May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 119

Chapter 119

119 Chapter 119 : Forever [PG 18]

Estel walked steadily as Aiden led her, she was blindfolded because her mischievous fiancé had insisted that whatever he wanted to show her was a surprise that he and the other men had been working on tirelessly for the past couple of months.

“Okay give me a hint,” Estel asked the man who was holding her hand firmly.

Aiden had been disappearing during certain hours of each day of the past month for his so called ‘little project’ and he never let Estel in on whatever he was doing insisting that he would show her when he was done.

The two finally came to a stop and Estel whipped her pretty little head around excitedly. “Can I take my blindfolded off now?”

With a chuckle, Aiden stood behind her and began loosening his blindfold, “yes kitty you can take it off now.”

The princess pulled the piece of cloth from her eyes and flattered her lashes to adjust her vision, and there in front of her was a white marble wonder that looked like it was straight out of a fairly tale. It’s high marble walls and pillars shimmered beautifully that it was almost blinding, waterfalls flowed over it like veils and the surrounding was covered in beautiful paths lit by floating lamps and decorated in beautiful flowers and soft green grass.

“Addie,” Estel gasped, “did you build all this?”

“Not exactly,” Aiden responded sheepishly, “It was already here, I just restored it to its former glory, well me and about two dozen other men.”

He took her hands in his and smiled lovingly at her, it was as if the more her pregnancy advanced, the more beautiful and radiant she was becoming. “It’s a gift to you, a labor of my love to you, our child and many more children to come.”


A tear flowed down Estel’s cheek, what did she do to deserve a man like Aiden, he was a dream come true. “I love it,” she responded between sniffles, “thank you so much!”

The nosferatu prince wiped her tears and planted a kiss on her forehead. He then took her hand and led her down the path towards the entrance of the palace, “come on, let’s go break in our new home.”

She gave him a side eye and noticed he was grinning from ear to ear as he walked, “that look on your face looks like you mean ‘break in our new bed'”

“Bed?!” Aiden gasped, “oh no kitty, there’s many places in there I’d love to make love to you other than the bed.” He crouched down and scooped Estel in his arms and gave her a sweet kiss, “now let’s get to it before the parents get here for housewarming.”

Estel chuckled and planted another kiss on his lips, “let’s.”


A banquet was held to celebrate the couple’s new home, and many people were in attendance, both people of nobility and commoners alike, Estel and Aiden instead that everyone be welcome to celebrate with them and mark the start of a new life in Ervelon.

The banquet was in full swing, people were dancing merrily to the music, others were drinking their heads off, others feasting and Aiden was busy whispering sweet nothings to his giggling fiancé while rubbing her tummy.

“They’re such a beautiful couple aren’t they?” Marceline whispered to Tauriel who was sitting next to her across from Aiden and Estel’s table.

“If that’s what you like,” Tauriel responded flatly.

“Oh come on Tauriel you can’t still be sour about all of this,” the nosferatu queen spoke as she interlocked arms with the sulking Tauriel and smiled warmly at her, “you and I will be co grandmothers soon, we should start getting along and supporting the children.”

Taurile tried hard to hold back her smile but failed terribly. Aiden and Estel were truly a beautiful couple, she could clearly see how much her daughter loved the young prince and how much he adored her. And to top it off, they had created a beautiful miracle and practically fused two completely separate races as one. Even Tauriel couldn’t help but be proud of that.

“You have a point Marceline,” Tauriel responded with a chuckle, “we have so much to celebrate tonight.”

A maiden walked to the table and placed four cups of wine for the four queens who were all in attendance. Queen Tauriel of the elves, queen Marceline of the nosferatu, Luna Layla and queen Daena of the dwarves.

“Some wine my queens,” the maiden spoke with a curtsy.

“No thank you I can’t take alcohol,” the four queens said simultaneously.

They all turned to look at each other in shock. “Why can’t you take any alcohol?” They all asked at the same time.

And in unison they all responded, “I’m pregnant.”

All their jaws dropped to the floor in shock. How was it possible that all three of them conceived at the same time? Their eyes trailed to their husbands who were downing alcohol and laughing at the other end of the room.

“Those bastards,” Marceline muttered as he pushed the cup of wine away, “if this is some kind of childish agreement I’ll give them a peice of my mind.”

“I can picture them now,” Daena added on with an amused grin painting her face, “‘you know what would be great, having children at the same time because we’re practically brothers, hahaha'”

The other women on the table laughed at her imitation.

“I guess men truly never grow up,” Tauriel responded. josei

“Never,” the others responded.

Queen Tauriel called for the maiden and asked her to replace their wines with some fresh grape juice after which she rose her cup in the air for a toast. “To the children Aiden and Estel, and to a heathy pregnancy.”



After the celebrations were over and everyone had left the palace, Estel and Aiden retired to their chambers to rest and relax. The princess was sitting on the bed while Aiden was massaging her feet which had become sore after the long night.

Estel was already eight months in and the physician had told them to expect the baby any day and they both couldn’t wait.

After finishing up with her feet, Aiden sat next her and rubbed her tummy gently, it was crazy how he was already so in love with his child but hadn’t even met them yet. He prayed it was girl who would look like Estel, but she on the other hand wanted a boy who looked like Aiden.

“Our bath will be ready soon,” Aiden spoke as he gently rubbed her stomach.

“Really? I don’t know, it’s a little chilly tonight,” Estel pouted, “I really don’t feel like taking my clothes off.”

“So you’re saying you’ll take your bath if you feel warmer?”

“Maybe,” she responded, “but the fire is already lit and I’m still freezing, so I doubt that’s going to happen.”

Aiden smiled slyly and cleared his throat, “you know, I know of something that will warm you right up. In fact, you’ll be begging to take a bath afterwards.”

The beautiful woman looked up at her fiancé with raised eyebrows, “and what might that be? Magic?”

“Well yeah, but there’s something else too.”

Estel became pensive for a little while until she finally gave up. “Tell me.”

Aiden leaned towards her ear and whispered, “friction..”

“Friction-” Estel gasped and looked at her shameless fiancé who was biting down on his lower lip. It was like ever since she became pregnant, his sexual appetite had grown immensely. “You shameless shameless man,” she whispered with a giggle.

Aiden loosened the bows on her dress and exposed her breasts that had grown twice their size over the months. He kissed them tenderly and suckled on her nippless making her gasp in pleasure.

“The physician did say lots of sex is good for you kitty,” Aiden mumbled as he pulled off her clothing, “I’m merely trying to follow the doctor’s orders.”

He lay her down on the soft bed and quickly peeled off his own clothes. “I promise to be very gentle.”

“I’m not promising anything,” Estel spoke amorously. Her bedroom voice always managed to make him as hard as steel.

Aiden moved behind her, placed her back on his chest and lifted her leg with his arm. He positioned his shaft at the entrance and began kissing her neck sweetly while slowly immersing himself in her.

“Mmmh Addie..”

“Yes kitty,” Aiden whispered in her ear while his other hand caressed her breast.

“I love you.”

“And I love you too.”

Aiden moved gently in and out of her core, while she moaned lightly with every stroke. Every time he made love to her felt like the first time and always got him so excited and satisfied. He loved to hear her moan, to feel her soft skin against him and to smell her beautiful aroma.

After they both reached their climax, Aiden carried his fiancé to the bath and cleaned her up, they made love in the bath one more time and then finished up and retired to bed. Sleeping with Estel in his arms was the best feeling in the world, right after waking up next to her beautiful face. Soon he would wake up knowing he had both a beautiful wife and a child, and he couldn’t wait to do that for the rest of his life.

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