Master Of None

Chapter 525 - 525. Banned

Chapter 525 - 525. Banned

"I am sure you have seen the hateful things they do just ti entertain themselves. They are a cruel race that even treats their own as trash. It is a blight on the world to allow them to exist." Scylla spoke without holding back. Her voice was steady and cold. 

The kings' forehead wrinkled as he heard this and was not sure how to proceed. Luckily Walker had his own thoughts. 

"I would not want to get rid of a race. There are some demons who do not follow the ingrained survival of the strong over all else methodology. I believe there is a change that needs to occur in the way they live. One that could save those at the bottom who are tortured and beaten down while removing the corrupt and power hungry. But to do so three kingdoms may be too small." 

Walker did not want to see the absolute destruction of the demons by any means. He had personally met Maria who was forced to bend to a stronger demons' will just because she could use the light elemental magic. 

"I can agree with Leader, if there is ever a movement to do something so cruel as to condemn an entire species then any hero would stand on the side of the species being attacked."Su made sure that this was a statement that every single person heard. Not a single one of them could expect a hero to let a people come to such an end, especially when there were some who still valued the good in the world. 

The king looked about the table and came to his own realization, "If we wish to change their race in to one with the possibility to exist with our kingdoms we need to remove the corruption that guides them. We will need power to do so and strong will. If we follow the heroes' way it will not be easy. Would you both prefer that over yet another bloody war with many losses?' 

This question silenced them. Not a single person had believed the king would utter such a strong desire and question. They found themselves asking their very being what was right and if they could rise to such a challenge. 

"My king wants the demons gone so that they will never harm our people again. And as a victim of the way the demons live I can not support saving them at this point. However, I have seen things I did not expect from the heroes, along with gaining quests I did not think possible. I am even a title holder of the educationist title, something that may assist in my guidance of the young. I can learn to accept demons if enough proof is provided." 

Scylla had used much of her strength and will to say these things. Her heart screamed for her to ignore the desires of the others at the table and push to slaughter the demons who had tortured her and taken away any family she could have had. She also knew that many in the kingdom had generations of built up hatred for any of the demon race. This alone would push them for war. 

"I have many of my people at our boarder to stop those controlled by the current demon lords' minions. The demons used to be unorganized and ruled by their title holders in territories.. But now they organize and push the weak down while trying to expand their territory. This can not continue. "  josei

The queen looked at the map and pointed to the demon territory, "I am willing to hold out as long as we need to gather allies and take down those corrupt individuals leading the cruel on the top. We can unite and take down their generals and at the very least return the demons to their territorial disputes. If not we will give the weaker demons the chance to rise and choose another path."

This was the plan the queen would follow whether the others supported her or not. "I agree and will offer the full support of my armies. There will be much to do to prepare but we have the time you can buy us. I will first assist in supporting your borders." The king pledged his men and would be issuing the order as soon as he possibly could. 

"That would take a great deal of stress from my shoulders and the hearts of my people. Some elves have been away from the city for a few years." The elves had always patrolled their borders but over the years the demons trying to cross it began to grow to the point they were at now. It was so consuming that the elves could no longer make trips home to see family and properly rest. 

"I will send a message to my king detailing everything. I may take some time but I can not proceed on this matter…" Scylla had reached the ends of her authority. This also showed the end of what the conversation could bring without speaking in circles. 

"As a hero, I am proud that the decision for murder and brutal war was not made today. The strength of will to choose the harder path is something to be said, not only for you but for the kingdoms you represent." Su could not help but speak. She had wanted to say this for some time but it was most fitting now. 

The king was unsure of how to proceed but cleared his throat, "I believe we should look to contact the other races, the ancient dragons could care less. They could snuff the demons out of existence easily. The merfolk also may join but it is doubtful. They deal with their own troubles within the oceans and have no reason to come upon land" 

"Then we must look towards the dwarves...I recall another law of my city. Spirit crafting is forbidden within the forest no matter the reason. Anyone with a spirit forging system will be banished." The queen made this memory surface as she realized that many dwarves had crafting systems. Some of which used elemental spirits to fuse in their creations; a sin to an elf's beliefs.



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