Martial Research Master

Chapter 124

Chapter 124


Jiao Sheng soon entered the room. He was pretty anxious to meet his eldest sister, but the atmosphere which greeted him was filled with seriousness. Jiao Bao signalled him to take a seat.

Long Tao decided to initiate the conversation. ” I thank you for helping Di Tao in the quest I assigned to him. He reported all your heroic deeds throughout the mission.” Long Tao bowed out of professional courtesy to a benefactor.

Jiao Sheng took out the bone spear from his storage ring and forwarded it to Long Tao. ” I suppose it is yours.”. Long Tao grabbed the weapon and swung it around.

Jiao Mingue and Jiao Bo were shocked upon seeing the spear. The aura emanated was regal. ” Is it a high tier Qi general weapon, sir Long.” ” It is even better, a quasi king tier weapon.” Jiao Bo spoke out of enthusiasm. The thought of Long Tao giving away a weapon of this tier for a mission surprised both of them.

After some rough movements, Long Tao threw the spear back at Jiao Shen. Jiao Shen caught it out of pure instincts. He looked at Long Tao in expectation of an answer.

” It suits you a better prince. Please take it as a gift from me. I congratulate you on your future endeavour as a leader.” Jiao Shen didn’t understand the crux point. Long Tao’s reminder brought the other two back to the situation at hand.

“You will be assuming the position of Jiao country’s king, starting from tomorrow.” Jiao Mingue revealed the matter to the prince. A sudden bolt of lightning seized up Jiao Shen’s body.

“You want me to assume the position of king. I am yet to complete my graduation. I am not even old enough. It would create a nuisance in the whole kingdom.

” you are the most suitable for this position. There is no news regarding the first and second prince. Being the chief advisor and strategist, I can’t divert my time to the royal court. Uncle here is in charge of the north-eastern army and royal guards. The only person remaining is you.”. Jiao Mingue didn’t leave a single stone untouched in her argument, leaving Jiao Shen with no option for retaliation.


Jiao Shen was still trying to digest the fact when Long Tao arrived by his side. ” I understand your mindset, prince. But there is no other choice left. You don’t need to worry about the management and planning. All three of us here to assist you. I request you to accept it.”


The Next day-

A huge commotion hit the royal city, regarding the coronation ceremony of the new king. The third prince Jiao Shen was being appointed as the new leader of masses. It came as a massive surprise to both nobility and the general population alike.


The Crimson Lord world-

Long Tao was busy practising the Body cultivation as of now. He was draining the pill reserves. There was a slight advancement in his body cultivation.

” Where do you stand now?”. The keeper was accompanying Long Tao during his practice. He always tried to lift his spirits while advising him on cultivation.

” I managed to open up 3 of the meridians. Six remain closed. I am conflicted about my future path. Should I break-through the next level, or wait to get my hand on resources. ”

” What about the recent venture in the Bai family. Did you find any useful resource.”

Long Tao drew ut a ring and emptied its content. There was a considerable amount of gold, weapons, manuals, all of which was a waste to Long Tao as of now. He was about to return to his cave when the keeper signalled him to stop.

” What is that?”. The keeper pointed at a wooden casket that lay within the pile of gold. Long Tao lifted it and broke it open.

Two objects fell out of the ruble. One was a type of text, while the other was a glowing stone. The size of the stone was considerably large, occupying most of the space inside the casket.

LonG tao grabbed the book. It read,” Vaccum punch: Using the air pressure to attack opponents.” It seemed like an exciting art. He decided to read through it for insights into the Fist skill. It might provide support material for his research into fist arts. He needed new break-throughs to develop the ‘Dominator’s Fist’ technique.

” You seem to have luck on your side, brat.” Long Tao agreed. ” This art might prove to be useful.’

” I am not talking about art.” The keeper signalled at the stone. ” Do you know what that is?”. Long Tao had no idea what it was.

” It is a supreme natural oddity found rarely in nature. It is called condensed milk stone dew.” Long Tao had never heard of it.

” you will hear about t when you start researching the fifth-grade alchemy materials. It is a naturally occurring body cleansing agent that can be converted into a pill. Do you remember when I asked you to find herbs for body cleansing liquid?. It would be ten times as effective.’

” But that is for later times.”. Body cultivation was Long tao’s primary concern now.

” You should try to listen to more, brat. This dew is a cleansing agent. It is a perfect resource for opening your meridians.” Long tao was visibly excited on hearing this.

“Although it would be a waste, your stable foundation is of prime importance. I suppose half the amount could be used by you to open the remaining meridians. The rest will be given to your master for making into pills.”


The royal palace-

Jiao Shen was standing at the royal altar. After the final rights were done, Jiao Mingue came forward and placed the crown on top of his head.

” I pledge to work for the people of jIao country and develop this nation into a great commercial and power hub. In these times of war, I promise my citizens protection and compensation for the losses incurred. Our country has never been in a weaker state like this before. I need the help of every single one of you, both citizens and nobles included. We together will strengthen our roots and ward off the imposters who try to act against us. ‘Long Live The JIAO'”.

The speech filled everyone in the audience with a renewed enthusiasm. The death of the king was a matter of sorrow and setback. But the new king managed to ignite a new spark of hope.

The people hailed for the long life of Jiao Shen, and hence the grand ceremony came to an end.


The ministers were presenting gifts one by one to his royal highness, the new king. ” I would like to hear the reports from all of you. State your name, position, and speak about the territory you hold currently. The reports should be brief and informative. I will be setting my future goals according to it.”

Jiao Mingue was smiling from behind. Jiao Shen managed to play an excellent move to showcase his authority. The nobles came forward with their reports.

It was around mid-noon that the reports came to an end. Jiao Shen was thinking about taking a break but was interrupted by a guard who came rushing in.

” Pardon the intrusion, your majesty.”. The soldier bowed out of nervousness.

” speak up.” Jiao Shen had a gut feeling about this matter.

” Messengers have arrived from the Chu country. They desire to have an audience with his majesty.” Jiao Shen was about to ask the guard to hold them in the lodge when the guard said, ” They report it as being a matter of importance for the international peace situation between our borders.”

” Ask them to come in.”. Jiao Shen discharged the guard.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: josei


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