Mated to the Alpha and His Beta

Chatper 336

Chatper 336

Chapter 336


The ground beneath me was very, very far away. The second | thought it, | plummeted down, bouncing off the padded mats and rolling onto my back. | flung out my arms and legs, panting.

“F uck,” | muttered.

Malachi snorted and stood over me, hands on his hips. “You let your wolf side get in the way again.”

| pushed up on my elbow to roll my eyes at him.


“Wolves run. They stay on the ground. Can | help it if I've been a wolf for my entire life without any clue there was more inside me than that? Maybe I’m not meant to fly. Maybe | don’t have enough vampire blood.”

Charlotte laughed. “You'll never learn if that’s your attitude.”

“You're my bloodline, Malachi added with a buff of his nails on his shirt and a smug grin. “You've got plenty. You should be able to do whatever you want to do. You simply need to want it more. Let go of your fears, Lanie.

“Easy for you to say,” | grumbled and got to my feet. | was sweating, aching, muscles sore, but also....

loved it.

For the first time in my entire life, | felt ike something wasn’t missing.

The next time, | focused and felt my feet lifting off the floor, | was able to stay up for more than a minute. |



couldn’t move yet, but it was a great start. | could tell my grandfather was pleased and proud. | was, too.

“Charlotte, | shall leave you and Lanie to finish up, | have some appointments that call my attention away.

But later, granddaughter, I’d like you and | to meet privately.

“Something important? | gulped a long drink of water. | hadn’t yet had any desire to drink blood, and frankly, that was the one vampire thing | hoped | never would.

My grandfather shook his head, but his lips quirked,

“Every conversation with me should be deemed of the utmost importance. | am, after all, an Ancient.”

“Of course “I made sure to put on a serious face and gave him a curtsy “I treasure every single word that

comes out of your mouth”

“Sarcasm does not become you,” Malachi said, but there was a glint of humor in his gaze

He nodded at Charlotte and was gone in a flash.

Like, a literal flash, moving so fast it was almost like he blinked out of existence 1 shook my head in


“Will | be able to learn how to do that?” | asked



Charlotte gathered up my hoodie and handed me another bottle of water. “Hydrate. You’re working yourself more physically than you realize. And yes, | should think you'd be able to learn how to do anything Malachi can do. Perhaps not with as much skill, but if he has the talent, it was likely passed along to you. You're quite powerful, Lanie.”

“| wish | felt more powerful,” | told her honestly as | drained half the bottle. “I still feel like a stumbling jerk most of the time. Clumsy.”

“Would you expect a baby to leave the womb and walk?”

| shrugged into my hoodie. “No, but-”

“You've only known about your vampire self for a short time, and in fact, have only been able to access its gifts since you turned eighteen. If

u’d been told from bith what would come to you when you came of age, you’d have been prepared and still not immediately able to utilize all the talents.”

Charlotte shook her head, her lips pursing. Then she continued.

“It would have taken time even then. You've first had to wrap your head around being something different from what you’d always believed yourself to be, and in addition find ways to bring forth what was always hidden from you. If anything, | expected you to be much slower in learning than you are. You should be proud of yourself. | know your grandfather certainly is.”

Warmth circled inside me at the thought of making him proud. “Should we go again?”

“| admire your resilience, but no. | think you need a meal and perhaps a soak in the hot springs. Or a visit to the spa. Charlotte looked serious, but there was a lilt in her tone. “Or you might even wish to call your mates back to your quarters for your own private time.”

| blushed and pulled my hair on top of my head in a messy bun. “They're busy today with their own training and workouts.”

“But | can sense your need for them,” Charlotte said casually like it wasn’t at all embarrassing that she

knew how worked-up the training session had made me.

“Is that normal?” | asked under my breath.

She grinned. “Let's grab a drink, and you can ask me whatever you want to know.”



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