Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 1179

Chapter 1179

Then she turned and ran into the kitchen.

Han Qing and Lin Xu Zheng finish talking, back to the hair, the little girl has run into the kitchen, only Luo Huimei is left.

He pauses for a moment, and then regains his indifference. After saying goodbye to Luo Huimei, he and Lin Xuzheng leave together.

Xiao Yan stayed in the kitchen for a long time. Luo Huimei came in.

"Mom, have they left?"

"I'm gone, so I want to know why I don't stay outside by myself?"

Xiaoyan did not answer, thinking that she had just met Han Qing during the day. If she was too sticky, what would the other party do if she was bored?

And after falling in love, she seldom takes care of the things in her shop, which can't be done. She has to allocate her time reasonably.


in the last ten days of the month, the time passed quickly, and there were only two days left to count down the production date of Han Muzi.

During this period of time, night Mo Shen kept her closer, almost inseparable. According to Xiaomi Dou's statement, he felt that his father was totally crazy. He kept watch on mommy like a crazy smasher all day long, and he had to take care of everything.

The man in love in QAQ ~ ~

because it is near production, when Xiaoyan receives Han Muzi's call to accompany her, ye Moshen still keeps watching, which makes Xiaoyan feel extremely unnatural and has no chance to find time to whisper to Han Muzi.

Can only press their own voice very low very low, with Han Muzi murmuring.

"Why doesn't yeshao go? I'm not comfortable with him staring at me like this."

Although she was in the room, Mo knew she was in the room.

Han Muzi is tearing a piece of orange to eat into his mouth, smell speech can not help but look at the night Mo deep, found him sitting there, hands in front of, has been staring at this side.

"Alas." Han Muzi couldn't help sighing and turned to Xiaoyan: "to be honest, I think he's crazy at this period of time. I don't know if he'll be better after the production. He just stares at me like a prisoner."

Xiaoyan: "it's It sounds a little scary. "

With that, Xiao Yan suddenly thought of her and Han Qing's future. If she was pregnant in the future, would Han Qing stare at her like Ye Shao?

It seems that It's not very annoying.

Think of here, Xiaoyan suddenly can understand the practice of night Mo Shen, probably like the deep talent will be like this?

"In fact, yeshao may care too much about you."

Han Muzi didn't feel disgusted with the practice of yemoshen, but felt that he would be very tired. After all, when she was resting, he was still watching. When she woke up, he still did not rest.

It's going to be after you have a baby?

"All these words I said are sincere, but I still strongly advise that I don't want to stay in the same space with him, or I went back first? " Xiaoyan murmured dissatisfaction with Han Muzi.

Hearing this, Han Muzi gave her a faint look in her eyes.

"It's rare to come and accompany me. How long have you been leaving? Or not a good friend? "

Xiaoyan:.... "

She did, but the atmosphere was terrible.

"Why don't you call my brother here?"


Xiaoyan knew that he and Han Qing together could not hide from him, although she had no intention to hide, but also did not deliberately say. But after all, there is a big mouth in the shop, that is millet beans.

To her mother, where can Xiaomi Dou keep a secret?

Xiaoyan was defeated and said, "he may be busy?"

Han Muzi waved her hand and said, "isn't girlfriend more important than work?"

Xiaoyan:.... "

"Hair, let him come over and take Yemo Shen away. It happens that I'm also a little hairy."

Han Muzi said so, Xiaoyan had to take out the mobile phone to Han Qing to send information.

After sending the message, there is no response for the time being. Xiao Yan estimates that Han Qing is probably dealing with things in the company at this time. It is difficult to return her SMS.

"He's probably very busy. I don't know if he can return, but I've already sent it."

As soon as the voice dropped, the mobile phone rang.

When Xiaoyan looked at wechat, it was Han Qing who replied to her.

She asked if you were free now? What did Han Qing ask her directly? josei

When Xiaoyan looks at the information, Han Muzi also comes together and urges Xiaoyan immediately to see this problem. "Let him come quickly."

Xiaoyan: "it's I don't feel very well. Why don't I

"Why are you so afraid? He is your boyfriend, not your enemy, and you just say, answer or not is his business

Probably was convinced by Han Muzi, Xiaoyan really began to tell Han Qing to come over, but she said more euphemistic."Well, I'm in Muzi now. Would you like to come over?"

With that, he was afraid that Han Qing felt his tone was too much, so he quickly picked out a cute expression and sent it to him.

Han Muzi on one side witnessed the whole process and blinked.

"That's how you usually talk?"

Xiaoyan nodded, "yes, is there a problem?"

Han Muzi smiles: "no problem, wait for him."

She's happy, and that's a good way to get along.

"Well, he's at work now and may not come."

Just finished, Han Qing returned the message.

"Wait for me."

Xiao Yan didn't expect that he would really agree. His heart beat a little fast. He took the mobile phone and put it into the bag.

"I said I would come?" Han Muzi squeezed her eyes and laughed.

"I must have heard that I am with you. After all, you are his sister, and he is sure to come."

"Is it?" Han Muzi picked her eyebrows and didn't care.

Soon, Han Qing will arrive, came to find people, found that the night in the room is not deep. In the face of his brother-in-law, although not warm-hearted attitude, but also not indifferent.

The man nodded two times.

After that, Han Qing came to Xiaoyan and asked Han Muzi some basic information before turning to Xiaoyan.

"Call me here. What can I do for you?"

Xiaoyan was embarrassed and whispered: "no, nothing happened It is... "

"Brother." Han Muzi interrupted two people's words: "can't you come here if there's nothing wrong? Don't just worry about going to work. You should also spend more time with your girlfriend. "

Xiaoyan:.... "

She secretly pulled Han Muzi's clothes, but Han Qing did not answer. After looking at Han Muzi, she seemed to acquiesce in this statement, and then nodded: "OK."

After a few minutes, Xiaoyan and Han Muzi looked numbly at the two men sitting side by side with the same indifferent atmosphere. They looked at each other for a long time and listened to Han Muzi sigh.

"If I had known that, I would not have asked him to come here."

Han Muzi originally thought that Han Qing could take yemoshen away when she came, and then she whispered with her little sister. Who knows he sat down side by side with ye Moshen. Is this the so-called accompany girlfriend?

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