May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 111

Chapter 111

111 Chapter 111 : I think your breasts are great

“You look like you’re in a good mood,” Marceline spoke to her son who was humming to himself as he lowered the water container from their carriage. “Care to share the joy?”

“Oh umm it’s nothing really mother,” Aiden responded sheepishly, “I’ve just decided to look at the positive side of things from now on.” The handsome redhead hopped off the carriage and started making his way to the nearby creek where people were filling their canteens and containers.

Marceline peeked out of the carriage window and saw Aiden walk towards a beautiful blonde woman who was waving excitedly at him. “Hmm the positive side of things ey?”

“Is that Aiden’s girlfriend?”

Marceline turned to look at Vivian who too was peeping out the carriage window. “I don’t know,” marceline reaponded to teenage girl. josei

“I hope so, she’s really pretty,” Vivian responded, “and you and I both no he will never be able to do better than that.”

“Vivian!” Marceline exclaimed with a chuckle.

“What? We both know Aiden took after uncle Stefan, he’s an awkward bookworm.”

Marceline tucked a loc of Vivian’s dark hair behind her eye and smiled at her, “I know. But that’s exactly why I fell for your uncle.”


“Really?” Vivian responded in a tone that screamed ‘I’m not impressed.’

“Really, it’s that very awkwardness that makes guys like Aiden very likable,” Marceline added on, “and I can bet that that pretty lady likes him already.”

“Fine I’ll bet you ten.. no fifty of my gooseberries that Aiden has no chance,” Vivian declared with her five fingers raised in front of her aunt’s face.

“Alright then, you’ve got a bet,” Marceline responded with a sly smile before turning to look out the window at Aiden who had somehow fallen into the stream and gotten himself soaked. Maybe she shouldn’t have such high hopes, her son was a bit clumsy sometimes. But when she saw Estel laugh and help him up, her hope was restored.


“I think you should stand clear off all water bodies and children from now on,” Estel spoke as she dried Aiden up.

“I swear to you this never happens,” Aiden responded as he nervously scratched the back of his head.

After Aiden was dry, Estel helped him haul the water container to the bank of the little creek where they sat down. It was a beautiful little postcard area with soft green wild grass, willow trees dangling their branches into the creek and shallow clear waters riddled with hundreds of tiny blue finish.

“This is place is so beautiful,” Estel cooed, “my father always told me about how gorgeous and untainted the lands beyond the kingdom were and I always wanted to see them.” She scoffed and threw a stone into the creek that made the little fish scatter. “I didn’t think I’d see it under such grim circumstances though.”

“I know what you mean,” Aiden responded, his eyes fixed on the flowing creek. “But I know we’ll get through this, all of us together.”

“Do you think they’ll make it back?” Estel spoke in a low voice, “the ones we left behind I mean.”

“Of course they’ll make it back!”

Estel sighed and threw another stone into the water. “I’m just a little scared, the humans have us outnumbered. What if we never see them again, our friends, our uncles... our fathers.”

Aiden positioned himself in a squatting position and took both as Estel’s hands in his, “don’t be scared, our people are strong and they will return to us. And if not, I will personally go back and bring them here myself.”

Estel looked into Aiden’s brilliant blue eyes, they were full of determination and it made her feel hopeful again. She smiled warmly and brought both her hands and his to her chest, “thank you..” she whispered.

After a little while Aiden’s eyes widened when the realization of where Estel was putting his hands hit him. “Ummh Estel..”


“Well umm...” Aiden’s face was bright red as his fingers grazed the soft creamy skin of the upper swells of her breasts that were beautifully exposed by her low laying neckline. “You’re making me touch your breasts..”

Estel marrowed her eyes in confusion before looking down at her chest. She quickly put Aiden’s hands on his knees and turned away from him feeling flustered as hell. “Oh my gods Addie I’m so sorry... I’m so embarrassed please forgive me!”

