Master’s Smile

Chapter 97

Chapter 97

C97 – Princess

With that said, I have just entered the royal castle grounds along with Princess Neena.

…I’ll say, this has really turned into something outrageous.

I think I am the first and last master of a dark guild to enter this place.

“We have arrived. Let’s get off.”

At Princess Neena’s urging, I finally brought down my legs on the castle grounds.

We got off in a huge garden, where several other carriages were parked.

There were people coming down from their carriages just like me and entering the castle.josei

M-My heart couldn’t stop pounding. Anxiety was probably the reason.

“Is this your first time in the royal castle?…Well, I suppose you would be like that.”

Princess Neena grinned and teased me.

Yet, I could only laugh quietly in response.

I know you think that your position is higher than mine, but if it were found out that you brought along the master of the dark guild, Yelquchira, your position as a princess would probably be in jeopardy, too, you know?

Of course, if I were to reveal such a thing, Ritter would also lose her position, so I wouldn’t do it no matter what.

(TLN: There was a mistake on my side in C94, turns out he didn’t reveal himself to be Yelquchira’s master, fixed)

“…I don’t mind if it’s revealed, though.”

Ritter looked up at me with eyes that showed no emotion.

Yeah, no, I can’t. Even your friend, Princess Neena will be in a bad position, you see?

I will do my best to protect you, but I can’t take care of her as well.

If I try to protect a lot of things all at once with my level of power, I will definitely fail.

Thus, I will protect the members of the “Salvation Army (Yelquchira)” with all my might.

“Now then, we should get going. As for you-… no, I should call you Master too as you are Ritter’s mentor, Master, are you good with courtesy?”

Princess Neena asked.

While I was relieved that I didn’t have to tell her my identity, I froze at the word “courtesy”.

I-I wonder? Of course, I know everything about common courtesy, but I’m not really sure what it’s like inside the castle, you know?

I have visited several castles and other places in other nations in the past, but at that time it was mostly with a hostile intention and I had never used courtesy to establish friendly relations with them….

“Don’t mind it, it’s fine if you at least know some. All Master has to do is just smile behind me, like what you are doing now. Your smile looks calm and should prevent you from being cornered.”

Princess Neena looked at me, who was frozen in place, and said so with a wry smile.

I see. Then I guess everything should be fine as smiling is my current forte.

“There are people like Ritter, who are so fearless that they don’t even bow to their superiors. Ever since I’ve had her in my inner circle, the number of criticism against me has increased as well.”

Princess Neena laughed.

R-Really? Ritter, did you not use any courtesy?

“……? Do I need to be polite to anyone other than Master?”

Ritter tilted her head and looked at me.

That was yet again another outrageous remark from her.

I think she needs to know a certain amount of etiquette as long as she works here….

But, seeing that she had not been punished in any way, I guess there was really no problem with the current Ritter.

Even so, it’s best to make as few enemies as possible, and if you can work hard, you might as well learn some manners.

“………I’ll do my best.”

Ritter replied after an extremely long pause.

If you want, I can stay with you and teach you the bare minimum of courtesy.

“Let’s. In a locked room.”

Ritter immediately agreed to my proposal.

I don’t know what is the point of doing it behind closed doors, but let’s do it when we go home.

We can’t keep Princess Neena waiting, so let’s head to the castle immediately.

…Though, it won’t be good for my mental health.

“…No, please wait.”

However, Princess Neena stopped us with a stern look on her face.

It was a far cry from the smile she had on her face earlier when she looked at us…or rather, Ritter.

I was worried that I had done something rude, but apparently it was not because of me.

Her eyes were on the big gate.

It was from the gate our carriage had just entered, and from it, came an even more magnificent carriage.

It was a very luxurious and gorgeously decorated carriage, and the horses leading it were also huge and noble-like.

Princess Neena’s carriage was also quite luxurious, but the victor would be the carriage that had just arrived.

I tilted my head and wondered who in the world they were to have something more magnificent than the first princess’s carriage.

…To be honest, I’m not that familiar with the kingdom.

“That’s my esteemed brother.”

My question was answered by the princess herself.

With a small murmur, she headed towards the carriage.

Heee…, that means he’s this kingdom’s prince, huh? I’ve never seen him before.

Ritter and I, who were part of Princess Neena’s entourage, followed her.


