Master’s Smile

Chapter 98

Chapter 98

C98 – Prince’s Entourage

Princess Neena, Ritter, and I were now in a room which was quickly prepared for the princess inside the royal castle.

The estate which I was taken to by Ritter seemed to be her main residence.

She’s not always at the castle, as she goes here whenever she is needed.

I also felt rather uncomfortable here.

Well, because, you know?

I, a complete outsider, found out that the two candidates who might be the next ruler of this nation were not getting along with each other.

If I were a commoner, there would have been no problem, but I was a guildmaster of a dark guild.

This matter didn’t hurt me in the least, but it made me feel uneasy as I am one of the people who shouldn’t know this problem the most, yet was one of the few who knew this fact.

“Forgive me, I got worked up a bit. I’ve calmed down now.”

Princess Neena probably thought the reason I was looking uncomfortable was because she was exuding a dangerous aura earlier and apologized.

No, no, it doesn’t really affect me much if it’s just this level of anger.

…is what I’d like to say, but to prevent myself from not being able to answer if she asked “Then, what bothers you?”, I’ll just smile vaguely.

“…My esteemed brother and I haven’t gotten along since the beginning.”

Princess Neena began to speak in whispers, as if she was mumbling to herself.

Eh… I don’t want to hear this, though….

I tried asking Ritter for help, but she was already snuggled up in my lap.

Damn it…! I can’t wake her up because she’s too cute!

Thus, I was forced to listen to Princess Neena’s story…, or rather, the darkness of Evans Kingdom.

“My esteemed brother has always been a self-centered person. If someone else had something he wanted, he would forcefully take it from them. This was not limited to things, but also people. My brother had been visiting the adventurers’ guild regularly for a long time, so he was quite strong as well.”

Well, this was an outrageous story right from the get go.

I never thought I would be told of the first prince’s bad side….

“That alone is already unforgivable, yet my brother sometimes abused his power as a royalty to extort people. Not long ago, we had a skirmish with the neighboring empire, which also started after my brother forcibly married a noble lady from the empire.”

…Ain’t he one hell of a prince?

It would be unbearable if a war between nations broke out just because of one man’s selfishness.

Especially for commoners who are obliged to serve in the military and pay taxes.

…Well, we are a dark guild, so we don’t do anything to contribute to the kingdom in any way, though.

“The knights who gathered under him were all violent and rough, which was no different from adventurers that would undermine the dignity of Evans Kingdom. With such people in his entourage, our kingdom will be looked upon with contempt!”

I see.

But, if that’s the case, I think Princess Neena also has a problem taking me into her faction when we had just met a few hours earlier, though….

“A mentor of Ritter is fine.”

…As expected, her trust in Ritter was tremendously deep.

“I know we’re going off topic, but I can’t let my brother, who lacks the dignity of a royalty, be the king. I shall be the next ruler of the kingdom!”

Princess Neena declared strongly.

She must have made the decision to fight her brother because she truly cares about the Evans Kingdom from the bottom of her heart.

Hee… Well, I can’t help her as I’m a master of a dark guild, but I wish her the best of luck.

“Princess Neena, the preparations are ready. Please come to the throne room.”

“Aah, understood.”

A voice called out from outside the door.

In response, Princess Neena stood up.

“Both of you come along too. It’s fine if you just stand behind me.”


When they said throne room, the king, the head of the kingdom, will most likely be there.

I’m getting kind of nervous.

Come on, Ritter, it’s time to get up….

Saying so, I shook her and….


My fingers were sucked into her mouth.

Uwaaaaah!!! It’s slimyーーー!!!

We arrived at a place called the throne room.

I was also involved in an incident where Ritter was play-biting my fingers, but I managed to bring her back to her senses.

“From here onward is the place where my father,ーーーthe king of Evans Kingdom, resides. I’m sure Master already knows this, but don’t say anything unnecessary.”

Princess Neena glanced back and advised me.

Yes, I understand.

Still, I never thought the time would come when I would be able to see the king of the kingdom….

Life is long, isn’t it?

“You may enter, Princess Neena.”


Prompted by the knight standing in front of the room, Princess Neena entered.

Both of us then followed after her.

