Mated to the Alpha and His Beta

Chatper 337

Chatper 337

Chapter 337


Once more, we'd dropped the children off at school, leaving me with no responsibilities Malachi doing only the Goddess knew what, while Xander, Zane, and Mason had gone off to


That left me alone.

I'd considered volunteering at the school. It would keep me close to my babies and give me some kind of purpose. | knew that Brightsky required its residents to contribute, and what other skills did | really have? | couldn’t be a Luna here anymore than | could've if we went back to Constantine.

Here in the vampire enclave, there might be a need for someone to oversee all the small details that kept the place running, but it was not my place to take that over. Plus, | had to admit that | wouldn’t even know where to begin. It was so vast and complex, not much like running a pack house and supporting my Alpha


The bottom line was, | didn’t have anything to do, and it was wearing me down.

“I've never been a lady of leisure,” | admitted to Lenora.

She'd bumped into me outside the children’s school and invited me for tea again. | pulled my delicate

teacup toward me and sniffed it. Something herbal.

Something even my wolf couldn’t identify from the scent. Carefully, | sipped and got a strong black.

licorice flavor.

Lenora laughed and broke her chocolate croissant into bite-sized pieces. “I fell in love with croissants when | lived in Paris, oh, ages ago. The pastry chef here trained in Paris, but even though these are delicious, it's still not quite the same. | imagine there is much like that here for you, Gabriela. Much to appreciate, but much to adapt to. Let yourself have some time to yourself and to be in charge of nothing. You’ve worked hard for so long. Doesn't it feel nice to let someone else do the heavy lifting for a change?”

| took another slow sip before answering. “I suppose so.”

“You don’t sound convinced. Look, if you truly wish to have some sort of job or task, I’m sure something can be assigned to you. But once you take it, then these little dates with you and | will have to go by the wayside You'll be too busy” She frowned. “And we've only just been able to renew our friendship.”

| was flattered that Lenora enjoyed my company so much, but that couldn’t stop the itch of needing to be useful thought of seeing if the school needed a carer

“You do love being around the children Your entire face lights up when you speak of them.” She smiled.

“It would keep me close to them” | said quietly “Just in case.”

Lenora’s eyes widened. “Oh, my friend, surely you cannot still believe your grandpups could be in danger? Not here in Brightsky. | mean not from anything outside.


| looked up sharply at her words. “But from inside?”

“Of not,” Lenora said with a light little laugh that sounded almost forced. “I would never suggest

that. It's that...”

“Tell me. | leaned closer. “If you know something | should know, tell me. | swear | feel like I’m the last to learn anything since we got here. They all just-”

| stopped myself.

| didn’t want to admit aloud, not even to my friend, that since we'd arrived at Brightsky, my been so busy with all of their own new adventures that they barely included me.



“Even the children come home babbling about their teachers and new friends, and they’re growing so fast...soon they won't need me at all any more than their father does.”

There. I'd said it aloud.

| waited to feel the relief of unburdening myself, but only felt guilty.

Lenora covered my hand with her cool one, fingers gently squeezing.

“Of course you're feeling a little out of sorts. You’re living with a vampire-wolf hybrid who’s learning how to fully use all of the powers. Think of it as being around a live wire. The closer you get to it, the more likely it is that you could get a shock.”

“Lanie is dangerous?” | tilted the word into a question, although it felt more like a statement.

Lenora coughed lightly into her fist. “Well, we're all dangerous, are we not? Or can be? | don’t want to worry you. She’s your daughter-in-law, after all. | know you care for her.”

“| love my family,” | said fiercely. “But | will do whatever | have to in order to keep them safe. If she’s dangerous, Lenora, please tell me.”

Lenora shook her head, her eyes widening again.

“Oh, no, | certainly didn’t mean to suggest that you need to fret about it. Being here in Brightsky, she'll be carefully monitored as she’s being taught. Should anything go awry and we have no reason to believe it would

well there are checks and balances here to prevent any trouble. Now, let’s talk about something more pleasant | hate to see you look so worried.”

“Yes” | said faintly and tried to shove away my concerns. | concentrated on her gentle, innocuous gossip.

It wasn’t working

| was still very, very worried


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