“Hey no need to be embarrassed,” Aiden responded nervously, “you should be proud you have really soft breasts.”

Both of them froze in place, both realizing how completely shrewd what Aiden had just said sounded.

“I mean no your breasts aren’t soft at all!” Aiden retracted his words.

“They aren’t?” Estel spoke on a whimper.

“I mean of course they’re soft, they’re perfect, best I’ve ever seen!” Aiden responded nervously, “well not that I’ve seen many breasts.. what I mean is you have great breasts but I...” Aiden buried his face in the palms and his hands and sniffled, “I think I’ll just stop talking now.”

Estel’s blush faded slightly and chuckled at the man in front of her. He was so clumsy and awkward but for some reason she found those aspects of him kind of cute. She inched closer to him and gestured him to sit.

“I’m glad you think my breasts are great,” she spoke softly, her eyes were lowered and a pink tint painted her cheeks. “I think you’re pretty great too.”

Aiden looked at the blushing girl beside him wide eyed, his own blush burning his entire face. “You do?”

Estel looked up at Aiden and locked eyes with him, “yeah.. I think you have really great..” her eyes lowered to his soft reddened lips and lingered there briefly before moving back up

to his eyes, “... eyes! I think you have pretty great eyes.” She pursed her lips and turned away knowing very well that she was a blushing mess right now. Gods, had she seriously thought about kissing him?! They had only just met!

Aiden looked back at the creek and nervously scratched his nose before placing his hand on top of Estel’s, “thank you.. you have beautiful, well everything.”

Estel interlocked her fingers with the handsome redhead and covered her blush with her other hand. “You really think I’m beautiful?”

Aiden turned to look at her with a smile plastered on his face, “the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”


Back in the carriage Vivian was pouting with her arms crossed over her chest.

“Come on kiddo pay up,” Marceline spoke with a chuckle.

“But aunty can’t we just let bygones be bygones,” she complained, “I worked really hard to pick these berries.”

“And a bet’s a bet,” Marceine responded with a smirk.

Vivian placed the satchel of gooseberries in her aunts hand and mumbled, “I can’t believe she fell for Aiden, I mean come on you’ve gotta admit she’s got a very strange taste in men.”

“It’s not only about that,” Marceline explained as she chewed on a gooseberry. “Couldn’t you feel it, Aiden has found his blood half.”

Vivian went wide eyed, “what? But she’s an elf and he’s a nosferatu! How is that even possible?”

“Love, like hate, knows no bounds Vivian, you will do well to remember that. Who knows, maybe your blood half is an elf too.”

“What no way!” Vivian blurted out making Marceline chuckle. “I will marry a handsome and strong nosferatu who will give me lots of beautiful babies!”

Marceline smiled at Vivian warmly, it was ridiculous how much she had grown over the years. When Marceline’s sister, Vivian’s mother, had passed, she had taken in the little girl and raised her as her own, she even loved her like her own daughter. It was hard to believe that was over a hundred and eighteen years ago.

Vivian was a very bright, vibrant and strong young woman who intimidated a lot of guys, but that was exactly how Marceline was when she was younger and had still managed to find a good man, so she had no doubt in her mind that Vivian would do the same.

Sometimes Marceline wondered how it would be like to have a daughter of her own, even though her and Stefan were blood halves it was still a rare occurrence to bare many children so she didn’t know if that would ever happen or not. It would be nice to give Vivian someone to play with, and give Aiden a little sister to take care of. She especially would love to have a miniature version of herself who she could shower with love every day of her life. That would truly be a blessing.


Marceline looked down at Vivian who seemed to have been calling her for a while now. “What is it?”

“Can Aiden and his girlfriend have kids?” Vivian questioned the woman, “I mean considering the fact that they’re so different.”

Marceline hadn’t actually thought about that, it was already difficult for nosferatu blood halves children so what would happen to her son? The woman stroked Vivian’s cheek gently, “I guess we’ll just have to wait and find out now don’t we?”

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