May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 112

Chapter 112

112 Chapter 112 : Bite me

Aiden snuck behind Estel’s tent and tapped on it three times. Before long he heard her sweet voice whispering to him, “Addie?”

“You guessed it..”

“I’ll be out in a second.”

Aiden stood in place while glancing from side to side to make sure no one was watching him, it was the middle of the night after all, and everyone was supposed to be sleeping. When Estel came into view a wide smile painted his face, every time he saw her felt like the first time and she always managed to take his breath away.

Estel ran into Aiden’s arms and gave him a tight hug, she looked up at the tall handsome man who was smiling lovingly at her. “Did you miss me?”

“Not really, I just saw you this morning.”

Estel unwrapped her arms and arched her sleek brows at the grinning man, “if that’s the case then I’m leaving.” She turned around ready to walk away but Aiden pulled her by the arm and embraced her tightly.

“Don’t be like that, of course I missed you,” he gently stroked her hair before letting her go, his blue eyes never leaving hers, “I miss you every moment I’m not with you.”

Estel and Aiden had been seeing a lot of each other over the three and a half weeks they had been on the road. They spent a lot of time together fetching water, gathering wild fruits and vegetables, and sometimes Aiden would take Estel with him when he went hunting. Their bond had become so strong that even though they tried to keep it a secret, a lot of their people already knew they were a couple. Some thought of them as very cute together, while others silently shunned their relationship because they were from different races. Regardless of all of that, the bond between the two only got stronger with each passing day.


“So why are we sneaking around in the middle of the night?” The woman questioned Aiden.

The handsome redhead took her hand in his and led her towards the trees surrounding the campsite. They moved quitely yet briskly in the darkness of the night. Since Aiden was a nosferatu, his eyesight was just as good in the dark as it was during the day, but for Estel on the other hand, she had to relay on Aiden for direction.

“Addie where are we going?” She questioned him yet again. She was starting to get a bit anxious the further away they moved from the camp. The forest was dark and filled with sounds that sent shivers down her spine.

“Don’t worry we’re almost there,” Aiden reassured her.

“Almost where?”

Suddenly the thicket of trees disappeared behind them and they walked into an open space covered in tall grass and flowers. Estel was at loss for words when her eyes fell on the beautiful flowers. “Are those flowers glowing?” She asked feeling incredibly intrigued.

“That’s what I thought the first time I saw them,” Aiden explained. He then held Estel’s hand and pulled her forward, as the two walked passed the glowing besutird, the flowers left their stalks and flew up into the air.

Estel stopped and gasped at the breathtaking view, they were standing in the middle of the field and hundreds of different colored flowers were flying around them. “They’re so beautiful,” Estel cooed. She stretched out her hand and one of the flying flowers that was glowing neon pink landed on her finger. Upon closer inspection she realized that these weren’t flowers at all, they were insects, they looked almost like butterflies. “Butterflies that glow in the dark? They’re so beautiful, I’ve never seen anything so breath taking!”

The butterfly flattered it’s wings and flew off her finger. Aiden then took her hands in his and pulled her closer to him, “that’s exactly what I say every time I look at you Estel, I’ve never seen anyone so breathtaking.”

“Aiden I..”

The man wrapped his arms around Estel’s waist and pulled her closer till the space between them was thinner than a sheet of paper. “I love you Estel,” Aiden rasped, “I love you so much it’s intoxicating.”

The elven woman was at loss for words, this was the first time Aiden had ever told her he loved her, it felt so natural, so right. She settled her hands on his biceps and lightly nibbled her lips, “Addie...” she whispered as her face inched closer to his, “I love you too.”

Estel tiptoed and Aiden bent over towards her, the moment their lips touched, the glowing butterflies started flattering around them in a circular array of bright lights. Aiden tightened his grip on her and groaned lightly at the feel of her soft lips on his, when she pried her beautiful mouth open the man slipped his tongue into it like instinct.

Eatel felt like melting in his arms, the chemistry between them was so strong and the heat around them was rising each second. She gasped when his fangs lengthened and grazed her lip lightly, she didn’t know whether the kiss was so intoxicating that it was rewiring her brain or what, but she really wanted Aiden to sink his fangs into her.

The two broke the kiss and stared at each other for a moment, both breathing heavily, both as red as a beet and both reeking of desire.

“Aiden..” Estel ran her hands up his chest and clutched his shirt tightly, “let’s get married.”

The redhead was a bit taken aback by her words. Of course he wanted to marry her, he wanted nothing more than do exactly that, but he didn’t expected her to bring it up first. Another thing he wanted to do was to mark her, he had this crazy urge to sink his teeth into her soft neck and mark her as his.

“Don’t you want that?” Estel questioned Aiden who seemed to be lost in thought.

“Of course I do,” Aiden responded.

“Then why do you look so distracted?”

“I...” the man choked on his words as he looked down at Estel’s neck.

When he licked his lips Estel knew exactly what he wanted and for some crazy reason it made her heart flatter. She reached for the buttons of the blouse of her dress and opened the top two, after which she cocked her head to the side. “Go on..” she whispered, making waves of anxiety mixed with euphoria run down Aiden’s spine. “Bite me Aiden, I want you to.”

The man gulped as his pupils narrowed into a vertical slit, “are you sure?..”

“Yes,” she whispered and cupped the back of his head. “Please do it.”

Aiden licked his lips lightly and leaned into her, his fangs lengthened even more and his heart was pounding wildly in his chest. When his fangs grazed her soft skin she muffled a moan which got Aiden even more excited. Gods he couldn’t wait to mark this woman.

“Estel! What in the world is going on here?!”

Estel was totally mortified because she knew who exactly who that voice belonged to. She covered her exposed chest and turned to look at her mother and auntie who were marching towards them. “Mother?! What are you doing here at this time of the night?!”

Queen Tauriel stopped mere inches away from the pair and glared at Aiden angrily. “I should be asking YOU that Estel, how can you allow this boy to disgrace you out in the open like this?!”

“Aiden hasn’t done anything wrong mother!”

“Oh really?” The queen ripped Estel’s arms away from her chest exposing the upper swells of her breasts. “Then explained to me why you’re taking your clothes of in front of him in the middle of the fucking forest?!”

Aiden instinctively stood in front of Estel as she quickly buttoned up her blouse, “Queen Tauriel this isn’t what it looks like, I care and respect your daughter a great deal and I-”

“Shut up!” The elven queen yelled, “not a word out of you, you’re nothing but trouble!” She proceeded to grabbing Estel’s hand and dragging her away. “You are not to see this boy ever again do you hear me?!”

Estel turned to look at Aiden who was reaching out to her desperately, she turned towards her mother and used her magic to form a wall of solid air that separated her mother and her.

Queen Tauriel looked at Estel in shock, “how dare you-”

“Mother I love him!” She screamed, “and I will not allow you to separate us.”

“You what?” The queen glared at Aiden, “is he now teaching you to defy me?!”

“No!” Estel yelled back, “he’s teaching me to stand up for myself! From now on I’ll get to decide what I do with my life, you should focus on your own!”

Tauriel was about to break the wall of air when Alma, the wife to her husband’s brother, placed her hand on her shoulder.

“What is it?!” Tauriel snared.

“Do you hear that?” Alma spoke as she placed a hand on her protruding belly. josei

From a distance they could hear shouts of joy and excitement. ‘They have returned!’ Was the statement they could get being yelled over and over again.

Alma turned to Tauriel with a bright smile, “they’ve arrived from the central kindom. Come on we must welcome them!”

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