Just like when they welcomed Princess Neena, one of the knights loudly proclaimed the name of the prince who had entered the royal castle grounds.

At the same time, a man got out of the carriage.

His handsome face was full of confidence.

At his waist was a sword, suggesting that heーーーPrince Lintz, like Princess Neena, was a member of royalty capable of fighting.

“Long time no see, esteemed brother.”

“Oh, Neena. Long time no see.”

Princess Neena approached Prince Lintz and bowed lightly.

The prince replied to her, but both of them seemed to have a somewhat stiff expression.

…Looks like they are not as close as Lucille and Lucica.

“We didn’t get to see each other that much for a while, so how about having dinner together again?”

“…Yes, if the chance arises.”

Princess Neena rejected Prince Lintz’s invitation in a roundabout way.

…They really didn’t seem to get along.

The prince grunted from her reaction and proceeded to look at Ritter, who didn’t even bow to the prince.

“It’s been a while too, Ritter. You’re the only one who is brave enough to be so impertinent in front of me.”


Ritter did not react at all to Prince Lintz’s words, who held a position in this kingdom that no one can defy.

Rather, she just kept staring at me, who had been smiling from the start.

…Show some interest in Prince Lintz, too….

“Hmph, as always. So, Ritter, do you have any plan on leaving Neena and becoming my knight instead?”


Prince Lintz shifted his eyebrows as he was a little irked from Ritter’s reaction, but shortly after, to everyone’s surprise, he tried to solicit her.

This made even Princess Neena, who had remained calm, raised her voice.

Wooow, Ritter was solicited by both the first prince and first princess of this kingdom.

…Fufun. I’m so proud of her.

Nevertheless, it’s not something that normal people would do to solicit Princess Neena’s entourage in front of her.

The fact that the other party didn’t seem to be the least bit guilty tells me that the two are not on the best of terms.

“Rather, you don’t even have to be my knight. A good-looking girl like you can become my concubine instead….”

“I decline. Not interested in anyone but Master.”

Prince Lintz said so while looking at Ritter’s whole body.

Her hair is cut short, but beautifully black.

A pretty face, though lacking in facial expression.

A healthy-shaped body covered by a thin knight armor.

Indeed, no wonder men would desire her as she was such a beautiful girl.

Well, she’s my daughter after all, so it’s only natural!

However, Prince Lintz’s solicitation… or rather, seduction, was rejected immediately by Ritter.

T-That was quick… she didn’t think much of it, did she?

“H-Hmmph, you won’t regret that decision, will you?”

Prince Lintz glared at Ritter sharply.

Hmm…well, everyone’s love life is different, and I would give my blessing to Ritter no matter what kind of man she chooses, but….

Somehow, I don’t like the idea of giving my daughter to this prince….

“So? Has Neena recruited a new retainer again?”

Prince Lintz looked at me, who was standing near…or rather, glued to Ritter.

I maintained my smile and bowed slightly.

“Ah, this person is-….”

“No need.”

Princess Neena tried to introduce me, but the prince interrupted her.

“I’m not interested in this man.”

I see. When you are a prince of a kingdom, all sorts of people will come up to you, and you must have been introduced to quite a few people.

I guess he didn’t need to remember me, who was supposed to be Princess Neena’s entourage.

Yet, he seemed to remember Ritter, who was also one of her entourages, but that was most likely because she was cute and stood out.

I, an ordinary person, don’t stand out in the slightest.

“See you later, Neena.”


Prince Lintz lightly patted Princess Neena on the shoulder and went ahead of her into the castle.

As soon as he was out of sight, her emotions, which she had been suppressing until now, were revealed.

“Kuh! The nerve of him touching me with his filthy hand…!!!”

Princess Neena’s face was contorted with a look of heartfelt abhorrence, and she dusted the shoulder on which she was patted.

E-Eeeehh…, are those two’s relationship this bad…?

My shock was tremendous as I had seen Lucille and Lucica, who had a very good relationship with one another

“I’m sorry, Master. I must have given you a bad time, didn’t I?”

Princess Neena asked apologetically.

No, no, I don’t mind it at all.

She smiled in relief at my reply and stared at the castle.

“He is my brother…, and my enemy.”


Wouldn’t it be bad if the prince and princess, who should be responsible for the future of the kingdom, were to turn on each other like this?

“…not interested in Master, he said? Want to kill him.”


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