royalty? What the heck?」

「Ah, look. Kazane used that White Sword, right? Isn't that the cause?」

When Kazane's head tilted even further after she heard Makka's explanation, Yumika said that. After those words, Kazane frowned, but she understood.

Although Yuuko-nee was originally a player, she lived as royalty because she could use the White Sword, which『could only be used by the royal family』. And Kazane's usage of the White Sword was seen by several people in Minshiana.

In that case, it wasn't strange that Kazane was also recognized as royalty. In fact, if the noble gang were still going strong and had gotten wind of that matter, there probably would have been talk of removing Yuuko-nee and making Kazane a puppet ruler. Though at this point, any person who would have possessed such thinking had already left the royal castle or this world by Yuuko-nee's hand, so such a situation did not occur.

「In order to further develop this city, having Minshiana Kingdom take action was necessary, and establishing a feudal lord was also necessary for that purpose. When I consulted my superiors, I was told that Kazane-sama would be treated as the feudal lord for the time being and that I could act as I like.」

Kazane groaned after Makka's words. It was obviously suggested by Yuuko-nee.

「I see. She told me to ask Makka-san, but I'm lending my name?」

Kazane sighed in resignation. Yuuko-nee knew that Kazane and the others were aiming for the rank A dungeon, and she was also the one who instigated them. Therefore, since there were probably measures in place so that Kazane could move freely, she decided to let it pass.

「Umm, did I cause you trouble?」

Makka asked Kazane with an anxious expression. It seemed she thought she might have done something wrong.

「Not at all. Well, it's fine. If it's an arrangement to allow Makka-san to act as you like, I don't have anything to say. Umm, it's fine if I don't actually stay in this city, right?」

「That's right. You staying here would be ideal, but I heard that at the present point, it's a convenient measure to prevent other nobles from doing anything. Basically, since I can manage to do something one way or another, there won't be any trouble for Kazane-sama.」

Makka replied to Kazane's words. Her eyes were fired up. She seemed to be brimming with motivation.

When a new city was being created, the one making the foundation was fundamentally a firm from that country. And when the city was completed, Makka would be entrusted with that city's firm; in other words, she would be promoted to an executive position in Minshiana Kingdom's Zenith Firm.

「Then that's enough about that.」

Anyway, Kazane decided to prioritize their own purpose.

「You've heard about our purpose for coming, right?」

「The matter with Anglais Messi. Yes, I've dealt with it many times.」

Makka's words showed a little weariness.

「That personage has offered a deal for the ownership of the hot spring source, but... you aren't planning to accept it, right?」

「Yeah, I don't feel like giving it to anyone.」

Macca took a breath after Kazane's words.

At the present time, this Kazane Magic Hot Spring Town was being constructed by Zenith Firm, to which Makka belonged. Since it was near the border, Messi Firm on the Lindo Kingdom side could also participate in the form of a joint investment, but since the hot springs were the core of the town, the power balance might be shaken if they were snatched away.

「So then, what is Anglais-san currently doing?」

「Yes. I hear that Anglais-shi is currently staying in Uumin, the trade city just across the border with Lindo Kingdom. He told me that if I contact him when Kazane-sama has arrived, he will immediately hasten to visit.」

Kazane groaned after those words and said「No, I'll go to him.」

「Are you sure?」

「Yeah. Summoning and waiting for him to come seems like it will take a little too much time.」

A messenger would have to be sent to Trade City Uumin, and after that, she didn't know how long it would take for Anglais to get off his backside and come here. Since Kazane and the others had to reach Tsuvara's royal capital before the coronation, they had to hurry as much as possible, and wasting time wasn't desirable. That was half her reason for going to Uumin.

「Besides, since it's a city we've never been to, we can sightsee, right?」

And the other half was that. However, Jinrai frowned.

「But even if something catches your wandering eye, you don't have any remaining funds, right?」

After Jinrai's words from behind, Kazane felt like she had been punched in the gut. Kazane was currently flat broke after the repair cost for Magiria Magic Tool Workshop. It was certainly quite possible that she'd end up like a child looking at a trumpet displayed in a window.

「In that case.」

Then Makka's voice resounded in the groaning Kazane's ears. When Kazane suddenly raised her face and looked at Makka, Makka's glasses were shining brightly.josei

「If it's money, I can prepare some, so... I'd like to make a job request.」

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Summoning Fighter

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King, Liberator

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Draghorn Tonfa x2, Dragon Eating Ogre Army Armor (True), Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, White Magic Accumulator (Revised) ×2, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring, Angel Bracelet

Level : 38

Health: 152+20

Magic Power: 340+520

Strength: 72+45

Agility: 78+39

Endurance: 43+20

Wisdom : 75

Dexterity : 51

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』『Golden Dusk「Dragon Exclusive」』『Mirror Shield』『Rabbit Speed』『Flare Mirage』

Skill : 『Kick Devil』『Warrior's Memory: Lv2』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog's Sense of Smell: Lv2』『Golem Maker: Lv4』『Aegis Shield』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition: Lv2』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield: Lv2』『Information Link: Lv2』『Optical Camouflage』『High Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Hand Placement』『Thunder Chariot: Lv2』『Sturdier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Devil King's Intimidation』『Stone Minotaur: Lv2』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『Space Expansion』『Pseudo-Silver Creation』『Poison Claw』『Fireball「Dragon」』『Cuticle「Dragon」』『Arms Creation: Black Flame』『Ingredient Connoisseur: Lv2』『Dragon Pheromone「Dragon」』『Boost』『Monkey's Strong Arm』『Two-sword Style』『Boobies Plus』『Living Armor』『Alarm』『Six-sword Style』『Mental Attack Complete Protection』『Spider Web』『Wire Cutter』

Yumika: 「Come to think of it, even though it's such a world, there are national borders.」

Kazane: 「A continental map existed at the time of the game 1000 years ago, and since borders can be measured from the sky due to Wyverns and the like, it seems such things are distinct. National borders also have an implication as a demarcation for monster subjugation responsibility.」

Yumika: 「In that case, thoughtless expanding territory is difficult.」

Kazane: 「That's how it is. Also, because of the example of the Adventurers Guild, it seems there are many organizations like trading firms and other guilds that have branches in various cities despite the relatively slow communication speed.」

Yumika: 「Is everything so mismatched due to halfhearted implementation of player knowledge?」

Kazane: 「Yuuko-nee said that. She said that excessively conspicuous acts, like when White King Yukito used his modern knowledge cheat before his country was destroyed, will often cause a reaction in the surroundings and lead to being crushed, so properly functioning uses are scarce.」

Yumika: 「Ah, it's a tough world.」

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