Master Of None

Chapter 521 - 521. Parade

Chapter 521 - 521. Parade

The party had already expected this and made sure to hand out the falling petal charms. "The roots and branches of the tree are very high up. If you start to fall this should save you and lessen the blow. Be warned that there is magic to help you stay on them but it is not perfect." Walker made sure that he and the party explained this danger three times to every person they handed these to. 

"This is indeed a danger I did not expect. However, I trust that my body guard would be able to save me." 

"You always flatter me, my king. But it is nice to have an additional safeguard. I did notice the charms on the heroes when they arrived and was very curious." Ibis was very professional and had been close to the king the entire time. He was constantly using his magic to make small birds fly here and there to check the surrounding of the walking group. They were made of light elemental magic and show just how powerful the guild master was to summon so many.

Beyond that," Walker took the moon silk robes from his inventory, "I did not feel like I was the proper person to give these. A true hero is impartial to race or kingdom. Please give these yourself." Walker feared the anger of the king however he was greeted with a slight pat to the shoulder. 

When Walker looked up he saw some very tense knights and more importantly the king himself taking the robes from him. "You made the right choice and I hope that you remain this way. As a child, I too believed in heroes from fairy tales, and I must say, you are living up to the title so far." 

This prase was unexpected and made the entire room stunned. The knights never let the others near the king unless the king expressly wished it. This was a rare occasion and it was even rarer for the king to approach someone. They were much more used to the queen doing such things. 

The king placed himself back in the center of his knights with Ibis at his back. He openly carried the moon silk robes which would reflect the moonlight showing the elves his gift in all its' glory. This was not just a political move but also one that showed his true intentions of peace and good faith. 

"Alright, we will form up around the kings' guard. We should have a decent amount of interested elves and the enforcer will also be guarding us. But be ready for those that don't know how to keep their distance. There are bound to be bold curious elves." Walker knew that there would be some children that thought it fun and interesting to rush up and try to see a foreign king. 

Su took the back while Gil, Midnight, Onyx, and Remey spread out on the sides. Onyx had taken on a larger size surprising the knights and also the King. However, this was not the time to ask questions that could be held for later. Walker took the lead and was met by Sierra who walked next to him. The other enforcers were hopping branch to branch or hidden in the shadows. 

The entire ensemble traveled slowly from where the king had been brought to rest toward the queens' hall. Many elves came to look and see what they could. Walker could hear the whispers about the moon silk robes along with the proper and royal stature of the king. They were very impressed with the matching knights in armor and the nobles brought in their fin clothing. 

The ensemble came to the queens' hall and Sierra stopped at the entrance. "Elite healing squad. By my appointment as captain of the elite healing enforcer squad. Form up and greet our guests." There were twenty elves in total that came out to kneel at the sides of the entrance to the queens' hall. 

Sierra leaned close to Walker, I owe you this promotion, I hope to work with your party for years to come." Sierra knelt herself at the entrance to the hall and allowed the ensemble to enter. 

"Walker wanted to speak to Sierra on how she had been promoted but knew that it was not the right time. However, he did have the feeling that it was due to her growing connection to Walker as the leader of the heroic party. This simple fact made the queen want to have someone who could get along with the party as one of her hands. 

The hall was full of the elders along with various merchants and higher ranking elves. Trish was standing tall next to the queen. Alma and Wade also held positions nearby. There were a few other elves nearby but one that the party had not expected to see what Bree who was adorned in multiple colored clothing stitched with runes. The spirits floating about her in slightly different forms that showed off their elements. 

Walker couldn't help but feel this was the extreme of the forest elves' greeting and he should be more honored to witness it than he had been before. 

"Welcome King August Diamond of the crystal kingdom. We have long awaited your visit and are glad to see you healthy and well!" The queen spoke out in an echoing voice. Every single elder and elf around bowed slightly to show respect before raising themselves back to present their own strength.

"I am honored to set foot in this glorious city. I have never in my life nor any art such as this magnificent tree. It may even reach beyond the clouds." The king paused and made a motion for his guard to step back and kneel. "I would not be a proper guest if I did not bring a fine gift. I hope to present you with these moon silk robes. A rare and majestic item that my kingdom has long held." 





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