Master Of None

Chapter 524 - 524. Alchemy Guild Future

Chapter 524 - 524. Alchemy Guild Future

Walker wished he had brought Remey with him but also knew if she was the one to explain this she would get out of hand. The fact that this idea had already reached the ears of the elf queen was a slight surprise. But if Trish had fully supported the idea then it only made sense that she would report it to the queen because it would affect the future of their alchemists. 

"My fellow hero Remey has a unique system called the alchemical brawler system. This allows her the best of both worlds when it comes to battle and alchemy. She grew up very close to the master alchemist in the alchemy building of our birth kingdom. This spurred the great desire to pursue alchemy within her." Walker introduced the subject as best as he could. 

Su took the conversation from there since Walker had already begun, "Remey has seen that potions and other medicines created by alchemists are greatly over priced or held in only a few nobles hands. There are also herbs and rare medicinal plants that have the same problem. To put things simply, Alchemy is a money based profession and not one that is equally available."

"There are also issues with safety. My home of Ordist does not support alchemy much due to past incidents revolving around curses and poisoning. We will not be trusting so quickly of a normal alchemist." Scylla took the pause to voice her own position which the others acknowledged. 

Walker picked up again, "Therefore, Remey wishes that an alchemy guild would be formed between many other kingdoms. This would give those who wish to study an equal footing to attend lessons from masters or established alchemists, protect the trade and regulations of the herbs and potions, along with regulating the quality and standards for the entirety. This would also cut down on cost which stops many common people or those without systems at all from getting the medicines they need." 

These reasons spoke volumes of what a hero should advocate. Not only this but it also showed the fault in each of the kingdoms' handlings of alchemy as a whole. They had not placed their hands in to the subject and let it run wild in multiple ways. The elves had a challenge in guiding their young alchemists, the humans had pricing issues, and the demi-humans lost trust in potions all together. 

Su knew that the clincher to this would be the support of the current master alchemists they had met. "So far the current master alchemist of the alchemy building in our home country would support this due to his relationship with Remey. She has also spoken with master alchemist elder Trish and gained support as well. This is something very possible future for alchemy in our era." 

"It would also be a massive boon for the alliance of three kingdoms. Not only would it set an example for the other nearby kingdoms but also foster goodwill if we extended a hand to them as well." Walker finished the topic and waited to see the responses. 

The king was the most surprised by this. He had not wanted to intervene in the matters of alchemy due to the noble influence on it. But if he used it as a reason to unite the kingdoms and make a better overall existence then the nobles would be unable to argue it. 

"I would like to support this agenda. I know it is going to take some time but when your fellow hero is ready please allow me to supply the funding to build an alchemical school and fields on our borders." The king wanted to be sure that this would even be shared by the kingdoms so that it would not be forcefully taken by one or the other.  josei

"My king will need more information to make a proper judgment. Yet, with the heroes backing, I believe that the people would have a stronger support. You did assist in capturing a demon that was selling cursed items to them and causing many deaths." Scylla saw a new path open t them and could only wonder what new things could come of alchemy within their kingdom. 

"I have already made the decision to support such a future and can only see it being prosperous for the many herbs my people grow that are not outside this forest." The queen was mostly supporting this to fix current issues but also to have a future selling herbs that were unique to the forest. 

"Then we shall support it as well."

"I will await my king's word. But I do see support as a possibility." 

This was a great step for them. They had already decided on something that would assist in the bonding and growing together as kingdoms. Walker and Su could not be happier that the conversation had moved this way. 

"There will be many documents to sign once our attendants, elders, and merchants have reached consensus." The queen knew this and was ready to move on to a more pressing matter. "On the next subject...The demons have been aggressive lately. My people are struggling at the southern border. The demons even sent this so called slime breeder to cause trouble." 

The queen had brought up the most touchy subject, one that Scylla had been waiting for specifically. The looks in their eyes had become sharp and full of cold. 

"I am also here to speak about this. My king wishes to form a joint army and end this demon issue forever. There should not be such a race that causes so many issues. They are nearly monsters and are always on the cusp of becoming them." Her words hit hard for the elf queen but brought a different feeling to the king and the party members. 

"I am not sure I can support such antics. My kingdom may not have the greatest relationship or history with the demon lands. However, we do not have any reason to take the lands and end a race." These words made Walker and Su hopeful, but it was just the start. 





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