
Chapter 351

Chapter 351: Let's Tightly Hug the Shorty

◎ Argo Mountain Range, In the Mountains, Night

The repeated sounds of something heavy's footsteps could be heard.

It was already almost nighttime, but in the pitch-black mountains, and moreover, even in the middle of a blizzard, an extremely bright light similar to sunlight was shining. It was advancing slowly, little by little.

That shining something was a huge rock monster; in other words, a Golem. With its one eye shining, it slowly advanced through the snow. It seemed to be pushing on towards the summit.

And although they couldn't be seen from the outside, there was a mixed gender group of three people inside that huge Golem.

(It's like a robot, but it doesn't have a control stick or anything, like those whizzing guys that can be bought at a department store for 100 yen.)

As Naoki was thinking about that, Lyle to his side was closely examining the cloak he was wearing.

「The Indestructible Crystal Lamp outside is strange, but this cloak is as well. Even though it's covered in flame, it's warm, but it's not hot.」

「It seems it's a considerably high-ranking magic tool. But if I remember correctly, the treasure chests on the floating island repop, so if we go there again, there should be another one?」

Naoki replied to Lyle's words. The treasure chests installed in the floating island's Vordo Ruins were tremendously advanced alchemy devices that used blueprints to fix magical forms in place, then materialize them. The large amount of Adamantium equipment and bones that Kazane and the others obtained were also created over a long time, and were not natural Adamantium.

「Seriously? Then, shall we also go get our own next time we go to the floating island?」

After Lyle's words, Emily butted in.

「It seems a large number of Adamant Skull Ashuras will attack. Can Brother deal with them?」

After his younger sisters spoke, Lyle replied「No, that might be impossible...」

「There's no might about it. It's impossible. I was told that if they were surrounded, even Aneki and the others would be in danger.」

The problem with the floating island's Vordo Ruins wasn't just the fighting power of the Adamant Skull Ashuras; it was also the fact that they sprung up one after the other, which could make one unable to move in the narrow dungeon corridors. Even a max-level player could die if they got stuck.

「Well, in the first place, we can't go to the floating island by ourselves. Ah, with the miniature Dragon Boat, would there be no problems?」

「Naoki, avoiding encounters with flocks of Wyverns or Griffons would still be a problem, right?」

Emily smashed Naoki's proposal once again.「That's true」Lyle said with a nod.

(Well, even against Griffons, if I remotely control magic swords with『Operator Magic Sword EX』...)

Naoki thought about arguing, but he would only be able to handle one or two at most. And if he were also piloting the Dragon Boat at the same time, the difficulty would increase dramatically. Wyvern opponents would be even tougher.

「Is it difficult?」

「Is what?」


Naoki evasively answered Lyle's words. Talking about it wouldn't change the fact that it wasn't something he could do. Then, while talking about that, Naoki exclaimed「Ah.」

「What is it?」

「I got an email from Aneki.」

So saying, Naoki began tapping his fingers against empty space. Lyle and Emily couldn't see it, but there should be something like a letter from Naoki's sister there. In that empty space, Naoki's gaze moved from top to bottom.

「Aneki and the others are entering the hot spring right now.」

「How enviable.」

Emily sighed a little after Naoki's words.

They had been cooped up in this Golem for the past few hours. They couldn't see anything at all due to the blizzard outside, and she was getting tired of being stuck in place.

「Based on Aneki's map, it's just a little further.」

While looking at the Window Map shared by Kazane, Naoki said that. It would have been nice if they had already arrived as planned, but due to the strength of the blizzard outside, it seemed this Golem『Sangaku-kun Super』was also slowed down.

「Well, the real performance is after this. Right now is a good time to relax.」

「For you. We'll be waiting in vain.」

Lyle grumbled after Naoki's words.

「But you still came with me. You two are good companions.」

After Naoki spoke, he and the Barnes siblings smiled at each other.josei

And the Golem advanced through the mountains. In the darkness that held no signs of life, it slowly, but steadily, advanced.

◎ Kazane Magic Hot Spring Town, Large Communal Bath

「This is the power of human wisdomーーーー!!」

While Naoki and the others were smiling at each other in the snow, Kazane was loudly laughing at the entrance of the bathhouse, where she stood stark naked with legs spread in a daunting pose. Kazane stuck out her almost perfectly flat chest and laughed proudly. Before her eyes, there was certainly something she could be proud of.

It was done at Makka's suggestion.

Makka's proposal was, in short, the remodeling of the temple-style public bath designed by Yuuko-nee. She wondered if Kazane's Golem Maker could perhaps make it more magnificent, and when she said she would pay remuneration, Kazane instantly became motivated. By the way, the contract for the revenue Kazane would earn from this town hadn't been created yet, so that was put on hold at the moment. The shorty was the one who said they would deal with that at a calmer time.

And the thing Kazane created was a crystal open air bath.

The ceiling was still an atrium, but it was now covered with a web of crystal. Now, even if monsters attacked, that would protect against them.

The walls were turned into mirrored surfaces with Coating, so the bathhouse she had widened looked even wider due to reflections.

All other surface parts became transparent by Crystallization. It was a bathhouse where one could see through the rocky ground, and it made one feel feel as if they were walking in the air.

