Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 1180

Chapter 1180

Han Muzi expressed despair.

Xiaoyan said that she was very embarrassed because she did not know that things would develop like this, and for her, the night was too deep for her to breathe in this room. Now with Han Qing, Xiaoyan felt that she could not breathe at all ~

suddenly, Han Muzi opened her mouth.

"Let's have a discussion. You two go out."

The night is not deep

Han Qing:

A moment later, Han Qingsheng asked, "what's the matter?"

On his eyes, Xiaoyan quickly moved away, pretending not to see, let Han Muzi answer his question: "we two want to talk, you two go out to chat, can't you?"

"No way." Did not wait for Han Qing to open his mouth, night Mo Shen has already rejected Han Muzi's proposal, his eyes tightly staring at Han Muzi, as if not tired eyes, "I have to look at you."

The doctor has told her that it's two days for her to have a baby, and her family must always be there in case. In front of that period of time, night Mo Shen has been guarding over, it is impossible to relax in these two days.

Xiao Yan listened to him and thought that night Moshen would not leave. Maybe before Han Muzi gave birth to a child, he would stick by Mu Zi's side. After thinking about it, Xiao Yan tentatively said, "otherwise, I'll come to see you tomorrow?"

Han Muzi looked at her bitterly in her eyes, and Xiaoyan felt guilty at once. She wants to accompany Mu Zi more. If ye Moshen is not here, she can even stay with Han Muzi for the night. Although she and Muzi are familiar with each other, they still have a shadow over night.

When Xiaoyan was ready to say something more, Han Qing opened his mouth at this time.

"In fact, you don't have to take my sister so seriously. It's not so terrible to have a baby. Besides, there are still two days to go? On the day she gives birth, you can watch her again. "

Listen, night Mo deep sneer a, do not agree with his opinion at all.

"When your wife is going to have a baby, you can be so calm and come back to discuss it with me."

In a word, Han Qing was blocked directly.

Han Qing:

Xiao Yan on the edge of the room: --

Han Muzi some despair way: "forget it, you go back first."

Xiaoyan was busy to stand up, "well, I'll go first, and I'll see you in two days."

"Can't you show it? I've just opened my mouth. You're so impatient that your friendship is broken! " Mu Zi looks at han zi and announces.

"Well! These two days break up temporarily. We will make up after you are born! " Xiaoyan smilingly patted Han Muzi's cheek and whispered: "I'll come to you when you are born."

After Xiao Yan and Han Qing left together, after they left the villa, Xiao Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at Han Qing's small expression, she simply wanted to say but did not dare to say.

Finally still can't help but way: "night little Mu purple see also too tight, even I am not at ease there."

"Although it's not the first time to be a father, it's the first time to face childbirth, which is normal." Han answered her question quietly.

"Normal?" Xiaoyan had some doubts and said, "when a man is a father for the first time or when he is facing birth, will he look like this?"

Listen, Han Qing a meal, a moment later thin lips slightly pursed up: "is asking me?"


"In theory, 80 percent of men should be like this, but I'm not sure whether I belong to the 80 percent or the other 20 percent. Or, if you want to know, try it. "

"Try it?" Xiaoyan unconsciously received a sentence.

After that, she realized what Han Qing said. Her white face suddenly became red. She looked at Han qinglao for a long time and said: "rogue!"

He's making fun of her!

The little girl's extreme reaction has long been guessed by Han Qing. The smile between her lips widened a little, and even her black eyes had a strong warm color.

"What a scoundrel? Aren't you asking questions? I'm just giving an effective answer. "


What effective answer, clearly is to tease her!

Small Yan gas Du Du Du, but in the heart and feel a little sweet, Han Qing said such words is not on behalf of his intention to develop with himself for a long time? Did you want to marry her and have children?

I don't know why, the more I think Xiaoyan's face is getting red and her ears are getting hotter. She quickly presses the window to let the wind in.

"Hot?" However, Han Qing did not know how to do it. She even asked her, "do you need to turn on the air conditioner?"

Xiaoyan: "it's No, thank you josei

Can old men be more coquettish? Really! Too much!

Xiao Yan complained loudly in his heart, but on the surface, he didn't dare to fart!

After a while, the traffic lights went off and the car stopped. The atmosphere in the car was a little embarrassed. Xiao Yan kept looking out of the window and didn't speak.Han Qing slightly side eyes can see the little girl with a lip leaning against the window, a do not want to talk to him.

He couldn't help but try to tease her.

"Who sent me a message to come over?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yan's body pauses for a moment, quietly looks at Han Qing and sees Han Qing staring at her.

"Now that I'm here, I won't even pay attention to me?"

Xiaoyan: "it's I don't want to talk to you. Aren't you driving? I I just don't want to distract you. "

"It's a red light now." Han Qing reminds her.

Xiaoyan nodded: "I know."

The red light doesn't last long. It will turn green.

"25 seconds to go." He said again.

Xiaoyan: "it's What can you do in 25 seconds? "

She looked at Han Qing with a confused face. She didn't understand why he suddenly reminded her of this time. When she raised her head to his eyes, she found that there was a faint smile and a trace of other emotions in his eyes.

Also don't know why, small Yan inexplicably face a red, "you, you don't think!"


"Stop at a red light, you want that too dangerous, can't!"

Han Qingwei narrowed his eyes: "that one?"

He seemed confused for a moment. He remembered what Xiaoyan pointed to and couldn't help laughing: "you said I didn't want to distract me when I was driving. I remind you that there are 25 seconds left to let you talk to me. How can I get to your place and become the one I miss? Or do you want to? "

In the last sentence, Han Qing slowed down his speech and changed his tone. The atmosphere in the car suddenly became different.

Xiao Yan choked and looked at him.

Is she lifting a stone and hitting herself in the foot?

"Well, it seems that I really want to, but it's not convenient now. I'll see if there's a chance."

The voice just fell, the time for the red light came, and Han Qing was ready to drive. Xiao Yan was misunderstood and could only explain in a hurry: "who thought? I don't think so. You misled me. How can you push me now? "

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