Master Of None

Chapter 519 - 519. High Fashion

Chapter 519 - 519. High Fashion

"Did you need to get so many?" Remey was already pulling through the different clothing and realized that there were at least three options for everyone. 

"We need one that fits us and our tastes. I would have failed us if I did not find the best for us to wear during such an important occasion. Remember, you and Gil will be in charge of the attendants and others that are meeting with each other while Walker and I will be with the Queen, Scylla, and King." Su glanced at Onyx and Midnight. "You two will need to be sure that everyone does not argue. You are both intimidating naturally and can keep tempers down." 

Midnight and Onyx liked the sound of their job and had already gotten to cleaning themselves. Midnight in particular was very excited to act as the intimidation. In her mind, she was the most powerful dragon in the world and it was only right that she acted as a guard to the peacefulness of the meetings. 

"I am glad you already tightened up their roles," Walker whispered to Su since he had not had the discussion of what Midnight and Onyx would be able to contribute to. This alone saved him a lot of trouble. 

"Of course, now look at what I found." Su began to toss clothing at everyone leaving them with the proper fitting selections. 

"How did you know my size so well? These are perfect." Gil was incredibly surprised that Su had so easily found all the perfect sizes for everyone in the party. 

"I spend a decent amount of time with Lisa. She has all, of our measurements written out and I memorized them for times like this. Do you think that you will always have Lisa to make your clothing or be able to buy them yourself"  Su was always thinking ahead and just proved how valuable the little things like this were.

"I think I should pass on the brown leather look." Gil had tried on a shirt in the other room while Su was speaking and found that the leather on him made his appearance that of a hunter and less like an esteemed hero. 

"I thought you would like the look since it is very relatable to archery. But you are free to try the green vine print shirt with the rock pattern pants. They should fit well together and make you look like you should blend in to the forest as a real arcane marksman would." Su had thought Gil would like these but wasn't sure and gad grabbed other things too. 

"I think I got the best choices." Remey was already in one of the vests she had gotten from Su. It was well made with a black kind of leather and perfectly fit over the red and white shirt that she had also gotten with it. "I can even punch in this if I want." Su's face dropped slightly hearing this since she knew Remey might actually try and go to battle wearing this. 

"I think mine is the best." Walker was showing off the blue and white shirt he had just put on. The way the pattern was set made it appear this it was a foaming brook moving through the small rocks. His pants were similar in style making it all appear to be one flowing pattern.

"What, that is actually pretty cool. It even fits the flow of your dancing skills." Gil couldn't help but make the relation to the dance of the wild rabbit skill since it appeared that Walker was flowing to the music when he used it. The two fit very well. 

"Umm, Su. Why are you wearing grey?" Remey was looking at a plain grey robe that Su had tired on over her clothing.  josei

"This is the color of tough rock. I thought it would make me look strong…" At this moment alone the entire party realized that Su was wise beyond her years, but slightly lost when it came to her own style. 

"Nope. You are wearing that flower pattern one over there. Then you will still carry your shields on your back so that there is the show of strength." Remey had forced Su to the other room to change in just a moment.

When the two came out Su was wearing a pink and white floral pattern dress that would flow in the wind. The stark contrast of the shields on her back made it seem like she was a flower with thorns ready to stand strong. It was a very surprising standard to set since normally shields and dresses were not known as pairs. 

"I would say that will rock the views of all the nobles back home." Walker couldn't help but see this as a future fashion trend in the kingdom if Sui made it a habit to wear this any more than just important events that required a higher level of fashion. 

"She will definitely make waves when she arrived at the meeting. You should make sure that there are not any attempts to interrupt her." Gil joked knowing that no one would dare act that way in front of any royalty. But it was enough to laugh at. 

'I can't wear this. I will be a laughing stock." Su covered her face in embarrassment. She had the fear that everyone would be looking at her when she wore this and that was going to eat away at her. 

"You are the very front of our defenses. How can you be so shy when it comes to this. You literally face the strongest attacks of monsters in battle but when people look at you this happens." Remey was defeated. She knew that Su could stand up to anything. However, after the elves had looked at them during the queens' speech it was clear that Su did not do well in crowds. 

"I will change!" Su rushed in to the other room again. 

"Oh, no you won't," Remey chased after her to hide away the other clothing that had been bought. 





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