Married by Accident, Taming the Billionaire

Chapter 226

Chapter 226

Chapter 226

Chapter 226 Leaning Closer to Her Police cars wh izzed and arrived. After pulling over, Remington got out of the car and saw the vehicle parked in front of him. “We found it. That’s the suspect’s car.” Roger and the others also got out of the car, and he noticed thick. smoke rising from a nearby warehouse. “The warehouse over there is on fire.” “Cecelia might be inside.” 1/5 Remington also saw the smoke and felt anxious. He turned around and grabbed the fire extinguisher from the car and rushed toward the entrance of the warehouse. Roger and the others waved and led their team to find the firefighting equipment nearby. When Remington reached the entrance of the warehouse, he found that the warehouse burned with fire. He desperately looked for Cecelia. “Cece! Cecelia! Are you in there?” “Remington….” Cecelia, who was growing increasingly unconscious, faintly heard Remington’s shouts. She wondered, “Am I hallucinating? It sounded so surreal.” Remington also faintly heard Cecelia’s voice, and he sprayed the fire madly. After extinguishing a patch of flames, he rushed in.” There was thick smoke everywhere inside. Surrounded by flames, Remington kept calling Celia’s name. “Cecelia, where are you? Cecelia! Cece!” As he rushed inside, he tripped over someone and fell to the ground. When he carefully touched and took a look, he realized that it turned. out to be Cecelia. He found her. Remington was overjoyed. He helped her up and shook her hard. “Cece! Cece! Wake up!” “Remington,” Cecelia mumbled softly before completely passing

out. 645 12:38 Chapter 226 Leaning Closer to Her “Cece! I’ll take you out. I’ll take you out now.”

2/5 Remington picked up Cecelia, but by this time, the old fabrics in the warehouse had already caught fire. Flames soared and the situation. became extremely dangerous. They couldn’t rush out of the engulfing fire at all. Just as Remington was feeling anxious, a stream of water was sprayed in from outside. Roger and the others had brought in a fire hose and were spraying water at the flames at the entrance. The water extinguished the flames at the entrance, and Remington quickly took the opportunity to rush out with Cecelia in his arms. As soon as he stepped out, a whole wall of fabric in the warehouse collapsed, and flames spread across the ground. A mere one-minute delay would have resulted in the fire completely engulfing both Remington and Cecelia. Seeing Remington rescue Cecelia, Roger breathed a sigh of relief. “How is Miss Cecelia?” “She’s unconscious.” Remington carried Cecelia into the car first. “I’ll drive. Let’s take her to the hospital!” Roger delegated the task of handling the situation to his subordinates. They had already informed the fire department, and rescue vehicles would arrive soon. Then Roger drove Remington and Cecelia to the hospital as soon as possible. Remington carried Cecelia out of the car and went straight to the emergency room. “Doctor! Doctor! Please save her! Please!” Remington was burning with anxiety, hoping that Cecelia could be

fine. He didn’t even dare to imagine life without her. Remington placed Cecelia on a movable stretcher bed and turned to grab the doctor, issuing a commanding roar. “Hurry up and save her! You must save her! Hurry!” The doctor was intimidated by his aura and repeatedly promised, “Okay Okay We will do our best!” 64% 12:38 Chapter 226 Leaning Closer to Her The medical staff pushed the stretcher bed into the emergency room, and the doors closed. 3/5 Remington waited outside, anxiously running his fingers through his hair. Consumed by guilt, he punched the wall hard. His fist hit the tile wall with a loud bang, and his knuckles instantly broke, with blood trickling down the white tiles. Even so, he couldn’t feel the pain because he was immersed in great sorrow and pain. Seeing him blaming himself, Roger approached and persuaded, “Mr. Nelson, don’t be sad. Miss Cecelia will be fine.” “It’s all my fault! If I hadn’t left her alone in the car, none of this would have happened.” Remington’s eyes were red, and he was filled with immense guilt. Roger sighed, “It’s all because the killer is too cun ning. Stay here. and take care of Miss Cecelia. I’m going to organize the pursuit now. I will call you later.” “Okay,” responded Remington. Roger patted him on the shoulder and quickly left the hospital. He had already contacted the Police Department of the Center City, mobilizing all forces to pursue and capture the escaped criminal, Black Hawk. Remington continued waiting outside the emergency room, and before Tong, Winger, Whitegon, Featheron, and Fredric arrived with their teams. “Mr. Nelson!”

“Mr. Nelson, what happened? I heard Miss Linsey got injured,” Fredric asked worriedly. “She’s in the emergency room.” Remington frowned. Winger reported, “Mr. Nelson, we’ve confirmed that Black Hawk left the Moro Organization many years ago. The Moro Organization. doesn’t know who his new employer is, but it’s certain that he’s now working for a private employer.” “Tell everyone to capture Black Hawk by all means necessary! We must capture that guy.” “Yes!” 164% 12:38 Chapter 226 Leaning Closer to Her Winger, Whitegon, Featheron, and the others immediately took action, while Fredric stayed to accompany Remington. 4/5 When Shepard passed by the emergency room, he happened to see Remington and came over to greet him, asking, “Mr. Nelson, why are you here? What happened?” “Cecelia got injured. She’s in the emergency room.” Remington didn’t hide anything. “What? Cecelia got injured?” Shepard was shocked and concerned. He said, “I’ll go in and have a look.” With that, Shepard turned around and walked into the emergency room, seeing a woman lying unconscious on the operating table. Upon asking his colleagues, Shepard learned that Cecelia had been injected with midazolam and had also inhaled carbon monoxide. Her cárboxyhemoglobin saturation level had reached 8%, which caused mild poisoning. The doctors had given her hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which could improve symptoms of oxygen deficiency. Her life was not threatened, and she could recover after resting for a day or two. When Shepard came out, he wheeled out Cecelia, who had undergone treatment. Remington rushed up as soon as he saw Cecelia. “How is Cecelia?” “She received a sedative injection and experienced mild carbon monoxide poisoning, which may result

in a temporary state of unconsciousness, but it will not have a notable impact on her well- being. Don’t worry!” Upon hearing this, Remington breathed a sigh of relief and felt deeply moved. Fortunately, Cecelia was alright. They sent Cecelia to the ward, and Remington turned to Shepard, expressing thanks from the bottom of his heart for the first time. “Thank you, Dr. Nuno.” “No need to thank me. It was my colleagues who rescued her in time. Alright. Just stay with her. 1 have to go now. If she wakes up, remember to let me know,” Shepard said and left the ward. Remington sat on the hospital bed, holding Cecelia’s hand and gently pressing it against his cheek, gazing at her with tender eyes. “Ceçe, thank Go d you’re fine. If you were gone, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself. I’m sorry. I didn’t protect you well. Do you know how heartbroken I was when I saw you get hurt? Sorry…. 12:38 Chapter 226 Leaning Closer to Her Hearing his words, Cecelia woke up, slowly opening her eyes. She could still remember the scene of him rushing into the fire to save her like a hero just before she became unconscious. She was immensely moved. “Remington,” she called out. 5/5 Suddenly hearing Cecelia’s voice, Remington looked up in surprise and joy. “Cece, you’re awake.” Cecelia nodded. She stared at him and said, “Thank you.” “Please don’t say thank you. That’s not what I want to hear.” After staring at Cecelia affectionately for a moment, Remington couldn’t help but lean over to her, getting closer and closer.

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