Martial Research Master

Chapter 125

Chapter 125


Jiao Shen asked all his ministers to stay put on their seats. The arrival of messengers from the Chu country was a matter of great importance considering the recent peace agreement between the two countries. Jiao Shen, like all the students of the royal academy, was informed about the new deal.

The deal helped lift a lot of pressure for the north-eastern troops. The number of conflicts began to decrease. It proved to be beneficial for both countries.

Jiao Sheng’s untimely death brought new variables with it. Jiao Shen was a martial art addict, but even he had the common sense about politics. He understood eh purpose of this visit might bear negative results.

“What are your thoughts regarding this visit?” Jiao Shen consulted both Jiao Mingue and Jiao Bo.

” I have an ominous feeling regarding the matter. Don’t you think that the time seems to be too coincidental? It feels like someone was watching us the whole time, and decided this particular moment to strike.” Jiao Bo’s comment raised Jiao Mingue’s guard. It seemed a little too unconventional for such a coincidence.

” We need to have Long Tao in this meeting.”. Jiao Mingue insisted. ” I already ordered the guard to invite him in. He is the chief strategist for the aggressive response against our enemies. If these people come bearing ill will, they won’t be leaving alive.”


The guard came in with a group of people dressed in formal clothing. Jiao Shen viewed as th group came forward and bowed in respect.

” We greet the new King of Jiao country. May you have a long life and rule the nation with peace and prosperity.” Jiao Shen signalled them to rise and take a seat. The group members settled down, except one. This man was going to put forward the message they came bearing.


” What brings the Chu country’s officials to these humble land of Jiao family.”.

” We come bearing the command of the new king of Chu country.”. These words were accompanied by a shocked expression from Jiao Mingue and Jiao Bo. Jiao Mingue was surprised on hearing the fact that Chu country had gone through a change in leadership.

She stepped forward and enquired. ” May I ask who the new king of Chu country is.”.

” Replying to her royal highness, it is the first prince.” Jiao Mingue didn’t expect this turn of events. Among the three Chu siblings, the first prince was the least qualified. She expected Chu Rudao to take the mantle.

Chu Rudao was quite famous for being the most talented among the next generation of Chu royalty. His martial and alchemy talent was above both his brothers. The only one who barely managed to get compared was the second prince.

” May I know what happened the previous ruler of Chu country.” Jiao Mingue wanted to enquire the current situation of Chu country. josei

” His majesty, the former king, came in contact with a mysterious disease. The disease began to show its characteristics after a month of your departure and resulted in him being bedridden. He is currently in a coma since the last month. The first prince took upon himself to manage the situation with the Chu royal court. ”


The situation within the Chu country was like a modified replica of what happened in the Jiao country. Both nations went through a change in leadership. Jiao Mingue was eager to hear the contents of the royal decree.

” May I have the opportunity to hear the message sent by your king.”. ” Certainly sir” he messenger took a royal order out from his satchel.

” My greeting to the new ruler of Jiao country. Both the nations had recently concluded a peace talk, thus establishing a peaceful situation in the borders of our countries. The benefit accompanying this deal was tremendous. I want to congratulate you on this occasion.”

” The recent demise of your father came as heartbreaking news to me. I offer my condolences to his late souls. We must stand firm in these situations. Our duty as the ruler doesn’t allow us to have a long emotional retreat.”

” greeting apart, I would like to come to the main topic now. During the last peace talks with your eldest sister, princess jIao Mingue, a condition was put forward by my father. It would help a lot in uplifting the peaceful situations between our countries. I want to hold her accountable and demand a reply. ”

Jiao Shen didn’t hear anything about a demand by the Chu king. He looked at Jiao Mingue with an enquiring look. Before Jiao Mingue could clarify the matters, the messenger spoke up.

” His highness had requested the formation of a deeper bond than a peaceful partnership. He requested marriage to held between the two royal families. I came bearing the request of the new king to ask for the hand of the eldest princess in marriage.”

Jiao Shen was blown into confusion by this. During this time of wars, the Chu country dares to be shameless enough to ask his sister’s hand in marriage.

” I request the Jiao King to give this matter some serious thought.” The messenger said with a threatening tone.

Jiao Shen was near the end of his emotional control. He desired to leap up and kill the bastard, but he decided to stay put.


Somewhere with the Chu royal palace-

The first prince was sitting beside a bed. A weak figure laid on it. ” Did you hear about my coronation father. I am the new king of the Chu country. Had you ever imagined being outwitted by the son you regarded as waste.” He gave a fancy expression

” I wanted to show how efficient I was. I am so much better than you at ruling the kingdom. I would have our dream of absolute sovereignty over the region come true. Did you know I am getting you a new daughter-in-law.”

” I have to report that I sent a proposal of marriage to the Jiao country. I hope the new king would be intelligent enough to understand the gravity of the situation.”

He came near the bed, and pated on the forehead of the previous king. ‘ do you know that I asked for Jiao Mingue’s hand in marriage. I eve sent an enticing offer to marry my sister to the new king. Wouldn’t it be a profitable option for both of us.”

” the son you thought to be the weakest, would achieve the dream you could never fulfil. I will take control of all our neighbouring nations. The Jiao will be the first in the list. I can’t wait to meet that bastard Long Tao. I swear to have my revenge on him.”

A weak voice sounded out at this moment.

” I pity you, my son. I never saw you as weak. You may have an aggressive personality, but I didn’t expect you to behave like a traitor. You may have achieved the feat of getting rid of me, but there are some walls you can never climb. He would never let you have your way.”

The prince pressed both his hands onto the Chu king’s throat, trying to choke him. A struggle occurred, but just as he was about to lose consciousness, th first prince released his hands.

” I won’t let you die so soon. I will let you see the future. I will have you picture me standing on top of Long Tao’s dead body. Only when you will be at the end of your ropes, will I grant you the mercy of death.” The first prince left the room.


” I don’t see any reason to comply with the orders of your king.” Long Tao made a grand entrance into the hall.

The messenger looked carefully at the figure. It was none other than the unfathomable vice-general Dragon, of the Jiao country.

” I greet the Dragon general. I hope the general takes no offence in my rough mannerism. I hope the general would give it a serious thought. A rejection could lead to catastrophic events in future.”

Long Tao looked at the messenger with an amused expression. “I am sure that coward had given you the details regarding my personalities. I was honestly surprised by your reply. But I now know where the confidence comes from.”

” A fourth level Qi general working as a messenger is a rare occurrence.” There was a surprise in the messenger’s face. Even the Jiao royals were shocked. Fourth level Qi general.

The messenger knew his cover was blown. He decided to take the offensive., but a sharp piece of metal; pierced his forehead.


The group from the Chu couldn’t believe their eyes. Their leader was lying dead on the ground with a spear embedded in his forehead.

Long Tao came forward and took the spear out. He pointed at the messengers and said

” I would like you to report these exact words to that coward of a ruler you now have. Tell him that the Jiao decided to disagree with his proposition. If he would like to show us his dominance” Long Tao walked real close to them and said with a deep tone of mock ” We would officially be going to war.”


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