Inside the throne room was very luxurious and spacious.

The ceiling and walls were decorated with dazzling ornaments that I didn’t quite comprehend.

By the looks of it, rare materials like gold seemed to be used unsparingly.

In addition, there were a good number of knights on either side, most likely being the knights of the king’s entourage who were protecting him.

Princess Neena walked in a dignified manner among them, while Ritter followed absent-mindedly, as if she really didn’t think anything of it.

I was smiling, but inwardly I was in a cold sweat.

…I’m sure all the knights here will attack me if they find out that I’m the master of a dark guild.

“I apologize for the wait, my king. For I, Neena, have just arrived.”

Princess Neena kneeled and bowed to the man sitting in the high throne.

Ah, does this mean we have to do this too?

“…Don’t have to. Knights of an entourage have to move quickly if something goes wrong…. I also have no need to bow to anyone but Master.”

As I was thinking about it, Ritter whispered to me.

I see. Although, the last thing I heard was Ritter won’t bow down even when the time is needed, I could care less as it’s not the problem right now.

“…There is no problem. Raise your head.”


The man with the crown…, the king of Evans Kingdom gave his forgiveness to the princess, who was bowing her head.

Princess Neena then raised her head and looked at the king. I also followed and looked at him for the first time.


I almost let out a voice.

I’ve never been so eager to praise my own poker face which I’ve always plastered with a smile.

His appearance was the reason why I felt this way.

This is just my selfish stereotype, but I had always imagined that kings were all well-dressed.

Yet, the king right in front of me was the exact opposite.

His cheeks were skinny, and his eyes were goggling as if they were about to fall off.

His skin was as pale as that of the undead Rousseld, and it was hard to tell whether he was alive or dead.

He looked like a terminally ill man, afflicted by an incurable disease.


When Princess Neena looked up, the king did not speak.

Rather, he could not speak, could he?

Could it be that he is that close to the limit of his strength?

…This will most likely start an intense battle to decide who will be the next ruler sooner or later.

As I was thinking so, the door opened once again and three men entered.


Walking in the lead was Prince Lintz, Princess Neena’s brother.

And behind him were two men who accompanied him.

They must be Prince Lintz’s entourage, just as I and Ritter were with Princess Neena.



One of them looked at Ritter expressionlessly.

In response, Ritter also looked back at him with a blank stare.

Then, as if immediately disinterested, Ritter removed her gaze and began to look at me.

…Eh? Are you not acquainted?

“Know his face, but not interested.”

I-I see.

She’s as dry as ever….

“…The one with the knight armor, Theldorff. Commander of the royal knights.”

Although she seemed uninterested, Ritter still introduced them to me.

Theldorff was the man who was staring at Ritter earlier.

He had a fierce look on his face, like a man who had fought many battles in the past.

Nevertheless, to think that Prince Lintz has the head of the kingdom’s knights on his side….

If the entire royal knight corps were to follow Prince Lintz, Princess Neena wouldn’t stand a chance.

But, there were still some knights stationed at Princess Neena’s estate, so I doubt that would be the case.

“The one with the white coat, Wissen… kind of suspicious alchemist, probably.”

It was the skinny man wearing glasses and a dirty white coat.

He had an uncanny smile, somewhat reminding me of Rousseld.

Well, he might not be undead, though.

In any case, a knight named Theldorff and an alchemist named Wissen are probably close associates of Prince Lintz.

In contrast, Princess Neena’s entourage are two members of the dark guild “Salvation Army (Yelquchira)”….

…Isn’t this bad?

“My king. I, Lintz, have come back.”josei


Prince Lintz knelt down to announce his arrival, and the king nodded his head gravely.

If he’s not careful, his head will probably roll right off, I think.

Then, a small-statured man who had been standing behind the king stepped forward.

“Now, on behalf of the king, I, the prime minister, will speak for his will.”

So the small man is the prime minister, huh?

…I’ll say, in just a day, I’ve met various kingdom people with genuine and amazing authority.

If I was just living as a commoner, I would never meet these kinds of people.

Then, the Prime Minister opened his mouth while I was in thoughts.

“Prince Lintz and Princess Neena, the reason we have summoned the two of you here is to select the next ruler.”

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