May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 118

Chapter 118

118 Chapter 118 : The mages of the rocks

Edron breathed out a long exaggerated sigh and threw his head back on the chair, “are you sure these so called mages of the rocks are even going to show up?” He complained for the third time in that hour.

“Patience Edron, we’re lucky enough that they agreed to travel all this way to meet with us,” Kaiser Stefan responded as he casually flipped the pages of his book, “The rocky rift is more than two months travel from here, be a little more understanding.”

“Didn’t you say they have the most powerful magic on the continent?” Edron spoke out, “couldn’t they just, I don’t know, teleport or something?” The alpha folded his arms over his chest and sighed again. He had better things to do than to sit around waiting for some old men who they weren’t even sure would show up. He had a beautiful wife at waiting at home on heat and he was wasting a precious opportunity to pump some pups into her.

Of all the races, the lycans had the least trouble when it came to having children. Many would have as many as ten or eleven, mostly because lycans were known for baring more than one child at a time. Unfortunately this wasn’t the case for Edron and his beautiful Luna Lyla who had trouble carrying their children full term.

Edron first met Layla at the royal feast to celebrate his victory over his brothers and coronation as the new alpha of the ruling pack, the silver pack. Layla was taken in as a maid hen she was just a girl by the night- raid pack, she was the princess of the pack the night raiders had wiped out and taken over their territory, and she was the only one who had survived the attack.

When Edron first laid eyes on her she was very frail and sickly, she was making her way towards him to refill his wine cup when one of the lycans purposely tripped her making her spill wine on Edron. She had been terrified and apologized profusely, begging Edron not to kill her, little did she know that the moment he gazed into her beautiful silver eyes, he had fallen for her almost immediately.

Not long after, Edron took Layla as his Luna, much to many of the lycan’s dismay but no one dared to oppose the vicious ruler of the top pack. Edron single handedly cared for Layla and nursed her back to health himself, he never wanted anyone near his Luna, not even the maids. Once she was strong and healthy, Edron brought in the idea of them having children and Layla was more than happy to do it, after all, her and Edron were mates.

But sadly, the years of torture and abuse she had endured at the hands of the night raiders had affected her in more ways than one, the physician had told her it would be very difficult for her to carry children because the development of her reproductive system had been greatly impaired. This development made Edron extremely angry, to the point of killing every member of the night raider pack with his bare claws as to avenge the woman he loved.

Regardless of her condition, Edron still tried to have children with her, not once heeding to the suggestions of his council to take another wife. He wanted children with Layla and only Layla and no one could change his mind.


“Perhaps they lost their way,” Dvalin spoke as he put down his cup of ale.

The dwarve king was a ferocious warrior and a great leader, greatly respected by the dwarves. He had eight sons, all worthy successors of the throne, but Dvalin so desperately wanted a daughter, a little girl who would look just like her beautiful mother. The reason he had eight sons was because he kept trying for a girl but none ever came. He became so desperate that he vowed he would only give the thrown up when he had a baby girl. Luckily the dwarves were a matriarchal people and respected his wishes, besides, Dvalin only claimed the throne because his own father did not have a daughter of his own either.

“They have taken a bit of time to get here,” Aragon mumbled. But before he could complain further the doors of the study in which the kings had been sitting flew open and a gash of wind rushed in, putting out all the candles in sight.

“Your majesties,” a disembodied voice echoed through the room, “forgive our tardiness, we hope you didn’t wait long.”

The kings scanned the room trying to find where the voice was coming from but to their surprise the four mages were already sitting comfortably across from them. josei

“How did you-”

“Shall we begin?” One of the mages interrupted Edron, “we are behind the clock as is.”

The four mages of the rocks looked nothing like any of the kings excepted. Instead of creepy looking old men in dark cloaks and warty skin, in front of them sat four handsome men who didn’t look a day over one hundred. The two elf mages had long black hair and piercing golden eyes, while the two nosferatu had long ash brown hair and vivid red eyes.

