Master Of None

Chapter 2098 2098. Great Changes

Chapter 2098 2098. Great Changes

2098 2098. Great Changes

With how the races within genesis had grown, Walker now felt that the Genesis hall meeting room was too small. The table had been replaced with a larger one so that more races could fit their leaders. This being the case, it still felt small.

That was a good thing though. It meant that there was more unity within the city. Fewer people would be looked down on as they were not represented equally. Fewer chances for injustice would be had. They had accomplished a lot of what they had tried to accomplish when it came to bringing the world together.

The echidna were also there with the natural alchemist as their representative. She had been the one that made the most in terms of communication between everyone when they had been teaching more natural mana. She had a natural role as a leader and a teacher. It would be a matter of time before Remey managed to get her to come to the alchemy guild.

Regardless of that, Walker stood again at the table. He had many eyes on him while he felt that he shouldn't have those eyes on him right now. But, he kicked that thought from his mind. He was weak at the moment, but that didn't matter. His achievements spoke for themselves. He stood here not because of his strength, but because of his ideals.

"I don't really have the words here. I'm not sure how to say this." He paused. He wanted to shout but he also wanted to just keep sitting and enjoying the atmosphere. It was much more positive than it had been since everyone had come together.

"There are more races together in Genesis than any kingdom or city has ever had that we know of. We even have the return of a lost race and thought to be an extinct race. New and rising monster races, and those that have changed their ways to grow significantly after getting through their corrupt period and freeing themselves."

Walker spoke while looking at many of them. Eh was sure that they felt the same. These amazing achievements had been part of the reasons they came together. "We also have a reason to stay unique. Now that we have handled the greatest threat to all of our futures and to the word itself. We have a future. And that's it."

The idea that before they had not had a future was hard tio grasp. The entirety of what anyone could call the future had been at risk with the demon lord as he was. He had been out to destroy everything that everyone was working for. A tragedy after a tragedy had been caused as he went through the world trying to get his selfish desires to come true.

"Genesis is accomplishing things that we have never dreamed of. I Can't even keep up with the innovation happening right now. Runes are entirely different from what I recognize. Buildings have become outdated just months after they were built."

"When it comes to farming and herbs, we have new and improved methods that are making massive leaps every single time someone puts pen to paper to document it. Our people are even changing their ideals to welcome the different cultures they may have never thought that they would know."

"In other words, we have accomplished our major goals and have a chance. An opportunity to grow in to a never before seen future." Walker ws proud of how he had put it. He could see that everyone felt satisfied heraign this. Beyond that, they were all showing interest in what else they might be able to see happen come the next day.

"We need to remember. The elemental planes are connected now!" Alma didn't want to put everyone's mood down. However, she had the elves she represented asking about them.

The elves had some records of what the elemental planes were thought to be. They knew that they would be an ideal place for any elf to go so that they could more closely rough upon the mana affinity that they possessed. Yet, they also knew that it would be a very dangerous place to go. An unknown place.ղօѵҽӀ ղҽ×Ե

"They are open. We will be venturing there ourselves. We are all dominator dragons in our own respects. We must continue our path to see what it holds. To see if we have ancestors living there as well." Current and Leon had return earlier than expected. They Had come to their own understandings.

While the world had changed, including the ocean currents and many other aspects of water, they had a more important idea. How could they deal with the water elemental plane if they were to go there? How would they manage a place where the water elemental plane might be closer and attached to the currents that they felt? They needed to see what Genesis planned to do.

"I plan to venture to the fire elemental plane with Ignus as well. I require the mana there to gain strength and understand myself. I am Current a race that we have only one of. The same could be said for a few of us now." Remey made a good point.

As heroes, they had taken on more manas and unique aspects that had literally altered their races. This being the case, they had every right to represent a race on their own without even having to use their hero titles. But more importantly, they were blind in a way when it came to what their races were or needed.

"I would say I am in the same situation. I am now what's known as an origin race. I managed to use true mana when fighting the demon lord. I lost all of my skills temporality, and my levels and strength. But I merged my understandings and everything shared with me by the binds I have. There's a race called the origin race out there. Somewhere beyond the world and in the elemental planes. I wouldn't mind meeting them.

The conversations became even deeper as they all went through the races that were within genesis now. How they were represented. How they would adapt as the world itself had changed.

This brought on another round of conversations about the class system and the loss of specific systems. It was actually a very positive topic since many of the races found that they were not seeing people as constrained. They were more free to learn and develop unique instances.

Experiences now governed what they could do and not the one singular name given to what they could do. This allowed for so much more freedom. The guards had to begin helping the people change their identification already which was causing a very high work loaded for those that had remained within Genesis. Especially the guilds who had many members.josei

This being the case, the idea to make more small buildings where people could handle these things was already in the works. They would all report to the genesis building where the matters would be handled.

What was more surprising, the dragons had already been able to bring over some of their record keeping knowledge. The elder of their dragon race had ignored looking for the royals opinions and directly told the elder dragons remaining in Genesis and their central village how to better keep records using mana.

Many more subjects were brought up about the change in mana flows. The denser manas had changed more than just the world. It had changed the people as well. Many of the elderly having more energy and brought them back in to the working world.

This meant that the retired dwarves had begun forging again. Massive change in the methods that had been improved under their supervision was now being directly raught. This experienced addition to the workforce had changed the speed of projects being improved.

Specifically, the king of the deep caves was already sharing how they had transportation moving through the finished underground tunnel. This was another way that more of the dwarves and merchants were moving between Genesis and the dwarven city. The same could be said for the demi-humans though. They had also begun a faster pace in building a road directly to Genesis.

Their speed of crop development would only lead them to be able to feed the workers better. This would allow them to work for longer and harder since they would be well nourished. A great boost to their trade would be right ahead of them in a few months.

Beyond that, they spoke about the changes in mana crystals. They had denser manas within which allowed them to be sued more. To be more durable. This would change many of the magical items that they used daily. A potential for making better magical devices that were able to move water or heat things specifically. Plans to do so were already spread on the table for everyone to see.

So much was changing at a rappid pace.

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