In addition, the faucets and showers could now move automatically with the power from the prepared Childstones. Furthermore, in the center of the bathhouse, water was pouring out of the mouth of a magnificent, huge, transparent dragon modeled after Kazane's Dragonized body.

That place could already be called a piece of art. The excessive workmanship made Makka speechless. The people who came with Makka, like maids from the feudal lord's mansion (provisional) and a magician from the guard force, were also openmouthed as they looked at the bathhouse.

By the way, there was even a Childstone-powered fan installed in the changing room. A dryer was currently being devised, but it seemed it was difficult to adjust the amount of heat, so that was Kazane's next challenge.

「This... I haven't been affected by an illusion, right?」

So saying, Makka pinched her own cheek, but it seemed it was neither an illusion nor a dream.

「This is... overkill, isn't it?」

Louise said, which was natural. This place had beauty that seemed impossible in the human world. Like the area where the gods lived『Meadow in the Sky』, where it was said that people went when they died. This was a place that seemed to embody the hills of jewels that existed in that place.

「You did good work, me.」

「Well, it is good work.」

While half astonished, Yumika was captivated by the sight. This was the result of Kazane freely using the provided Childstones and exhausting almost all of her 860 Magic Power. Its monetary value was immeasurable. Makka was fascinated by the scene, but cold sweat was flowing profusely as she wondered how much she should pay for this.

「As expected of Kazane.」

In that situation, Tiara alone was freed from her temporary paralysis, and she hugged Kazane from behind, lifted her, and entered the bathhouse. Well, if she continued standing there, she would be in the way.

Then Makka and the others, who were waiting behind, also streamed inside. Saying Nya, Yuuko-nee also successively entered. Then, she loudly jumped into the bathtub. Yuuko-nee was now a cat who also loved hot springs. Since she was a summoned being, she didn't have to worry about feeling chilly after a bath, and any fallen hair would disappear when her summoning was cancelled, so there were no hygiene problems. In that respect, she had a very convenient body.

「Huh, Tiara?」

Then Kazane, who was as docile as a cat while being held, noticed.

(Fufufu, that's right, Kazane. I've trained a lot. Lifting Kazane isn't that difficult anymore. Ah, she feels nice, like a boiled egg. She's cute. She's the best. She's squishy.)

Tiara, who continued training on a daily basis, was thinking about such things while hugging Kazane, but Kazane's perception was very different from Tiara's thoughts. Kazane shuddered when she noticed that the amount of flesh pressing against her back was different from before.

(Again... they've gotten bigger...)

The volume had obviously increased. She hadn't been hugged that tightly recently, so she either didn't notice or pretended not to notice, but as might be expected, she noticed now that she was held so tightly.

(Is Tsuvara's princess a monster!?)

Yes, a certain part was too different between Tiara and Kazane, as if they were different creatures. She didn't understand. Kazane didn't understand why the world was so unreasonable.

「Hey, Tiara. You and I are eating the same things, right?」

「Eh? Yes. Kazane's appetite is a little higher, so I think you eat more?」

After Tiara's words, Kazane understood that her perception wasn't mistaken. But then, why was this difference produced? Since she ate a lot, wouldn't it be fine to be more filled out? Thinking that way made Kazane sad.

By the way, since Tatsuo was bathing without his Black Flame equipment, he was in the men's bath with Jinrai and Mefirus this time.

「It looks like they're being noisy next door.」

『As is usual.』

『I hear Mother's voice.』

The men's bath was quiet. With two elderly men and one young but philosophic creature, that might be natural.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Summoning Fighter

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King, Liberator

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Draghorn Tonfa x2, Dragon Eating Ogre Army Armor (True), Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, White Magic Accumulator (Revised) ×2, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring, Angel Bracelet

Level : 38

Health: 152+20

Magic Power: 340+520

Strength: 72+45

Agility: 78+39

Endurance: 43+20

Wisdom : 75

Dexterity : 51

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』『Golden Dusk「Dragon Exclusive」』『Mirror Shield』『Rabbit Speed』『Flare Mirage』

Skill : 『Kick Devil』『Warrior's Memory: Lv2』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog's Sense of Smell: Lv2』『Golem Maker: Lv4』『Aegis Shield』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition: Lv2』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield: Lv2』『Information Link: Lv2』『Optical Camouflage』『High Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Hand Placement』『Thunder Chariot: Lv2』『Sturdier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Devil King's Intimidation』『Stone Minotaur: Lv2』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『Space Expansion』『Pseudo-Silver Creation』『Poison Claw』『Fireball「Dragon」』『Cuticle「Dragon」』『Arms Creation: Black Flame』『Ingredient Connoisseur: Lv2』『Dragon Pheromone「Dragon」』『Boost』『Monkey's Strong Arm』『Two-sword Style』『Boobies Plus』『Living Armor』『Alarm』『Six-sword Style』『Mental Attack Complete Protection』『Spider Web』『Wire Cutter』

Kazane: 「Why do Yumika's and Tiara's grow? Why don't mine grow? I wonder if they're being absorbed?」

Yumika: 「You don't have enough to absorb, do you? Gah, sorry. That was bad of me, so don't hit me!」

Kazanze: 「Uuuuuuuーーーー!!!」

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