“Welcome great mages,” Aragon spoke with a respectful nod, “I am king Aragon of the elves, I am the one who sent for you. And these..” the eleven prince pointed to the kings beside him, “these are my brothers, Kaiser Stefan, alpha Edron and king Dvalin.”

The mages all nodded in unison, not bothering to give out their own names, and Aragon figured it was best not to ask.

“You said you can help us with our situation in the letter,” the elven king spoke on, “could you please shade more light on how you will do that?”

One of the elf mages rose his hand in the air making the kings flinch in response. He then drew a small circle in the air that began to glow a bright blue.

“In exactly one year,” the mage spoke, “four royals will be born on this very day, born to save their people and reclaim their lands. It is through these four, a child from each of the four kings of the four races, will everything that was lost be reclaimed.”

Edron stood up abruptly and glared at the mage, “four children from each of the four kings?!” He turned to the side and counted his comrades including himself with a shaky hand, “does that mean, we will have children? Even me?”

“Precisely..” the mage responded.

Edron dropped back into his seat and clutched his chest, gods, so he was actually going to have a child with Layla. Oh thank the gods!

“When these children are brought into this world, they will be turned human and sent to the central kingdom.”

“Wait a minute!” Stefan spoke, “you’re saying our children are the ones going to be used as pawns in all of these? Why on earth would I give up my child to be turned human-”

“Allow me to finish Kaiser,” the elf interrupted him. “Your children will live among the humans, learning their ways, their tricks, their weaknesses. And they will remain human until the four of them meet in one place at just the right moment, only then will they awaken as their true selves. It will be then when you will strike. The humans will fall and you will regain everything you have lost.”

“How are you going to turn the children human?” Dvalin questioned the mage.

The glowing blue circle began to portray images on it, it showed each of the kings’ wives laying a new born baby in what looked like an incantation circle of some sort. The women all took a dagger into their hands and plunged it into the infants’ hearts.

The kings grimaced at the scene.

“You want us to kill our children?!”

“Correction,” a nosferatu mage responded, “this ritual is purely to protect your children from demise while they are human. You see that circle is a circle of reincarnation, if one of your children were to face death before they reunite, they will be reborn anew until the time comes.”

“Marceline will never agree to this barbaric act,” Stefan muttered, “and no amount of explanation will convince her otherwise.”

“This is the only hope you have at reclaiming your land and freeing your brothers,” one of the mages spoke, “we are merely trying to help.”

The room fell silent for a moment before Dvalin asked another question, “just out of curiosity, how sure are you we will be able to sire heirs at the same exact time? Isn’t all this a little far fetched?”

The elven mage smiled slightly at the dwarve, “leave that to us king Dvalin, no need to set dates to lay with your wives, all will happen accordingly.”

“Right.. magic..”

Aragon turned to the three kings and gave them a questioning stare, “so what do you say? Should we take the chance?”

“What I want first Is assurance that our children will return to us safely once all this is over,” Edron spoke to the mages.

“Worry not alpha, your son will surely return to you,” the mage responded with a smile.

“M- my son?...” Edron ran his trembling fingers through his hair and turned to Stefan, “did you hear that? I’m going to have a son!”

Stefan gave his friend a pat on the back, “I’m happy for you Edron. Now are you willing to send your son to the humans?”

“If it will mean we shall reclaim our land, then I know of no better person to entrust that task with than my own blood.” Edron responded proudly.

“Well I guess I’m in too,” Aragon spoke, “if my son will be anything like me, I know he will be the best man for the task.”

“Same goes for me,” Dvalin spoke.

Stefan sighed before nodding in agreement, “well I guess it’s a yes for me as well, though I hope my son takes after his mother and not me.”

Aragon chuckled and nodded in agreement, “I couldn’t agree with you more.”

The mages stood up and bowed to the kings before their bodies began fading into mist. “Very well then, see you in a year’s time your majesties.”

“Oh and by the way,” the nosferatu mage spoke as his body disappeared, “Kaiser Stefan and king Dvalin, you two will have daughters, not sons. Farewell your majesties...”


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