Married by Accident, Taming the Billionaire

Chapter 225

Chapter 225

Chapter 225

Chapter 225 Revenge from Black Hawk

Hearing the voice of Black Hawk, Cecelia’s expression was tense, and she was nervous.


If Black Hawk could escape from the apartment successfully, could it be that Remington was injured?

“Hurry up!”

Black Hawk threatened her again, and there was a dagger in his other hand pressed against her waist. Cecelia forced herself to calm down, and could only start the car and drive away.

Remington had already seen Black Hawk get into the car from the upstairs window, and when he ran down from the apartment, he saw that the car had already driven away, so he chased desperately.

But he couldn’t catch up with the car just by running. Remington. collapsed in anxiety as he watched Black Hawk kidnap Cecelia.

If he had known it would be like this, he should have brought her by his side just now. He was the reason for putting Cecelia in such a dangerous situation!

Just when Remington was anxious and told Winger and the others to come quickly, Roger’s police car just happened to arrive.

“Mr. Nelson!”

“Captain Shown, you came just in time!”

Remington opened the door, got in the car, and shouted to the police officer who was driving. “Hurry up! Catch up to my car ahead! The murderer may have kidnapped Cece!”

Remington looked anxious and told him everything that happened just now. After hearing what he said, Roger immediately contacted the traffic team for support.

Under the threat of Black Hawk, Cecelia drove Remington’s car and ran on the road.

At the red light, Black Hawk didn’t allow her to stop, so she drove to his designated destination at the speed he requested.

Although the weapon was pointed at her, Cecelia was not as scared as she imagined. Instead, she calmed down and began to think about how to save herself.

Seeing Cecelia deliberately slowing down the car, Black Hawk said coldly. “Don’t play tricks!”

Chapter 225 Revenge from Black Hawk.

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To prevent her from playing tricks, Black Hawk injected something into Cecelia’s arm.


Cecelia felt the pain, so her arms flinched. The vehicle also shook tremendously because of her movement, almost hitting the isolation. belt next to it.

“What is that?”

Cecelia tried to stabilize the steering wheel and asked.

“Midazuren. It can calm you down!”

“You are such a lunatic!”

Cecelia was horrified. Midasulon was a powerful sedative that can calm and hypnotize people. And now she was driving, this lunatic actually sedated her!

“I can’t drive anymore…”

Not long after, Cecelia could feel the effect of the medicine. Her hands were almost uncontrollable, and her eyesight became a little hazy.

The car could no longer go in a straight line, If it continued like this, Cecelia might have had a car accident in a few minutes.

Just when they arrived at the place he asked for, Black Hawk suddenly issued an order. “Pull over and stop!”

Cecelia quickly pulled over and stepped on the brakes, but her feet were no longer in control, and it took all her strength to stop the car. Looking forward again, it was blurry, and her consciousness was gone.

There was a car parked in the parking place, and Black Hawk got out of Remington’s car and dragged Cecelia out. He put her into the trunk of another car and drove the car away soon.

Not long after, the police car traced the trajectory of the vehicle and successfully found Remington’s car.

“That’s my car! It’s on the side of the road!”

Remington and Roger got out of the police car. When they came to the front of Remington’s car, there was no one in the car.

Opening the door, Remington found Cecelia’s bag and the phone hel gave her was left in the compartment.

Remington was extremely flustered. “Cece must have been

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Chapter 225 Revenge from Black Hawk.

kidnapped by him! That guy changed his car here! He took her away!”

Roger checked from the other side and found a discarded needle tube under the seat. He read the words above. “Midazolone!”


Remington had been injected before, so he knew it so well.


“Yes! This is a sedative. He probably injected Miss Cecelia with this!” “Damn it!”

Remington smashed his furious fist on the car but quickly got into the car and started the engine. He had to continue to track them. Remington drove away, and Roger and the others quickly got into the car to catch him up.

The road monitoring was still tracking Black Hawk’s trace. When the traffic department was looking for passing vehicles in the time period just now, they found a black Audi that was very suspicious.

The car deliberately blocked the license plate and was driving towards the area of the abandoned factories.

Remington and Roger exchanged news and then chased toward that area immediately.

In an abandoned factory.

A black Audi stopped outside of the factory there. Black Hawk dragged the unconscious woman in the trunk into the factory.

This factory building used to be a textile company, and there were a lot of discarded old weaving materials piled up inside.

Black Hawk threw Cecelia to the ground.

Cecelia still had a little consciousness left at this time, her mind was dazed, but she could see the footsteps of Black Hawk. He was walking around, and she could also smell the pungent gasoline.

It turned out that Black Hawk was sprinkling a lot of gasoline on those things around her.

“What are you going to do?”

Cecelia asked weakly.

Black Hawk dropped the gasoline barrel in his hand, turned around,

and looked down at her. He sneered “Cecelia do you know how

Chapter 225 Revenge from Black Hawk

perfect my task is?

“It was your appearance that broke the rules!”

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Black Hawk had already dealt with Leila’s matter very cleanly many years ago, all information and materials were erased, and everyone related to him was warned by him, that there would be no further mistakes.

However, Cecelia’s return broke all this and forced him to make another move!

From his words, it could be known that he was a killer with obsessive–compulsive disorder, and he must do the tasks to perfection!

“You killed so many people, you will go to hell!” Cecelia said.

“Didn’t you realize that those people died because of you? You killed them! If you had given up on this matter, then there will not so many people would have died.”

“You are crazy!” Cecelia cursed him.

“You guys already know my temper, how dare you still provoke me!”

“Since Remington wants me to die now, then I’ll give him a big gift!”

“I want him to see his beloved woman engulfed in fire.”

Everything Black Hawk did now was revenge for Remington.

If he wanted to get rid of Remington’s pursuit, the best way was to use Cecelia to keep them busy fighting the fire, and then he could escape from the chaotic time.

Cecelia wanted to get up, but she had no strength at all.

Black Hawk took out the lighter and prepared to light all the material up. Looking at Cecelia’s beautiful face, he knelt down and stroked it with his fingers. “It’s a pity to burn such a beautiful face!”

Cecelia still wanted to ask him for the truth. “Why…even if I die…let me understand…why will you stop me from investigating…”

“No comment!”

Black Hawk stood up with a cold expression. “I can only tell you that the more you know, the faster you die.

“Where is my mother…” Cecelia just wanted to know the whereabouts of her mother!

Chapter 225 Revenge from Black Hawk

“Maybe you can ask the grim Reaper!”

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After Black Hawk finished speaking, he sneered. He turned around and walked out the door. After walking out, he threw the lighter to the ground.

The gasoline on the ground was stained with flames, instantly ignited, and spread rapidly.

Everything around Cecelia was burning, and she was surrounded by flamés.

These fires reminded her of the fire five years ago. She had a deep fear of fire. After five years, she still couldn’t overcome this fear in her heart.

At this time, she fell into the flames again, and Cecelia seemed to experience that pain again.

But even so, she didn’t want to give up.

She wanted to be alive!

She scratched the ground with her nails and wanted to move, but the medicine was taking effect, and she couldn’t move even a little bit.

Looking at the blazing flames, the despair in her heart was also increasing. Could it be that she was doomed to can not escape this time?

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