Master Of None

Chapter 520 - 520. Quest Complete

Chapter 520 - 520. Quest Complete

The party tried on every single possible combination finding their favorites and what they judged each other to look best in. They even found time to help Midnight and Onyx scrub the nearly non existent dirt and dust from their scales. Through the careful work of the party was in fine form to great the king and begin the meetings at any time. 

There was a knock on their tree house door after a few hours of their waiting and speaking amongst themselves on what important subjects should be focused on and what should be avoided. 

"Oh, Sierra. How are you." Walker again recognized the enforcer squad leader which always surprised her. 

"I will always find pride in coming to assist you. Sir hero and company. The king of the human kingdom has arrived. The demi-human representative is being notified and our queen is ready to receive them. I will bring you to him for the introduction." Sierra was more professional than she had been previously causing everyone in the party to also become much more focused. 

"Alright, everyone knows what their duty is. Midnight will remain with Remey and Onyx with Gil. You two are the peace keepers while Remey and Gil will focus them on topics related to trade and opening the guild." This was the last order that Walker gave before they followed Sierra. 

Walker had all of their belongings stored within his inventory so that he could distribute them at any second. The only exceptions were Remeys' gloves which she wore and Gil with his bow and arrows which he also wore. Naturally, Su had been convinced to wear the shield on her back with the pin floral dress to show off her strength and beauty. 

The party drew many looks from elves who were trying to get a peek at the king and other humans that came with him. They were instantly stunned by the change from the adventurer mode to noble mode of the party. 

"Good luck today heroes! Bring us prosperity!"  josei

"We believe in our slime vanquishers!" 

"Fight for our future!" 

Some elves felt bold enough to shout encouragement which the party met with waves. This kind of embarrassing moment was not one they were prepared for. The only thing keeping them focused was their own will. 

"This is the temporary resting place for you king and those that traveled with him. Please head inside. If you are in need I will be guarding the door with my entire squad.' Sierra stepped away after pushing the door open to show a row of knights, the king, guild master Ibis. and some notable nobles, including Markus Raven. 

"Please enter heroes of our home kingdom. We have already discovered many things since arriving and look forward to what you have discovered." The king wasted no time. The party couldn't see any sign of weariness from the travels making them believe that the group must have rested a day before coming in to the city at this time. 

"First we must report on the purple slimes that are still slightly plaguing the forest. " Walker looked at Ibis as well, "I believe it will be a sign of good will to first as the guild to send quests with rewards to exterminate the slimes. Also, give them rules from the elves to treat the forest in a certain way pertaining to their laws." 

The king nodded his head and motioned to Ibis, "I will entrust you with this. I believe it is a good sign for us to begin with protecting their very lifeblood. The forest is important to us as well since many natural herbs grow on the outskirts." The king had long wanted to make a move of this sort and saw no reason to hesitate any longer. 

"We have gathered slime and cores separately from the slimes for research purposes. We also discovered a slime that was made with no element which was used to control the slimes from a long distance. The information on it from an appraisal spoke of a slime breeder system. They are also plaguing the dwarves and we fear they may be in worse situations than the elves." Walker did not falter in his words. 

"I have brought some monster researchers with me. Knights, gather the items the heroes have procured, and please show them to the three researchers I chose. I hope for speedy analysis." The king had been sure to bring these researchers so that he could have some immediate answers pertaining to the slimes.

"You have all done well on the quest I have sent you on. You have even assisted the elves in defending their home. I was notified by Ibis who saw the information of a massive minimized slime. I applaud your great strength." The king had no other words but these. He would later reward them but felt he was not prepared enough to do so at the moment. 

' Royal relations: slime trouble- completed

The king of the Crystal kingdom has asked the party to investigate the source of new slime species causing damage to important ecosystems. 


Travel to the deep sun hollow forest in one month.

Slay and investigate the new slime species.

Discover the cause of the slime invasion.

Build connections within the elven kingdom's deep Hollow forest territory.


Slime samples from various species.

900exp multiplied for applicable member to 9000exp

Additional rewards determined at completion from the King'

"I feel you and your party have gone beyond the call of my quest. I must take time to think about a proper reward. I may need to open the kingdoms' vaults for a unique item." The king was considering opening the sealed vaults that only ever opened to honor those who do great things in the kingdoms' stead. Begin ing relations with a once sealed kingdom was more than meeting these standards. 

"Now on to other matters. I believe you all will be acting as the mediators of our meetings? I received my own quest as the king of the human kingdom to travel here and participate. I did not expect such a quest to ever occur and have prepared myself. However, I will need to greet the queen first." The king stood up and all the knights snapped to attention. "Please lead us." 





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