Master Of None

Chapter 223 - 223. Blue

Chapter 223 - 223. Blue

"Alice! Are you ok to be standing? You looked really tired on the bench before, did you use too much mana?" Walker showed a bit too much worry but it only seemed to make Alice smile more. She was slightly embarrassed by being fawned over like this.

She could not control herself and gave Walker a massive hug. She not only was glad to see him again but had also witnessed him save the most important part of the entire church within the kingdom. Without the healing aura then many people may not receive proper care in the future, especially those with severe injuries, not having the healing light crystal's healing aura could spell death for them.

Walker had not expected the sudden embrace but returned it automatically. His face had turned more red than ever before but he was very happy. "I have so many stories to tell you about! Would you like to sit down and rest? I can tell you all about it." Walker did not want to drag Alice on a walk with him, he could see that she was definitely tired still but the returning healing aura was starting to work on her. 

Alice nodded her head more than she needed while most of the elderly went to sit on the benches or chat in the hall, they had seen the youngster fix the crystal and were enthralled by the scene. They started to chat and share the amazing things they had witnessed and also gossip on what the party was like. They seemed to be the worst gossipers in the entire kingdom.

Finding a corner of the cathedral without many people around where Walker could tell his stories he felt a bit bad leaving Su along with the healers. However he was relieved of this worry seeing that with the healing aura the running around slowed and most of the healers seemed to be relaxed. Many of the injured had started to fall in to peaceful sleep their wounds or illnesses healing slowly without as much attention. The entire atmosphere had returned to the normal calming warmth that the cathedral was known for. 

"We ended up fighting in a coliseum with all these demi-humans….then the demon was selling the cursed….General Scylla showed up and…" Walker was unloading the weeks of stories all at once but instead of having trouble keeping up Alice seemed to be completely consumed by them. She had never left the city let alone the kingdom and desired to hear more and more about the world. 

After some time Walker finally finished the tales related to their journey to the kingdom of Ordist, "Now we have a month or so to prepare to go back out to the deeper sun hollow forest. Honestly it seems like we may be working to death." Alice giggled slightly at Walker's defeated look knowing he wouldn't have it any other way. The light around them seemed to vibrate at her soft giggles. Walker became enticed by this giggle wanting to hear more of it, his cheeks showing the redness that had just faded. 

Alice poked his shoulder getting his attention, "New skills?" She said on;ly two words which made the light form a rainbow question mark in the air, Walker had promised to show off his progress with the light element when he returned. 

"To be honest things were a bit too busy and I was very bad in my practice, but I made a breakthrough in the earth element which let me figure some things out. I took some time practicing the light element this morning and was able to create three skills." Walker first created the yellow ball of light, "This is pretty simple, it only lights up the area, since we will be in a dimly lit forest I thought trying to get a light source was very important." Onyx had woken up and gotten a bit hungry, he had wrapped around Walker's shoulders again some time ago while he told stories. Onyx snapped up the yellow light orb as he had done before, he was rather happy with this new snack. "Oh yea, and Onyx likes to eat this one." Alice thought this rather amazing and made a small oh face. She had not expected Onyx to just swallow a little orb of light whole. 

Onyx was very happy with the cathedral, the amount of light element here was very high, this helped him absorb better quality light elements and he could feel himself growing. Having had another snack Onyx decided he would explore a bit to see if he could find any other interesting spots. He slithered off toward the more crowded area causing a few healers a little shock but otherwise no trouble at all.

"Then there is this one," Walker created the purple blurry orb and watched as Alice's vision fogged over. "It makes it harder to focus your eyes, it is pretty useful against long ranged attacks. Remey hates it though because I used it to tease her a bit, she couldn't even land a high five while looking at it." Alice heard this as a challenge and lifted Walkers hand to try and high five him. She wrinkled her forehead finding that every time she tried to make contact she was slightly off and only brushed his fingers or arm. "Exactly like that hahaha" Walker released the blurry orb and high fived Alice who did not seem as amused but far from angry.

"Lastly there is this one, I bet you will be stuck on this one a bit longer." He let a small smirk form on his lips while Alice looked expectantly. The blue luring ob started to condense and draw her attention. This was the perfect blue sky that she had stared at while singing outside. This simple color had inspired many songs for her. Alice had her eyes locked on it not wanting to look away, not being able to look away. Her hand reached for Walker's sleeve and tugged on it.

"Beautiful blue." Her soft words did not echo through the cathedral but they did cause the light to change. The same color of blue from the orb filled the rafters of the cathedral causing everyone inside to become silent. The color did not have the same luring effect as the orb did but it was an inspiring color. It was almost as if all the light had turned in to the sky within the Cathedral. The high priest had seen Walker telling his story to Alice and was happy to see that she had such a dedicated friend. Seeing how she was inspired by Walker he realized that the little girl he had raised had become an amazing person so young. It truly made all the efforts and stress of the day melt away, he looked upwards at the beautiful blue above him with a foolish smile on his face.

The light slowly turned back to the normal hints of rainbow coming from the healing light crystal. Walker's luring orb had long faded but the two were still looking up at the rafters of the Cathedral. Every time Walker thought he had something to show off Alice was able to outdo him with a word, he would need to work harder to do something more amazing. 

The two eventually looked back down unsure what to do now, Walker didn't have another light skill to show off, but he did have something he might be able to try. "Alice, is it ok to play with a little fire here? I have another skill that could be kind of interesting but I can't break any rules. It's not dangerous so it shouldn't harm anything." Alice thought for a few moments before she gave a nod to Walker. 

With her approval he pulled out some basic fire making materials and some of the dried grasses he had left. With the pile in front of him he created a few sparks and started to shape the small growing flame. The cathedral still had decorative torches from before the healing light crystal had been brought in and began to naturally light the entire space. This meant that there was enough air flow to keep the smoke away from anyone that could breath it in. Walker had an image within his head that he wanted the flame doll to take on. He had thought hard about what he would show her.

Alice was watching intently as the flames took shape before her eyes. It was pulling in pieces of dried grass itself and forming limbs. This shape was smaller than the actual person but in front of them Walker had made a fire doll of Maria. "This is not as detailed as Maria really is but I wanted to tell you about our new friend. This is what Maria looks like roughly. She is the girl in the story I told you that we rescued from the mean demon." Walker realized that Alice was having trouble listening as she was too caught up in examining the flame doll in front of her.josei

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