Master Of None

Chapter 224 - 224. Invitation

Chapter 224 - 224. Invitation

Giving her more time to get used to the flame doll Walker patiently waited. She eventually looked at him wanting to know more, "Like I told you she has the light benders system, she was able to make light bend around someone and make them invisible. It was really cool and I think she would come here next time. It is very rare for a demon to have a light elemental affinity let alone a light based system." Alice was still having trouble believing that a demon had a light elemental affinity as well and had read all the books about demons in the cathedral. She had believed every word that demons were often evil and only after the destruction of others, however, Walker had started to change her perspective as he spoke of Maria's hardships. Alice had never known of these cultural aspects of the demons territories and hierarchy. Today she had learned something she could not read in any book here.

She had pulled on Walkers sleeve again after he had said he would bring Maria to meet her at the cathedral. This was her expressing her agreement for his idea. "We told her she could stay with us as long as she wanted, we have too much space to do anything with so why not right? You know...You're also welcome to come visit any time for dinner...if you want." Walker had been gathering his courage to invite Alice to the mansion the entire time they had been sitting together. 

Alice grew a bit flushed in the cheeks herself but gave a firm nod that she would want to do just that. Walker had told her all about the mansion but wanted to see it all herself. She was very enticed by the garden he had described to her that was being guided by a farmer from the fields. She also wanted to be present when the weeping willow tree Walker had described bloomed, she may be able to use the experience and pollen to have an epiphany to stop her mana from being consumed whenever she spoke. She wanted to say so many things every day but was always limited.

"Actually, I think next week my party and I are going to a VIP auction, as far as I know there are no rules against bringing guests. You and the high priest are more than welcome to come. If you see anything you like I'd gladly put a bid in for you." Alice, who had never been to an auction before was very excited by the chance to go to one. She jumped up and started to pull Walker toward the high priest. She wanted to let him know that they had dinner plans and an auction to go to. The many years of guests talking about the Garnet family and a few of their elders visiting for healing was enough for her to have enough knowledge to be even more excited then someone who had never heard of it before.

She had easily pulled the red faced Walker along to the high priest, Walker's face tomato red having Alice holding on to him. "Oh and what has made you so excited all of the sudden?" The high priest had recovered as well from the restored healing aura. His face had more color and he did not seem to need any support while sitting. In all honestly Walker thought that if he hadn't seen the high priests prior appearance that the high priest was having an average day.

Alice tugged on Walker more and more wanting him to tell the high priest what he had just asked her. "Haha ok ok, I just asked Alice if you two would like to come with my party to a VIP auction that we have a ticket for. Afterwards you two are very welcome to come to our mansion for dinner." The high priest was not expecting this kind of invite. The garnet family rarely just handed out VIP tickets to their VIP auctions. They were usually reserved for very important figures. Had the party become so important already?

"Well we would indeed like to attend a VIP auction. I hear it is very hard to get such tickets, how did you manage to get a hold of one? Don't tell me you tricked that old Garnet family elder,' The high priest laughed a bit at his joke knowing that his friend who had not visited in a while would never allow himself to be tricked in any way.

"Actually the story is not as positive as that, my party was traveling on the way to the demi-human kingdom and we encountered a pack of frost wolves. They had previously caused some trouble by defeating a young merchant that was transporting some goods for the Garnet family. The issued a quest to the guild to have the wolves defeated and the reward was the leftover supplies they were transporting and the VIP ticket. It was pretty lucky that our paths seemed to align in this way." This was a good explanation and was indeed very lucky. Not many adventurers had ever been in a situation to gain such a nice reward. This was sly of the Garnet family who could have given the ticket out expecting that the adventurers would not be able to attend or have the fund to bid on anything. It could have been a reward that technically offered the party that accepted the quest nothing.

"Well well well how interesting and lucky you are. If we do attend would you be offended if I bid in the church's stead?" The high priest could only imagine what amazing items may jump out at them at the VIP auction mostly reserved for nobles or those with high status. This was a very fortuitous opportunity to strengthen some of the up and coming healers.

"Well it is an auction so I would not stop you from trying. We may bid as well though, my party is always in need of new gear. We are actually considering inviting a blacksmith to our mansion to use the forge there to try and create some very interesting items." hearing this the high priest was impressed all over again, not many adventures would be willing to bring in a blacksmith and work with them to create gear. It was much more common for an adventure to have existing gear adjusted to their needs or for them to just buy something already made. 

"I can see you are very dedicated to the future you wish to pursue. I believe I have rested enough it is time to get things straightened out after the episode earlier." The high priest stood up looking invigorated from his rest. "We will meet you at the auction house when the VIP auction is scheduled to happen, I will even send a letter to my friend to let them know we'll be coming. They might even set up a special setting just for us." With that the high priest was off to the group of healers that had finished up their duties and looked ready to fall asleep on the marble floors. 

Alice pulled at Walker arm again this time showing her happiness that the high priest had agreed to go to the auction and dinner. She would be able to try a bunch of new things all because of her lucky encounter with Walker. "Ehm well I am looking forward to it as well…" He innocently replied to her bright face not sure what else to say. "We should probably go help, I have left Su to fend for herself too long, I am sure she will  be waiting for me so we can go back to the mansion. 

The pair found Su who was also taking a rest with the healers that had just been spurred back in to action cleaning things up. Many of the nuns had already carried away the injured to rooms on the side of the cathedral so they could sleep and heal without any interruptions. Su saw the two coming up to her and gave Walker an exhausted look, but she was still smiling through it. "Leader, thanks to you the healers can finally get some rest. They told me that they had been busier than they had in years trying to keep up with the use of mana." 

"I'm not sure I am the start here Su, the healers seem to be looking at you like you are their idol now. A shield bearer revered by the healers, huh." Alice agreed with Walker nodding vigorously. She grabbed Su's hand and gave her a high five too.josei

"Leader, did you show her the purple blurry orb?" Su laughed a bit knowing that the reason behind the high five was most certainly the sharing of the skills effects. 

The two sat and chatted with Su until she had rested enough to get back on her feet. Walker and Su were about to say their goodbyes when Walker remembered something he had held on to to give Alice. Onyx came back to Walker after a little and changed back in to tattoo to rest, he seemed to have eaten his fill.

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